Episode 23 : Noel Absolute (4)

"Humans.. and some other races mix in." Noel mumbled while gazing at the people he was trying to kill.

"They're my father's teammates, aren't they?"

"If I kill them, will Noelle and I be the only ones in his team?"

Muttering questions to himself, Noel was reminded of his twin sister being trapped inside a massive ice cube. Obviously knowing that his twin sister was fine, he just couldn't bear being alone without her.

"Noelle.. I miss you." Noel longed for her warm embrace as he mumbled.

Since he was alone without anyone to talk to, the loneliness and the isolation caused him to lose his insanity little by little.

Eventually, it would only take him a few seconds until his mind completely grew insane.

Once he witnessed his father's corpse floating in the middle of the hole, Noel began to question his sanity or whether it was even right to kill his own father.

"I killed my own father.. haha.." Noel, almost losing himself, laughed quite loudly which led to his laughter echoing throughout the cave.

His snickering voice being heard by those who were in the cave, could tell that his voice wasn't something to take lightly of.

"Father.. I only have a father now. I'll keep him here with me so that Noelle might be happy." He muttered in a selfish manner.

Crazy or not, Noel gritted his teeth as he was extending his hand.

Because Noel was controlling the ice around JoonChul, Noel was able to make JoonChul do as he commanded.

"This is it. I'm going to murder everyone here with my father."

Not once did Noel think that controlling a dead person was unsettling, he also was thinking that he should keep JoonChul's corpse with him.

"Father would be so happy if he had just chosen the Absolute twins." He spoke with a threatening voice.

With a sinister smirk on his face as he observed the scene in front of him, he figured that no one would find him hiding behind the shadow.

..He thought wrong.


In the meantime, HwanGi who was still struggling to grab hold of the black sword, was finally able to move it up a bit with all his might.

"F..finally! This is heavy and painful."

HwanGi groaned as his hands were shaking a little from having to deal with the black sword's electricity.

Panting as he tried to give the black sword a swing, he suddenly heard a voice coming from the direction of where he saw the figure earlier.

As a result, HwanGi shifted his eyes over there as he could see a smirk reflecting on the face of that silhouette.

He spoke while he sensed killing intentions emerging from that figure. "That person is not good."

As such, HwanGi was going to tell everyone to attack that silhouette, but considering how everyone was already busy dealing with the snowballs and shields, he had to do it by himself.

"Let's see." He said.

With an idea in his head, HwanGi looked at the floor beneath him to see what objects he could find. So when his eyes found a few rocks laying on the ground, he picked them up before turning to look for a hole in the cocoon.

HwanGi thought before grasping the rock. 'This will do.'

After locating a hole which was in that figure's direction, HwanGi built up his momentum by running toward the cocoon before stopping when he had thrown the rock.

And just in case, he had boosted the rock with 'Vortex Wave' to increase its duration in the air.

Since that silhouette was on the opposite side of the enormous pit, HwanGi used multiple 'Vortex Wave' to help the rock to at least manage to hit that figure once.

'Please land.' He prayed.

As HwanGi watched the rock flying over the hole without dropping, he exhaled in a relief manner.

"HwanGi..! A little help over here!"

But suddenly, Alaine exclaimed as she was hit by one of the acid-like snowballs.

"..." HwanGi watched as Alaine got hit, but he wasn't at all concerned about her. He then asked Alaine. "You purposely let yourself get hit, didn't you?"

"What..? Uh, no way."

"..." HwanGi sighed at the sight of Alaine brushing away the snowball on her shoulder and was whistling casually.

"This is no time for jokes, Alaine." HwanGi scolded Alaine.

"Weren't you just standing there and doing nothing?"

HwanGi, feeling stunned that Alaine's words were correct, scratched his head for a little bit. 'It's true that I didn't do anything to help everyone..'

Mya who was aiming her arrows at snowballs a moment ago, had noticed JoonChul flying in. Then she quickly informed HwanGi.

"Uncle! Uncle JoonChul is coming this way!"

After hearing that, HwanGi turned to look at JoonChul as he began to realize that JoonChul was truly dead by how dreadful he seemed.

"Red..?" Bewilderingly spoke, HwanGi.

Noticing blood that remained on JoonChul's frozen chest, HwanGi's eyes became as wide as ever while he was saying nervously.

"No way.. there's blood on his chest. Was he hit in the heart?"

All of a sudden, HwanGi heard Raiden shouting for Frostina. "Frostina! Where are you going!?"

Rotating his glance over there, HwanGi found out that Frostina had left her position and was exiting the cocoon without anyone to accompany her.

Without knowing, his legs proceeded to run, sprinting toward Frostina as he pulled out the black sword. 'What am I..? No, never mind.'

