I opened my eyes and, found that i was in hunter x hunter, i looked around, and came to the conclusion that this was before, the first phase, and that Gon and his friends didn't get here, yet.
I looked around, to see if anyone was by me. And looked if i have a purse, or backpack on me, i saw that i had a red and brown, purse on my shoulder. I looked inside to see if there was a mirror inside, there was. I took it out, and i was sitting down against the wall this whole time, so it was a little difficult to take it out. So i got up a little and took out the mirror and saw how i looked, i was feminine looking and, now that i notice it, I'm wearing female clothes, or should i say a black hoodie that reaches up to my butt, and sleeves that end to my wrists, and a skirt that covers up to my mid thigh, and the skirt is tight, let me just say that. With, nothing under, legit. This target must be a pervert, for the system to make me, wear this clothes, not that i don't like it, I do.
So i was girly looking, eh? I got up and, planned to looked at what abilities, I can buy from the system to help me with the hunter exam, and my target, too. First let's see who my target is.
I called for, Ray. And asked him, "Can i see who my target is."
"Your target is Hisoka. The creator, determined that you were smart enough, to take a harder target for, your target. Originally it was leorio. Good luck, Isra." Ray, said with a smile, like he was proud. :>
I froze.. What?!! Hisoka??? That, Hisoka??!!!! I mean, I have always thought he was hot..BUT, how am i gonna get a psychopath to love me?!!
*sign* "i guess i'm just gonna have to deal with this.." i said, looking like I gave up on life.
Now let's just get some sleep, i bet i looked like a weird, i was legit talking to myself and looking at a black space. I would think i was a weird, or a creep. So, anyways, Hisoka, is a pervert and i have a god damn, sexy body... I just thought of a perfect plan.
So, i guess i have to act like a innocent, naive child for now. -_- For my plan to work that is.
I fell asleep and was playing uno with, Ray in my head actually. "Can i buy, something that gives me an innocent and naive aura, or something?" i asked, Ray.
"of course, Here's the skill that can do that." said, smiling, like a bussiness man.
[ aura skill ] +
• gives user of skill the ability to manipulate their aura to match what they want, or do what they desire, also give them the ability to make their aura give off a certain type of feeling.
{price €1000 SP}
'That's exactly, what i want!' i thought. But, the skill was worth all of my SP.. Oh well i'll just do quests to get more money. I bought the skill and woke up. And did i mention i was wearing my hoodie on? well, i was. It's all for my plan. Otherwise i would be showing off, my body and face.
I looked around, and saw that, Gon and his friends are just talking with Tonpa, now. I put my purse down.And, then I started, I walked over to them and asked Them, " Hello! is this your first time here?" i said grinning widdly, obviously faking it. I would never act like a idiot, well, maybe sometimes. They all looked at me. Did i mention i have a pleasant melodic voice? well, i do. (i sure keep saying that).
And i have soft snow white skin. So i i actually looked pretty and sounded pretty even without me showing my face. Gon the little ball of sunshine said, "Yeah! is it also your first time here?" He was so cute!!!!!!
"Yeah it is! How did ya know? I was just sleeping cause, i was bored actually!" I said, smiling widdly with my hoodie, over my face still, and my aura skill on, to show a innocent and naive aura.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Gon, Gon Freecss!" He said, Smiling, He's such a cute little ball of sunshine, I don't know how Ging can leave, such a cute little ball of sunshine, behind?
Not that i can say anything, since i'm shorter then, Gon, I don't know why i even picked this height. Well, this can strengthen our friendship, in away if all goes well, anyways. Let's create myself a character, now, shall we? "Nice to meet you, Gon! I'm Rin, Rin Minato." Minato like Minato Namikaze. Anyways, i said that smiling again and, still giving off, that damn aura.
"How old are ya, Gon?" i asked, like i was curious. And i looked back and saw the other guys, kurapika, and leorio. I acted like i didn't see them and said, "Oh, sorry. I didn't see ya there, I'm so sorry!" i said, like i was truly sorry, of course.
"It's okay! i don't mind! Well, I'm kurapika, and this is Leorio! nice to meet you!" Kurapika, said.
"It's fin, Leorio said seeing that i didn't stop bowing. "I gotta go I lost my purse, I'll go look for it! i hope next time you tell me your age Gon!, bye!" i said leaving.
And, then i left them for Tonpa, who still didn't give them the juice, yet. I looked at where I was sitting that was where I left the purse, I saw killua, using my purse as a pillow.
I tried waking him up. By poking him, of course. With a stick. He woke up, and looked around, while rubbing his eyes, i think his guard was down, cause he didn't feel killing intent or malicious aura from me. I tapped his shoulder, he looked at me, and blushed, because unlike Gon he wasn't innocent. I looked at him like i was worried. "Are you, okay? Do you have a fever?" I asked while, looking sincerely, worried.
"I'm fine. It's nothing. So what do you want?" He asked flustered. I acted like i forgot and tilted my head to the side. Then i acted like i just remembered. "Oh, yeah! I just wanted my purse. That's my purse~" I said, smiling naively, like i didn't notice my voice sounded seductive at the end.
He blushed fiercely, Then looked away and said, "Here!" And threw the purse at me and ran away. I looked confused.
"What was that about??" I looked around for hisoka, He was talking with Gittaracku/Illuma. I acted like. i was looking for Gon and his friends, and accidently bumped into Hisoka, He turned around, and i bowed and said, "sorry, I was looking for my friends!"