School and Relantionships

As early as 7:30 Dreamer slowly woke Peter up. One of the benefits of having a symbiote was that he could wake you up without making you feel groggy. Waking up without feeling groggy was a new experience for Peter, he always felt groggy when he woke up. That was also why he was either late or just in time everywhere he went.

He slowly got up from his bed and walked to the washroom. Brushing his teeth, after taking a dump, he started showering. After showering and drying up he went back to his room and started dressing up. Taking his bag, he went downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey, Aunt May, What's for breakfast?"

"Wha-! Peter, you scared me. Why are you up early, generally you don't wake up till the last 15 min before the bus arrives."

"Well, you know trying to follow a schedule"

"Hey Good Morning Peter, It's nice to see you wake up early," said Ben coming down from upstairs.

"Yes, you should make this a habit Peter," added Aunt May

"Yes, I am trying to Aunt May"

quipped Peter

After eating breakfast during which he drank some milk which he did not like due to a craving created by Dreamer.

As Peter arrived at the Busstop chatting with Dreamer all the way. What he didn't notice was that compared to yesterday his coordination of doing things while talking to Dreamer was drastically improved as he adjusted to talking to Dreamer and doing work at the same time.

Peter arrived at the bus stop at which point he saw some of the other kids of his neighbourhood. Then slowly encouraged by Dreamer he started to talk with them, with tips from Dreamer he started chatting with them forming a basic acquaintance.

Slowly as his school bus came Peter said them goodbye as he quickly boarded the bus. As soon as he boarded the bus his first challenge came for the day. Who to sit Next to? In the end, despite persuasion by Dreamer, he sat at an empty window. Well, Dreamer guessed you can't win every time.

At the next stop, one of Peter's few friends got in,'Flash Thompson'. It was a Bizarre experience for Dreamer to know that 'Flash Thompson' was a friend of Peter.

Dreamer was dumbfounded by Peter's evaluation of friendship, no wonder this guy got bullied a lot. His definition of friendship was wrong.

So for the remaining travel, with the help of Dreamer Peter talked a lot with Flash and slowly got to understand a lot about Flash. It was also during this time that Dreamer found a possible flashpoint at which Flash changed into a Bully. Flash's parents were fighting all the time and would probably go for a divorce. He guessed if Peter helped Flash through his parent's divorce he would probably become one of Peter's Best friends.

Dreamer felt very guilty for planning to manipulate a middle school kid, but then he consoled himself that as long as the result was a positive one it wouldn't be a huge problem, but he thought to himself that he should better control his manipulative tendencies, just in case.

Once in school, Peter took his stuff from the locker and headed to the Homeroom. There he saw Peter's best friend Harry Osborn. This time Peter didn't need help and chatted up Harry. From this Dreamer understood that it wasn't that Peter had bad communication skills but he just didn't dare to make new friends. Well, with dreamer's help he would probably make a lot more friends.

Peter talked all about his day yesterday and all the changes he was making, Harry was looking curious as to if he was wondering if Peter could do it but he just shrugged and let it go and told Peter his events yesterday.

For the rest of the day, Dreamer helps Peter learn a proper and efficient method for note-taking and organising the information during the lecture. He already taught Peter how to organise information coming from an article, papers and stationary media yesterday. Now in the class, he taught Peter how to organise and properly take notes in a lecture.

This was one of the points Dreamer was disappointed in the education system. No one taught the children how to take notes. From Elementary to even college, no one taught them to take notes. They just wrote down things haphazardly. If one wanted to learn he had to teach himself and that what he did in his last life. But aside from the rest of the day went similarly, With Peter chatting up Harry when he got bored.

For the rest of the entire school year which was 3 more months, By this time Dreamer and Peter had become a team and helped each other out and slowly Dreamer was teaching Peter to have normal human social interactions and mentoring in his mind techniques and all the learning skills and tricks he amassed in his last life.

Dreamer was blown away when Peter learnt and incorporated and habituated all his skills and tricks for learning except the mind arts in 2 months. It didn't mean that he didn't learn his mind arts, it was just that unlike the other skills, the first time a mind palace is made it has to be made step by step brick by brick otherwise you risk causing damage to your personality.

It was also during this time that Peter started offering tuitions and selling copies of his notes. It started with Flash and Harry but the word spread around and many people started taking the offer.

At one point he was almost tutoring at least one guy in every class, but this was also a boon in disguise as this improved Peter's understanding of learning capabilities of the human mind furthering his progress in his understanding of the technique.

Slowly as summer started Peter lost a lot of work and pressure because there were no tuitions and no schoolwork. But still, Peter hung with some of the new friends he made after the help of dreamer and old friends like Harry and Flash.

But still, as Dreamer reminded him every time he had free time, reorganize everything you learnt before into new notes. Finally now a week into summer vacation Peter completed all the organization.

So, for the next week, Peter helped out his uncle and aunt in the complete cleaning, maintenance works like painting, plastering, etc and organization of the house. For which Peter did 3 hours of research before to make it more efficient in doing and learnt lots of tips and tricks to make it cleaner and also the proper way of storage to keep them in good condition.

It was OCD for Dreamer to have stuff organized and having to clean and organize the entire house felt like getting an itch scratched. He felt wonderful, and as connected to Peter he also felt the same. It was natural for most of the people to like cleanliness but some people were just lazy.

After helping Aunt May and Uncle Ben, Peter started to take notes on all of the fighting techniques and why they work and how they work, why they were effective etc. After working on it completely possessed scientist mode for over 2 weeks he gradually formulated a plan to train for mixed martial arts.

He just didn't learn one technique, he learned from all of the techniques and formed a hodgepodge of technique, which was unique in such a way that it covers off the weaknesses of the techniques in the next chain of action, so on so forth. Thus he started practising the technique in the park in the neighbourhood.

One day, he was training when a bulky Asian man came over to him and said...