Episode 33 : A Disaster (6)

As chills spreaded throughout the entirety of the throne room, somewhere in the center, a slight warmth was being illuminated.

"Elle.. Just hold on."

Noel, who was holding onto Noelle's hands, squeezed his eyes shut as if he was praying for his twin sister to be okay.

"It's fine.. So please be alright.."

Whimpers leaving from Noel's lips, along with the fear of losing his one and only sister, his expression could explain his situation quite clearly.


..A gleam of light flashing with warmth was radiating in between Noel's and Noelle's hands, soothing the frost that was freezing their bodies little by little.

"It's warm, isn't it, sis?" Noel spoke restlessly.

As it happened, the glint of light that showered the twins with warmth, was in between their grasps, holding it as an object to melt the frost from freezing their bodies completely.

"Ugh.. This is really painful.."

As a quick reminder, the vassals in the Ice Dragon's possession wasn't just Noelle alone, but Noel as well.

Which meant that Noel would soon lose his consciousness from having his energy and ice power being diminished by Bianca.

It was why Noel was faintly having eyelids that were too exhausted to keep him awake, closing when he least expected it.

"I can't sleep yet..!"

Despite his eyes giving up on him, Noel wasn't the type to let go of Noelle's hands even if the Ice Dragon was consuming most of his energy.

And beside, the object that he was holding, was the item called 'Ferocious Fireball'.

A ball of fire that JoonChul pulled from in his loot boxes, was unbelievably burning with heat to settle the frost on the Absolute Twins.

"It's so warm."

As a matter of fact, the Ice Dragon's unending frost was too winterous that the 'Ferocious Fireball' couldn't burn it entirely, even as multiple fireballs were to be held by Noel and Noelle.

"When this is over, let's thank papa for saving us, shall we, Elle?" Noel smiled at the sleeping beauty, Noelle.

Thanks to the fireball, Noel and Noelle could halt the process of being transformed, meaning that these twins won't have to get their hair changed to white and irides to yellow.

Though, the important thing was that the Absolute Twins were surviving much longer because they haven't yet been consumed by the Ice Dragon.

"Urk..! Even if it's hot, I'll be here for you, Elel!"

Acting like a true brother, Noel was desperately clutching Noelle's hands tightly while being burned and frozen with her at the same time.

"Focus more, Noel! We are close to saving her!" Crystal exclaimed while standing on top of Noel's head, concentrating her attention onto the fireball and Noelle.

She then uttered toward Louis who was standing in as a guard for them. "The fire is dying! Louis if you please!"

"Right, here you go!"

Without delay, Louis switched the fireball after Crystal kicked out the flameless ball toward Mirai's direction.

Since the fireball had died down, it was obvious that they needed to change it before the frost could get any worse.

"Whew, it was a close call." Thankfully, Louis had changed the fireball just in time as per Crystal's words.

..But why was Crystal knocking the old fireball toward Mirai and Mya?

The answer to that question was..


Mirai and Mya, who were preparing something big, noticed the ball flinging toward them with its fire completely gone.

"Arigato." Mirai cried out, profusely sweating.

Retrieving the ball, Mirai grabbed it with her hand as she crushed the ball to bits to sprinkle it onto the hole she and Mya were creating onto the ice floor.

Judging by how the hole was being filled with the pieces of the so-called 'Ferocious Fireballs', Mya had planted something in the hole before covering it up and laying a thin layer of snow above the hole.

Mya wiped her sweat, talking to Mirai and glancing at her. "Aunt Mirai, should we do it now?"

Having heard Mya, Mirai beamed a smile on her face before responding. "Yes, we should do it now. Let's give it all we got, shall we?"

"Yes, I will!"

[Player '16' has activated the Skill, 'Mother Nature's Blessing' Lv. ???.]

[Player '555' has activated the Skill, 'Nature's Melody' Lv. 2.]

Music played with a soothing lullaby while the seed inside the hole was springing its growth thanks to Mirai's skill..

Yet, it wasn't enough to bring forth a miracle with just Mya's and Mirai's skills combined, which was why it was making Mirai anxious as if she was having second thoughts that this plan might not work.

'If only I have my other hidden skill, it would have sped up the growth process much faster. Kuso!!'

Inwardly swearing in her mind before shaking her head to remove those negative thoughts, Mirai unexpectedly found her gaze to be on Mya.


When Mirai watched how Mya was giving it her all despite the uncertainty of this plan actually working, it just showed how much Mya trusted JoonChul which prompted Mirai to be somewhat amazed.

