Episode 27 : Back in Action (9)

After the tree of life had ceased to exist, the center of the Garden Of Eden was spacious, lending the light to lit up even more of this place.

Shadows of the tree of life were now gone and were allowing back light to illuminate so nicely and peacefully within this place, it was making the atmosphere good-natured in a way.

Quiet yet amiable for everyone within this field, everybody found this to be a relaxing ambience while of course, there were those who didn't like what came after the tree's death.


Fire as a way to describe one's extreme fury was flaring up fiercely around Ruby before widening its flame with great intensity.

"You.. YOU HUMANS!!" Ruby roared with all her might, blaring her wrath upon the people below.

From the moment Eve and Adam heard it, they were getting angry by the fact that those angels think they are high and mighty against humans, just because they are simply angels.

Eve muttered under her lips. [I want to cut her tongue so badly.]

"Humans! Do you know what you have done!?" Sapphire uttered, almost losing her composure.

"So?" JoonChul replied without a care in the world.

Seemed like that was the last straw to outrage Sapphire, because now, she was letting her wrath devour her. Even Ruby was flinching from the coldness around Sapphire, and was slowly slipping away from her.

"Adam." JoonChul called as he swept away the dust of the tree that got on his arms.

[...] Meanwhile, Adam scowled before narrowing his eyes at JoonChul.

Although Adam appeared like he didn't want to be bossed around by JoonChul, he still listened to him and did what JoonChul told him.

After that, Adam held Eve's hand before nodding to her to begin the process, shifting both of their gazes toward the 'Helpers' in the process.

[You are unwelcome to witness the scene that will occur later.]

After declaring what the 'Helpers' should be informed of, Adam and Eve took a deep breath at the same time, synchronizing each other by extending their held hands upward.

At that moment, when the 'Helpers' figured out what these two were trying to do, they started to exclaim their shocks to Eve and Adam.

Ruby growled. "No way? Are you trying to kick us out?!"

"We can't allow that." Sapphire spoke while holding back her rage.

So quick-witted as they were, Sapphire and Ruby brought forth their elements into existence.

Upon having fireballs and snowballs behind them, these angels began to shoot their projectiles toward Adam and Eve without giving them any mercy whatsoever.

As clear as day, the 'Helpers' weren't going to be polite to Adam and Eve anymore, considering that they didn't help protect the tree of life but instead, supported the group who were ending the tree's life.

"May you rest in peace." Sapphire mumbled with a cold stare.

As defenseless as Adam and Eve were for concentrating on kicking the 'Helpers' out, they purposely didn't want to defend themselves because they knew they'll be saved by the others beside them.

Clatter… Clatter!

In a blink of an eye, JoonChul and HwanGi came forth in front of Eve and Adam, protecting them carefully while counterattacking the angels.

When JoonChul was blasting out his copied skill which was 'Thunderbolt', HwanGi had shot his 'Wave Vortex' toward the 'Helpers'.

Within a second, their skills combined into one which was now deemed as 'Rippling Bolts'.

As waves carried along thunderbolts to counter the snowballs and fireballs, they collided brutally with one another to create an epic crash.


Waves, washing away the fireballs, weren't effective enough to wipe out the flame. But thanks to the thunderbolts circuiting within the current, the fireballs were zapped into extinction.

While the snowballs were flowing along with the waves, they remained shooting at Adam's and Eve's location. Thankfully, the combined skill, 'Rippling Bolts' hadn't shown its full ability yet.


In no time, the balls of snow were soon electrocuted to pieces, almost seeming like they were just melting away.

After a short period of time, Sapphire's and Ruby's attacks were deemed to be useless against JoonChul's and HwanGi's. In view of the fact that their attacks failed, the 'Helpers' were seriously getting more enraged by the people here.

"Oh you guys are gonna die." Ruby grunted as she was preparing to unleash her true potential.

When Ruby was making two small rods with her flame, she quickly bawled at Sapphire.

"Do not try to stop me!!"

"I won't. I'm honestly hating this." Sapphire sneered.

As a result of their outrage for not protecting the tree and not even damaging the people here, they were madly planning to release their true power at this very moment.

"This is truly hilarious to watch."

Upon hearing JoonChul's comment, HwanGi took a glimpse of JoonChul's expression, noticing a smirk with a wicked vibe in it.

HwanGi exhaled a sigh as he sheathed his sword. 'He looks more like a villain right now.'

In the meantime, as if Adam and Eve would give the 'Helpers' time to ready their true powers, Adam and Eve had finally completed their charging.

Without any delays, Adam and Eve swiftly went straight ahead by expanding a sphere of 'banishment' out toward the 'Helpers', passing through the people down beneath while knocking away the unwanted pair out of this garden.


Immediately, the angels were savagely getting pushed by the red sphere, attempting their utmost by blasting their own elements at the sphere.

"What the freak?!?" Ruby groaned.

..But it was to no avail when the 'Helpers' were being cornered to the glass wall of the garden, cracking the glass in the process as Sapphire and Ruby were being knocked into it.

Crackling… Crackling…

With a crack, the glass wall broke by the exerting forces from the angels, imploding the glass panes to expel them out.

