Akku is back

"haaash! finally you understood"

"hihihihi" I smiled

"but one thing that I was surprised was with her swelling problem, I mean it's really true and I took it as a joke" says jungkook.

"yeah I also thought that she is kidding" jhope said.

"Hey.... why would I lie"

"yeah .... sorrryyy" jungkook apologizes

"Ok so now as our akku is back, let's celebrate" jin shouted

"yeah..." we all shouted back except RM and V

They both are not involved with us. RM is standing at the back with the support of wall and crossed arms and V is also quite. I don't know why he is acting like this, it's strange.

We all watched a Korean movie together as it is our favourite work to do. We all ate delicious korean foods. All the members drank soju (korean alcohol) but I drank milk shake, I have to wait three more years to drink soju.

Today I enjoyed a lot like I used to do. Now I can say "Akku is back".

We talked a lot especially me and V. I am most close to v and comfortable too. We both share everything with each other, we both are besties.

As everything is ok now, I wanted to ask lots of questions to RM like how he entered in girls dorm, what iruru said to him that he came to meet me etc etc. but I think I should wait. Its better to forget it now. Maybe it will remain mystery for my whole life.


"Vanisha I want to ask you something"

"what?" she asked

"actually today I was with BTS"

"what!!?? BTS.Is everything alright now?"

"yeah, everything is good. And one more good thing, only you,me,RM and iruru know about that"

"haaash that's a relief, but what you want to ask"

"everyone was giving me lecture about love and all but V didn't mention it even for once. He talked with me about random stuffs but didnt mention that. He was very quite,he was very strange. I wonder why?"

"umm... see I always wanted to tell you this but I didn't because I was not sure"

"just tell me"

"I think v likes you"

"what!!?" I shouted surprisingly because I don't think so.

"you see, why would he invite any stranger girl to BTS house at the very first meeting? Why he took care of you from the beginning? Why he was so close and is close with you that much? Why he asked for your number first? RM was responsible for your wound but why he took care of you and also why he still want to be in contact with you, now you are all fine but why he is still nice with you?"

"and also you are saying that he was quite and didn't mention that, answer is simple because he is jealous"

"you have point" I said without blinking, I am deeply immersed in my thoughts.

"I think you should ask him .. and confirm with him" she said.

"no, ofcourse not. I am not sure. And I don't want to ruin my friendship with him because of this. I can't accept him so it's better to ignore this ." "and one more thing, it's easy to go in relationship from friendship but it's impossible to go back in friend zone after relationship"

"yes you are right, but I am damn sure he loves you" she again mentioned

"whatever,, let it be"

I told her let it be but I am still thinking about it. I never wanted this to happen, also I still don't think it's true because he has never said this, vanisha is just making assumptions. But she has has point, there is a possibility.

I was just thinking about all these suddenly my phone started ringing.

Its iruru who is calling... "Hello" I said with a very heavy rude voice.

she is crying on other side, but I won't forgive her. She is apologizing and crying at the same time. I don't want to forgive her, but I can't let her cry like this, I am not that rude so I get soft and said "ok, I am forgiving, but never ever try to contact me. delete my number and I'll block and delete yours too"

"ok akku as long as you are forgiving me, I'll do this" she said while crying.

"before hanging up and before cutting all connections with you I want to ask last question what made you call me, you were ignoring me till now. So made you apologize today?"

"I cant tell you, that person has asked me to not tell you anything. I am sorry"

"Hey tell me I want to know desperately" I shouted.

"sorryyyyy but try to understand otherwise it will worst for me and I am hanging up now"

She hanged up. Aaah my head is about to burst. How can I handle lots of suspense in my head. There are tons of things that I want to know, I don't want to die in suspense.


I am in the class, daydreaming and abruptly teacher asks "akanksha why were you not attending classes"

"I was not well"

"you better take care, after 10 days it's your final exam of this one month programme and study hard"

"ok ma'am I will"

I almost forgot about the exam.. time really flew by. I am enjoying a lot here with BTS and vanisha. I don't want to go back, but sadly I have to.

Ridhi asked in the middle of the class "unnie what are your plans for today, shall we go for shopping if you are free?"

"sorry but I have to go to BTS house, they have asked me to meet them on daily basis especially V"

"unnie can I also come with you please... please" she asked with a baby face and I can't say no so I agreed.

"but you have to follow some rules, 1. you won't ask for their phone number a

or any personal details,2. I know you love them a lot especially Jin but try to control yourself, just you have to follow these two rules"

"ok unnie... thank you so much .... love you" she jumped and shouted.


We are on our way to BTS house. I can't focus on anything just thinking about those stuffs, about iruru about whether v likes me or not, why RM came that day and how he managed to enter in girls dorm and all.

I can't bear these anymore, I think I should ask them.