"Sugoi.." Dazed, Mirai murmured.



All of the sudden, a surge of ice beams surfing and cutting through air at a fast pace as well as a river of snow clouds flowing down deadly snowflakes, were being targeted at everyone because of the Ice Dragon.

"Get down!"


In the spur of the moment, Mirai surrounded herself with her cocoon which protected her and Mya from the Ice Dragon's attacks.


"Even these felines as well?" Mirai groaned as she could sense the cocoon getting ripped apart by the snow leopards on the other side.

'Why did it have to be set at a lowest level?' Grumbling about her skill's chances of getting high or low level, Mirai ground her teeth.


Without expecting it, Mya exclaimed while summoning forth a wall of thorns. "I'll help!"

With an immediate action, Mya supported Mirai's defense by adding her own defense skill, furthering the chances of having no leopards rushing at them.


"It's tough..!" Mya groaned as she was feeling the pressure of the Ice Dragon's attacks.

"We'll be fine." Mirai confidently spoke.

..Clatter!! Clatter!!

Sooner or later, their skills effortly defended them against the Ice Dragon's ice attacks which led to Mya and Mirai both managing to get away from receiving massive injuries.

Mya cheered while starting to pant little by little. "We did it!"

Immediately after that, Mirai went back to enhancing the seed's growth as she warned Mya. "Quickly. We have to focus before another attack comes!"


Even though Mya was tired, she knew she must do her duty since it was what she could do to improve her strength.

'I can do this!' Mya cheered for herself while she resumed helping the seed grow alongside Mirai.


After a few hours had passed, amongst the players within this boss room, some were exhausted while some were fighting with all their might against the Ice Dragon, 'Bianca'.




From shrieks to cries for help and exclamations to pants resounded with great intensity while they echoed unpleasantly inside this throne room.


Be that as it may, when these sounds were exiting everyone's mouths, another unfamiliar sound had left someone else's mouth.

"Fufufu." Alexandrite chuckled, enjoying this entire situation before continuing with her talk.

"I assume this must be too difficult, then is it preferable if I were to inform you all how to defeat the Ice Dragon, 'Bianca'?"

[Do not interfere.]

In spite of the Ice Dragon having quite the challenging dilemma with 'The Rebels' Guild, it managed to land a chilly glare at Alexandrite, bringing shivers to her spine in the process.

Still, Alexandrite resumed on.

"Was it my incalculation that I mistook your excitement for this battle? I was certain that you may give the Players a chance to give you a more exhilarating match, was I incorrect?"

[I do not dislike this situation, thus I will not allow trickery from you.]

"Is that so? Then I apologize."


The moment Alexandrite ended her sentence, she was casually taking a deep breath until she suddenly saw a ray of ice breath blasting her way as if Bianca knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Players! If you defeat the vassals who are the twins, the dragon will lose most of its power! I pray you don't disappoint me!"


Upon declaring an important information to the players, Alexandrite was currently generating a shield that looked like a gemstone of her name, safely protecting herself from the dragon's wrath.

[Your apology is unacceptable!]

"Indeed, it is." Someone uttered.

A voice which was fueled by rage and contempt, echoed out from the lips of JoonChul with his eyes glaring like his eyeballs could pop out at any second.

"You shall die now."


In a blink of an eye, JoonChul changed his course and was heading toward Alexandrite at a steadfast speed, gripping onto a sword coated with an out of control black mist.


'Is he not joking?'

Considering a player was planning to murder her, Alexandrite was vexed as one could tell by her purplish brown hair. "You cannot kill m—"

"Stay out of this, bitch!"

Out of the blue, when Alexandrite was ready to deal with JoonChul, she unexpectedly overheard a female voice coming from her back at the last second.


It was then accompanied by a sway of a scythe cutting straight through Alexandrite's back.

"Keuk!" Alexandrite let out a faint groan before backing off from the area immediately.

"You! What is this crude attempt of slaying an angel?" Shortly after, Alexandrite grunted while her wound on her back was faintly recovering.

Asher, the one who dealt a slice wound on an angel, laughed it off. "Lol! I can't believe it was this easy to attack an angel. Haha!"

As her laughter was a distracting response to Alexandrite, the angel unexpectedly noticed the change in this player's tone after she had stopped laughing.

"Ha.. You must really find it fun to watch us die before you have the chance to say this one tiny hint to us, huh? Ain't being a bitch a hard job? It really sickened and tired me to see bitches like you in the same place as me."