Needless to say, he had to endure the electricity circuiting through his veins by using the black sword, yet he still held it as he cut through the 'Ice-Bound Cocoon' to make an opening big enough for him to get through.

After dashing out of the cocoon, HwanGi created a wall of 'Divine Flame' to replace the hole he made. He then chased after Frostina, discovering that she was running toward the pit.

"Frostina! Go back!" He uttered loudly, causing his voice to be heard all over the cave.

Afraid that Frostina may kill herself, HwanGi used 'Vortex Wave' to speed up his pace. "Wait! Stop this moment!"

In an instance, HwanGi was close to grabbing Frostina's hand to prevent her from going to the hole. But with his current speed, he couldn't stop Frostina in time.


Because of not catching up to Frostina swiftly, HwanGi had to witness her jumping over the pit.

Seemingly appearing as if she was going to suicide, HwanGi with his pale face had halted from going further toward the giant hole.

At that moment, Frostina was slowly but surely descending into the hole without anything or anyone to stop her descent.

"Frostina!" HwanGi exclaimed at the top of his lungs, forcing some of the stalactites on the roof of the cave to quiver.

As his blaring voice was reverberating around the cave, the stalactites that were barely holding on, had unexpectedly dropped because of his voice, including the vibration caused by everyone's movements and skills.

"..!" HwanGi gasped in shock.

With stalactites falling onto everyone, including HwanGi, he was able to dodge it by a hair's breadth after he suddenly saw a stalactite dropping onto him.

"Everything keeps getting worse and worse." HwanGi grumbled as he lost tracks of Frostina and couldn't manage to help her one bit.

"Damnit!" HwanGi cursed as he was dodging a large amount of snowballs and stalactites for his life.

He thought to himself, almost blaming his luck again. 'JoonChul-ssi.. now Frostina.. who's next?'


At that time, Noel who was hit by HwanGi's rock, grew furious by the thought of a mere rock harming him.

"What is this..!? Who did it?!" Noel had crushed the rock when he was talking.

As angered as he was, he got out of the shadow and walked toward the giant pit in the cave.

Since he knew he could be spotted by everyone on the other side, he intentionally glared at them, not once did he care how fast or slow his walking pace was.

Once Noel got near the hole, he didn't stop his pace and continued on moving as if he wasn't frightened by the deep pit one bit.

By then, the most unbelievable thing ever happened.

Noel walking naturally on the air without a care on what was underneath him, he stumbled onto the ice-like platform that had materialized below his feet.

Under no circumstances that the ice was actually summoned under his feet, it was as though his cryokinesis had freezed the water molecules within the air, fully allowing him to walk normally above the massive hole.

"One of you people. Who did it?" Noel halted on his steps as he asked in a rude manner.

Not once did 'The Rebels' Guild's members answer to his question, it was because everyone was currently busy defending against the snowballs and stalactites.

"You little..!!!"

However, Noel misinterpreted it as though they didn't care nor bother to answer. As a result, he felt enraged by his own misunderstanding and was about to control JoonChul again.

Grinding his teeth which caused the air around him to freeze into diamond shape, he pointed his index finger at everyone.

"Every one of you..!! Will die a horrible death!"

Fueled by his wrath, Noel gathered all of the ice that he had made, letting them flow into his finger until he was ready to blast it at everyone.

When Noel's finger charged with his cryokinesis, he was prepared to slaughter everyone in this area.

Thus as he was beginning to shoot..

"W.. what!?" Noel gasped when a sudden gale of chilly wind got blown below him.

Hailing from the pit underneath him, Noel was barely able to see since he was blocking his eyes to stop most of the air.

Despite nearly managing to see, he was slashed by a blue like swing coming from below.


Because he let his guard down, he was hit with a serious attack, it was enough to cause him to bleed. Even though the slash was swung aggressively at his chest, he managed to handle it without any difficulties.

However, the most difficult one to deal with was the person that ascended from the humongous hole, appearing in front of Noel.

"Who are you?!" Noel bawled at the woman.

The woman and her cold dagger eyes were glaring at Noel with no mercies. As her graceful lips were slowly moving, she was already bringing forth innumerous ice pellets.

"Frostina. Remember my name because I won't go easy on you for killing my Liege."

A hailstorm that was aimlessly raining down ice pellets behind her, was storming the inside of the cave.

Was it a bad choice to summon such a skill in this cave? Frostina couldn't think properly at all after seeing her Liege dead within her viewpoint.

Whether the cave collapsed or not, it didn't matter as long as she killed that boy who dared to harm her Liege.

"You'll pay for this!" Frostina expressing her extreme fury once in a while, bellowed at Noel who was staring at her.

..In this split moment when Noel saw this woman named Frostina, his mind completely thought that there would be a dangerous battle beginning soon..

Noel gritted his teeth. 'So that's what it is, huh?!'