My Dreamland South Korea.,.

Tomorrow is my result of Seoul university entrance exam. Ufff!!

I have always admired South Korea because I am big fan of Korean drama. That is why I am desparate to go there and learn Korean language in seoul university.

It is summer vacations going on, in my school and it is for 2 months. Summers in India really sucks. Ufff! phh!!

But if I will clear my entrance exam than my friends will really envy me.. hehehehe! .

They are big fan of some kpop boys. I don't know about them um.. um.. m. maybe so called BTS!! I can't understand what is so special about them.

Whatever.! I don't care, Just be focussed on university.

I think I am lucky because I won't be alone in foreign country, my one family friend Vanisha who is 3years older than me is already living there. She is also in language course and it's her second year there in seoul university.

Suddenly door opened.,..

Omo! who is it? oh mom!!

"Why are you shocked, isn't it normal for me to come here?" mom asked with a grin

"No. no.. I was just thinking about Korea and suddenly you came so.,,. "

Interupting in between mom said "Ok! Ok! I was just here to ask you the timings of your results."

"Oh! it will come tomorrow at 9 a.m."

"Okay.. So I am going out to buy some sweets." Mom said with little excitement

"Sweets?? why? For whom? "

"For you my dear, because I am damn sure that you will pass" Mom replied proudly

"Mom! ma..! How can you be so sure? "

Mom left in the middle of the conversation..

"hnn.. huh!! She is putting me under lot of pressure. "

Next Day.. (Day of result)

"Akanksha come down and have your breakfast "(dad odered)

"Coming,.. " I replied with sad face

"Come on daughter, let's have our last dinner together,. " Mom said with wet eyes.

"Why are you acting like I am going to die? " I replied

"How can you say such words, at such a lovely time? " dad said with little harsh voice

"Okay... I am eating" I replied with no expression

"By the way, what's wrong with your face akku. Why are you looking so pale?" Mom asked worriedly

"That's because I wasn't able to sleep last night.. because of you guys" I replied with tensed face

"what? us!! " They both said together with little surprised look

"Yes, How can you be so sure that I will pass and what if I can't? " I asked

"We believe you my baby" mom said with loving face

"but.. bu,. t"

interuppting me in between dad said"ok ok enough, leave it and just eat"


After 2 hours,,

"Okay! So it's the time.Finally! Finally! Let's hope for the best" I whispered to myself.


And the result appeared..
