5 - You let overgrown goblins into your tavern?

Lucius walks the streets of E-Rantel in his white raven armor that he updated to have white and red metal plates instead of the white cloth from before. He has a white longbow on his back and his white and red serrated katana. The whole time he's walking down the streets he has a massive smile underneath his helmet taking pride in the fact he has three beautiful women following him.

Carmella wears cleric like armor, which consists of white robes with chainmail with a white mace. Narberal is in a rather simple looking adventuring gear a crème colored shirt dark brown pants, black boots, and a long brown cloak she has neatly wrapped around her hiding her outfit. Lucius looks over to Apex who walks with her arms behind her head in a lax walking style. She wore grey and black plate armor with a mask that resembles a wolf leaving her lower jaw exposed revealing the caramel-colored skin beneath she notices him looking and smiles.

"Now then Andrea, Nabe you both know the purpose of this mission correct? We want to learn as much as we can as safely as we can so we all are posing as adventures. The second objective is to raise our fame as adventures and make various contacts within the Re-Estize kingdom." Lucius said in a hushed tone as he walks past various peasants, soldiers, and adventurers.

"You exceed all expectations, Lord Lucius." Narberal said. Lucius looks around then pulls everyone to the side of the road where nobody is nearby.

"Nabe! I am Lex, your Nabe, Carmella is Carla, and Apex is Andrea. Do not forget this!" Lucius shouted in a hushed tone staring down at her.

"Apologizes, Lord Lex…" Narberal then said only getting an exacerbated sigh out of Lucius. She blushes as Lucius stares down at her. "I'm sorry Mr. Lex?"

"Fuck it good enough… Now then let's get to the guild and register already. Before Narberal… Uh, Nabe… Well, I was going to poke fun at her for messing up but I very well can't do that now." Lucius said causing Carmella and Apex to laugh as he scratches the back of his neck. They continue walking down the street before coming across the adventurer's guild. Lucius smiles as he enters with everyone else drawing attention the moment they walk in. Lucius takes in the sight of many adventures most of them being males.

"The scent of testosterone is overwhelming in here…" Apex said reaching under her helmet and rubbing her nose.

"Ugh… I know it's absolutely pungent. I pity your sense of smell in particular, Andrea." Lucius said patting her on the head in a way you would do to a dog. She chuckles a bit before they continue on and walk up to the counter. Lucius's gaze is immediately drawn to the bust of the lady at the counter he is taken aback at the sheer size of her bosom.

"Sir?" The woman asked tilting her head towards him.

"Oh, apologizes my gaze tends to wander… I wanted to ask what the registration fee is." Lucius said turning on the charm.

"It's nice to hear somebody actually apologizing for staring. The fee is twenty copper pieces per person." The woman said retrieving some papers from bellow the desk and placing them on the counter. Lucius twitches thinking he's going to have to sign something but notices they are just the various rules and a guidebook.

"Quite a steep fee…" Lucius trailed off grabbing the proper amount of bronze pieces from a pouch he has strapped to his belt. He places them all on the counter without counting them which the woman noticed giving a strange look as she goes to count them all out. Her strange look fades back into a smile as she walks to a room in the back. Lucius picks up the pieces of paper and guidebooks stashing them in his satchel.

"Lex if you strike out with her I would like a shot." Carmella said making Apex snicker.

"Let me guess Andrea after Carla strikes out you're going to take a shot as well?" Lucius asked nudging Apex who just smiles in response as the counter lady comes back with four necklaces that had pieces of copper attached with the new worlds writing for E-Rantel on them.

"Here you all go… None of you will be able to take on requests until tomorrow as we need to finalize the paperwork." The woman said before sitting back down in her chair. Lucius takes the necklaces and hands them to his female companions before stealing one last look at her bosom before leaving the adventurers guild.

"Now then need some lodgings… Cheap lodgings I saw what looked to be a tavern and inn so that would be a good place to look." Lucius said to the trio as he walked back down the street. They come across the inn he had seen from before he smirks at the door as it's something you would see in an ancient old western film.

"Time to make a grand entrance!" Lucius said stepping towards them and pushing them aside as he enters. He has caught the attention of everyone in the tavern as he had intended too. He steps towards the counter before looking to his right seeing a woman with ginger hair staring at a blue potion with a wide smile on her face as if she was treasuring it she glances up at him as he passes along with the three women.

