Episode 19 : Brother Figure (2)

Times passed away like the blade of my two swords being swung to slay the undeads.

"Mya! Shoot the undeads! You can do it!" I shouted toward her since I was in the middle of the swarm of undeads.

"I-I.. This is t-too much for me..!" Mya shouted back with her trembling voice.

'Goddamn it.' I decapitated an undead's head as I thought.

There was no way for a girl like her to be able to fight when confronted with a crowd of undeads.

I presumed that I might manage to convince her to fight, but to think she would quiver and be scared.

'I need to calm her down.' While I was thinking about my next action, I blocked an attack from one of the undead.

It was trying to chop my head off with its axe, thus I knocked that axe upward, beginning to sway my sword toward its waist to split the undead in half.

Once I did it, the sword in my right hand disappeared as I caught the axe which was falling down.

Wielding it and throwing back at the undeads, just in time when my sword emerged back into my right hand's grasp.

The axe traveled through the air, spiralling a lot until it sliced off a couple of heads and arms.

The one that got their arms cut off, I rushed toward them to finish them off, beheading them before using its body to leap upward in mid air.

Once I was there, I switched my swords to a warhammer, dropping back down to the ground and smashing the floor incredibly hard to cause a slight earthquake.

[You have obtained a new Skill called 'Earth Crumble' Lv. 1!]

I smirked and immediately used it while in the midst of slamming my warhammer on the ground.

[You have activated the Skill, 'Earth Crumble' Lv. 1.]

The ground surrounding my warhammer began to crack, causing rock and boulders to be launched off the floor with them encircling me.

Thanks to this, I held my warhammer's handle firmly to help myself up, kicking all the boulders around me to knock them into the undeads.

Upon the last kick, I put strength on my legs to get them back to the floor, forcing me to lift my warhammer up for another smash.

The unlucky one was the small undead who was trembling from the warhammer descending upon it.

With disintegrating the small undead, I changed my warhammer to a spear, thrusting it behind me to kill the undead who I saw before.

As almost all the undeads were dead, I began to look at Mya, finding out she did nothing but stood there with Behemoth and Mirai.

I sighed, seeing as how I shouldn't bother with helping Mya fight today. Then I started to dash toward the undeads using my skill, 'Discharge'.

As such, the lightning kept building up inside of me, as a result, I utilized it by directing the lightning to the point of my spear, puncturing a roll of undeads before the release of all the lightning bursted out from the tip.

As soon as I was done with these undeads, a couple of them popped out of nowhere.

Without a further to do, I sprinted toward them, avoiding their weapons being used on me.

After I got close, I was about to use my spear to simultaneously sever those undeads, however, the unexpected happened.

Their heads were dissevered first before I did, thus my spear had nowhere to attack except the random stranger appearing out of nowhere.

The man who was responsible for beheading the undeads, noticed my spear coming his way. In view of the fact that he thought I was attacking him, he used his trident to block my spear from severely damaging him.


The sound of our weapon clashing as we collided with each other, having our eyes on one another in the process. Eventually, I used my strength to push the other's weapon back.

[Player '414' has activated his Skill, 'Marine Javelin' Lv. 2.]

But instead, the man ahead of me summoned upon five javelins behind him as I was almost close to overpower him.

The javelins then were beginning to shoot toward me, aiming for my vital points to kill me instead of immobilizing me.

'Does he not know how to aim or does he really want to kill me? No matter.' I thought before knocking his trident away to allow me to jump back.

[You have activated the Hidden Skill, 'Blessed Needle' Lv. 1.]

While the javelins grew closer to me, the needles appeared at the right time, assisting me to deal with the javelins.

As the needles pierced through the middle of all the javelins, I was running toward the man.

The man ordered all the javelins to come back by pointing his trident up before directing it to me.

As I expected, the javelins targeted me as I ran, thankfully for me, my needles advanced in to finally bring a stop to this useless fight.

The man thought I was going to use the needles to fight off the javelins, but he was absolutely wrong.

