WebNovelLOVE HATE86.67%


Xian, where are you?" Shang stepped into the bathroom.

"I've been expecting you" I smirked, my voice almost startled him because of the dim light so he could hardly see me.

Dried rose petals floated on the water, lilies by the corners and some on the floor.

"What are you doing here?" Shang exhaled.

"And why have you been expecting me?" Shang arced a brown at me.

"Let's just say because I want to" I smirked.

"Look, I don't get what you are trying to say woman but I'm not interested" Shang turned to leave.

"Oh that's too bad, guess I'll just have to throw this in this toilet" I picked up his phone that was close to me.

"Huh! You're with my phone?" Shang turned back with his eyes wide open.

"Yeah, sure" I smirked.

"Okay good, gimme" Shang stretched his hands.

"Nope, I won't" I chuckled.

"Look, I don't have time for your games woman, just give me the phone" Shang frowned.

"Un uh" I smiled.

"Fine what do you want, money? Flowers? Shoes?" Shang asked.

I slowly came out of the water while Shang gasped and closed his eyes immediately.

"Are you crazy!" He half-yelled.

"It's okay, you can look" I laughed.

He slowly removed his hands from his face.

"See, told ya" I wore a black lingerie body ventre plat.

"Oh wow, she even bought a costume" Shang mumbled in a sarcastic manner.

"Well if you want your phone, you gonna do what I want just for tonight" I smirked.

"So you wanna have your revenge huh!" Shang folded his hands.

"Yeah, kinda" I smiled.

"Nah, won't do it" Shang turned back to leave.

"Okay, I'll just throw your expensive phone in the toilet with all your business contacts and all those important documents in it" I smirked knowing he would definitely turn back.

He paused a bit and folded his hands into a fist.

"Okay, I'll do what you want" Shang turned back.

"Good boy" I smirked.

I slowly walked towards him with my feet stepping on the lilies, I stopped when I stood in front of him.

I slowly took his hands and placed them on my waist, I raised my head to see his reaction with a smirk on my face.

Shang gasped, I could feel his hands quivering on my waist.

"You don't need to be afraid, I'm your wife right?" I smirked, but he didn't answer.

I pulled his collar down to my height, moving closer to his face until we were just a few inches apart.

I pressed my body on his chest to make sure he feels my breasts.

"Do you like what you feel?" I whispered in his ear, He swallowed hard for an answer.

"I'll take that as a yes" I chuckled.

"I've always wanted you so badly, now my wish has come true" I smirked.

I placed my hands on his face as a leaned forward, Shang's eyes followed the movement of my lips as he moved back a bit.

I opened my eyes that was half-shut before.

"Shang, please don't move okay" I whispered, he nodded for an answer. He closed his eyes and stays still waiting for my lips.

He opened his eyes after the waiting became too long.

I smirk and stared at Shang's face.

"I knew you have been waiting for me for so long" I smirked.

Shang eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Okay lemme help, shoo! Go away, I don't wanna kiss you" I smirked.

"Ugh! You are so annoying!" Shang stumped his foot as he walked away, while I giggled and followed him behind.

"Hey, take this" I gave him his phone, he violently pulled it from my hand.

"Geez, what's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's nothing, I'm just tired, I need to rest" Shang laid on the bed and shut his eyes.

"Okay, if you say so" I laid at the other side.