The moment the red sphere stopped, the angels were nowhere inside the Garden Of Eden, they were currently outside the greenhouse with the snow.

In a flash, the glasshouse fixed itself with the shattered glass before recovering the wall to its perfect condition to not let the angels in once more.

No one could hear what the 'Helpers' were bellowing about, however, everyone could tell that the angels' reactions were devastatingly ticked off.

..And their surroundings were a sight to see.

Little by little, Ruby was heating up her vicinity which prompted the snow to melt around her.

As for Sapphire, she was immensely exasperated that everything around her was bursting out snow and frost.

One could see that with Ruby's continuous heating and Sapphire's constant frosting, these two were just countering themselves while also destressing each other with their elements.

"Silly fools." Frostina spoke.


After having the 'Helpers' banished from the Garden Of Eden, I was truly relieved that I didn't have to stay in the same place with those bastards.

As I watched those angels roaring like fools, I sighed at the fact that they didn't realize what they were doing to their surroundings.

"Those two as a pair does not work at all."

[But you and this guy made a better pair!]

Out of a sudden, I was grabbed into a hug by Eve who jumped from behind me, squeezing me and HwanGi into a tight embrace.

"..A pair?" With HwanGi-ssi? What kind of joke is that, Eve?" I responded with a slight chuckle.

I was wondering what HwanGi would think about this, thus when I looked at him and saw his expression. It seemed like it changed from delighted because of Eve's words to displeased after HwanGi heard me.

'Did he like the idea of me being his partner or something?' I raised my eyebrow until I removed myself from Eve's arm.

'I prefer going solo instead of worrying about others' well-being.'

Afterwards, I waved my hand toward Mirai to tell her to take her hands away from Mya's eyes now.

The moment when Mya's eyes weren't blocked anymore, Mya became puzzled by the tree's disappearance.

Even I could see that Mya was trying to ask Mirai about why the tree of life was gone, but that wasn't what was important right now.

After getting my signal, Mirai was taking the baffled Mya toward the spot where the tree died. Before I took out that 'seed' from my inventory, I told Mya.

"Do you want to see another beautiful tree?"

"Really..?! Yes, please!"

Mya's eyes lit up like the stars in the night sky as it seemed she already forgot about the tree of life and was now interested in this new tree, sparkling eyes because of the thought of seeing nature do its things.

Eventually, I persuaded Mya, obviously taking advantage of her favoritism in nature.

"Then may you surround this area with your melody? Wouldn't that be nice for the tree to grow while listening to your melody?"

"Y-Yes! I will!"

"Thank you."

I smiled before walking over to the tiny pit in the middle of where the dead tree would have been.

"Let me guess, is it a big tree just like before?" Alaine's voice was overheard behind me.

Accompanied by her question, I heard Louis's voice. "I bet it won't be as big as the last one."

"Wrong! I'm sure this tree will be bigger than before!" Mya giggled excitedly.

A smile slightly formed on my face as I chuckled quietly to myself.

Anyways, as soon as I placed the 'seed' inside the pit, I was scooping up some dirt off of the ground with my shovel and was covering the pit by and by.

..It's Lucifer as my shovel, btw.


[It looks like they're leaving now.] Adam unexpectedly spoke from behind me.

By then, I said to him as I tapped the dirt where the pit was. "Much better."

[You really hate angels, don't you?]

"My answer will be the same as yours."

[Typical of you.]

I only shrugged and removed myself from this area before I started walking toward Mya to tell her that I was done with the planting.

By now, Mya was joyful by the fact that everyone would get to hear her melody, as she began to fill this whole garden with her soothing music. While she was doing that, I must give the 'seed' a pool of water or else it wouldn't grow.

"HwanGi-ssi. Help me with watering this seed." I called out to HwanGi who was standing beside Alaine.

HwanGi nodded toward me, and that was it..

[Player '1' has activated his Skill, 'Wave Vortex' Lv. 3.]

After that, he just arrived next to me and was already preparing to shoot his 'Wave Vortex'.

Casually, I just gazed at him for a second which probably was weird for him to see me staring at him for a while. But either way, I got to look at him for a moment to check his stats.

..His stats were good, I guess.

[Imitation of 'Multi-Blasters' Lv. 3 has activated.]

[Combinations of 'Wave Vortex' Lv. 3 and 'Multi-Blasters' Lv. 3 had turned into 'Myriad Deluge' Lv. 3!]

In the next few minutes, a flood was about to happen in this tranquil garden..

Since this 'seed' required plenty of water, it needed quite a lot to the point that a pool of water wasn't even cut out for it. As a result, I thought it would be better to just create an ocean with HwanGi..?


"But why am I doing this with him when I could just do it by myself?" I asked myself in a little bit of a predicament.

While I was left dazed by myself, countless water streams were shooting out from different directions, going toward one location which was the 'seed'.


With an endless amount of water flowing in a truculent manner, the gusts of wind were galing around me and HwanGi rapidly. As we witnessed this sight unfold before us, I thought this scene looked like a showerhead raining down a flood of water to the drain.


Out of the blue, I suddenly heard HwanGi with a stunned glance mumbled to himself under the windy gale.