It was me who was striking the javelins back and destroying them in the process. And as for the needles, they were going for the man in front of me.

Since the needles are tiny and hard to see, the man couldn't block them nor avoid them, so the needles hit the right pressure points on the man, weakly stunning that man for a bit.

Then I took this chance to dash in with 'Discharge'. When I arrived at his side, I knocked him out cold, instead of killing him, I had a gut feeling that this man could be useful.

When the man watched me about to knock him out, he was looking at me with shock and fear as he helplessly stood there.

"Is that all?" I spoke, glancing at the man when he collapsed down to the ground.

[You have activated the Hidden Skill, 'Player Analyzation' Lv. 1.]

"Let's see why my gut is telling me this guy is useful."


Name: Louis Antoine

Age: 19

Level: 15

Health: 1100

Mana: 470

Stamina: 1100

Hidden Skills: 'Extraordinary Multitasking' Lv. 3, 'Culinary Arts' Lv. 2

Skills: 'Trident Mastery' Lv. 2, 'Marine Javelin' Lv. 2


Strength Lv. 12

Agility Lv. 11

Intelligence Lv. 11

Dexterity Lv. 10

Luck Lv. 8


When I was reading through his status, another message popped up. Although it interrupted me while I was reading, this message was enough to completely de-stress me.

[Your Hidden Skill, 'Player Analyzation' has gone up a level!]

"Oh. Finally, it's updated." Feeling content after seeing the message, I smiled as I said.

Looking over to the undeads that I had slaughtered until now, there weren't many experiences to achieve after I used 'Fast Leveling'.

But it made sense, since I was at level 46. Any experience currently wouldn't give me the slightest level up and not much wouldn't even be done if I were to kill a ton of mobs.

While I was thinking, Mya was walking toward me with her still trembling body, so I closed off the panels and gazed over at her.

Seeing as her glance was on the man, she suddenly became frightened with her pale face, pointing her finger at the man. "I-I-Is.. he d-dead..?"

"No, of course not. He's alive still." I spoke casually, thinking that would calm her down a little.

Fortunately, her trembling decreased slightly when she heard me, along with her face getting its color back.

I walked up to her and held her shoulders which caused her to flinch. "What would happen if I died there? Who will protect you?"

"I-I.." Mya whimpered and sobbed, fidgeting with her fingers as she proceeded to tremble more.

'Ah damn it. She's more scared now.' I moved my hands away from her shoulders to facepalm myself.

As I took my hand off of my face, I was shifting my gaze over to the undeads. Then I told Mya. "Let's get the bones quickly and leave this place."

I moved toward the undeads and bent down to take a closer look at the undead's bones before I started tearing them away one by one.

When I harvested a ton of bones, I realized Mya hasn't helped me yet because she was still trembling.

"Mya.. This is your quest. So why am I doing all the work?" I said not in an angry tone, but a normal one.

Mya might have misinterpreted that a bit differently since that was what her expression seemed like.

She then nodded toward me and finally went to one of the undead, lowering herself a little to try and take the bone.

Be that as it may, she was still afraid, so it took awhile for her to even pick up a bone.

With her shaking hand, Mya moved her hands nearer to the undead, closing her eyes shut before touching onto the undead arm.

As she slowly but surely pulled away the humerus, the long bone between the shoulder and elbow, I was observing her the entire time while piling up the bones in a stack.

Upon holding onto the humerus, she opened her eyes to witness the bone, then she switched her gaze on me in which I thought I should clap for her.

Thus, I grinned and clapped as a way to celebrate her first time receiving an item. I even gave her a thumb up to show her she did good on her first try on harvesting a bone.

Not so sure if this is something to celebrate, but either way, I assumed I should do this to cheer her up a little bit.

"How does it feel to hold your first ever loot?" I asked, carrying the bones I had collected.

I walked over to Mya to give her all the bones before placing them down beside her, it was then that she said. "It isn't.. g-great as I thought.."

"It was to be expected." I ruffled her hair and smiled at her.