"Shut up and leave, bish." Asher scowled with disgust.


"Well said, Asher."

A person who Alexandrite had neglected for a second, had suddenly emerged from her back, clutching on her wings until he swung his sword to slice off her defenseless wings.

Alexandrite shrieked in agony. "ACCCKK!!"

On the other hand, Asher whistled when she watched as the angel was now wingless. "Damn, JoonChul. Now I pity this 'Helper'. Just kidding! Ha!"


In that moment, JoonChul ignored Asher and mischievously whispered to Alexandrite's ear while she was screeching from the pain.

"Your wings were cut so easily like a piece of cake. Aren't you just so helpless?"

"How dare you do this to me?!" She cried out before rotating and landing a kick on JoonChul's stomach.

Sad to say, she had missed JoonChul by a few inches since he had already left the moment Alexandrite had turned her body.

"Oh my Satan~ Look at this~ What a sight to behold~ It would have been nice if I did a thrill kill." Asher tried to incense the angel.

Provoking and belittling Alexandrite at the moment, Asher chuckled in pleasure with her impellent stare. "Pfft, ain't this hilarious to watch?"

As her laughter ended, Asher swiftly switched her stare to a glare. "Now.. Why don't you vamoose already?"


With a jump into a portal, Asher disappeared which prompted Alexandrite to be surprised and cautious for a surprise attack.



Surprised since it wasn't an attack, Alexandrite witnessed a portal popping right in front of her with a hand that was pushing her into the portal behind her injured back.


..It was too sudden for Alexandrite when she had thought Asher was going to go on the offense, but to think she was actually trying to get Alexandrite out of this area..

"You humans are as tactless as ever!"

Irked and furious, the last cry left Alexandrite's lips before she had inescapably disappeared into the portal, wholly emptying out an irritating angel from the throne room.

"Trash." Asher scowled before sighing.

By then, Asher scoffed. "And this angel was too naive to even realize she was the filthy garbage that was tossed to the trash can."

"Isn't that right, JoonChul…?" Asher was about to ask JoonChul, but it seemed he had already gone to deal with the Ice Dragon.

"What a hard worker."


As silence took over, Asher was watching the Ice Dragon battling against 'The Rebels' Guild.

"Isn't this a good view?"

Without a doubt, she managed to attack the angel and was able to stay in the mid air while doing so. And the reason for her to be able to stay in the air was because she was standing on her scythe.

"I'm smart for a reason. Haha."

Her scythe that was protruding out of a portal, was acting as a platform for Asher to stand and watch from above.

"Ash, don't just stand there! Get down here!" The guy that Asher was with earlier, had called for her.

"Dude, what do you want me to do? Can't you just go and take out that vassals or whatever when JoonChul and his friends are fighting?"

"Getting your help is a must."

"Hell no. I don't want a bad relationship with them just yet."

"..." The guy was definitely getting annoyed by Asher's attitude, but either way. "Okay, fine. I'll just kill the vassals and be done with."

"You should have done that ages ago."

"I really hate you, Ash."

"The same goes for you."


Immediately and unexpectedly, the guy unleashed a horde of flame around him before glaring at Asher and pointing at her.

"Next time when we fight, it won't be a draw but a win for me." He declared as he sprinted toward where the throne with the Absolute Twins were.

Scoffing at his words, Asher sneered like a reaper as she uttered something that the guy wouldn't know.

"Killing me, ay? Too bad, you'll be killed by JoonChul first just by going for the vassals."

When she thought and imagined how the situation would occur if JoonChul and that guy fight, Asher could agree to herself that JoonChul would definitely win. "Probably not? I don't care either way."

Considering the thought of slaughtering the Absolute Twins, Asher was nearly hoping to kill them without a second thought.

"I guess I should just pop out through my portal and kill those twins on the spot.."

"Hm, maybe I should." Asher smirking like a reaper she was, stared at Noel and Noelle's direction with a murderous intent.

Even after she said that, Asher instantly erased that idea from her head. "But why the hell would I want to do that? It would be too goddamn easy anyways!"


In no time, Asher averted her glance to the Ice Dragon, noticing it fighting with its might against JoonChul and his friends.

"Dang, look at that. The lizard is going hard by shooting ice and stuff."

Asher, who was excited by the thrill of killing, leaped into her portal to quickly teleport at the Dragon's back.

"Let's go and reap all the good from this goddamn lizard!"