"A room? It's going to be ten bronze pieces a night for four rooms. Meals for four people come up to six additional bronze pieces." The bearded man said before looking up at Lucius.

"Meals won't be necessary. We would like one room so long as it has two beds that can fit two people. We have to save some money after all." Lucius said placing five copper pieces on the counter knowing this is more than the man would say.

"The room is on the second floor in the back." The man said before going back to cleaning a glass mug.

"Thank you." Lucius said nodding his head before turning to the left walking towards the stairs. He stops as he looks down to see a bald man putting his foot in the walkway. Lucius sighs before looking to the man then back to the tavern keeper. "You let overgrown goblins into your tavern? I might just reconsider staying here."

The bald man stands up in a huff stepping up to Lucius looking livid.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like if somebody your exact size and weight went flying across a room?" Lucius said which confused the man. Lucius suddenly lifts the man up and throws him across the room in one fell swoop making him crash into a table breaking it completely. Lucius looks back to the keeper who just sighs and shakes his head. Lucius is about to continue walking as a woman is heard yelling across the room.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! What the hell are you doing!? My potion shattered because of you! You better pay for it!" The woman with the ginger hair said obviously upset. Lucius takes a step back as she is right up against him.

"What kind of potion was it?" Lucius asked scratching the back of his neck.

"It was a healing potion!" She shouted back. Lucius opens a satchel he has hanging from his waste and pulls out a healing potion and hands it to her.

"I'm sorry for my mistake miss. Please accept this healing potion as compensation for the overgrown goblin rudely breaking it." Lucius said turning away and walking up the stairs and to the room the keeper had mentioned. He enters with the girls.

"Who's sleeping with whom?" Carmella asked looking at the two rather large beds.

"Since you all would probably fight over it… Play rock paper scissors to see who sleeps with me." Lucius said claiming the bed on the left side of the room. He removes his armor and places it into his inventory before lying down on the bed. He looks up to see Narberal blushing furiously while Carmella and Apex look dejected.

"Well I suppose you're the victor Nabe." Carmella said no longer looking dejected but staring at Apex with a smile.

"You know what I'll just leave on my ring so I don't have to sleep I'd rather not be assaulted by Carla as I try to sleep." Apex said looking over to Carmella who now looks dejected once more.

"I'm glad I can get a good night's sleep on anything. I'm turning in I'll leave enough space for you Nabe." Lucius said scooting closer to the wall and closing his eyes. All the while Narberal nervously sits down on the bed.


Lucius stands in front the request board looking at the various jobs for copper plate adventurous. He sighs seeing how they are all extremely underwhelming. Lucius completely ignores the many people talking about him and his companions.

"I read the rule book when I first woke up and we aren't allowed to take any requests that don't match our plate." Lucius said looking through the various jobs as he bites his fingernails beneath his helmet.

"We could all split up and take separate jobs to get the most money possible." Carmella said reading some of the copper plate requests.

"Can you imagine if a certain succubae heard about any of you not being with me? It would be disastrous!" Lucius said rather loudly grabbing the attention of a group of people coming down the stairs. He looks over to the group. "Hey, we're new to this whole adventuring thing do you have any suggestions on what would be a good starter?"

"I would suggest monster hunting with a party like yours… Actually, you could help us with our job!" The brown haired fighter said.

"Oh? I would like to introduce myself and my companions before committing to anything." Lucius said looking upstairs. They all climb up the stairs and take seats at a table.

"Then, let me introduce everyone. I am the leader of 'Swords of Darkness' Peter Mauk." He said nodding his head he then turns to the blond sitting at the edge of the table nearest to Narberal. "That is the team's eyes and ears, the ranger Lukrut Volve."

Lukrut waves at Narberal with a smile but she just brushes him off. Peter then turns towards the man with a beard and continues. "This guy deals with healing magic and the manipulation of nature, the druid Dyne Woodwonder."

"Nice to meet you." Dyne said with a smile and nod.

"And lastly, this is our magic caster and the brains of our team, Ninya the Spell Caster." Peter said with his arm pointed towards Ninya.

"Nice to meet you. But Peter, can you stop calling me such an embarrassing nickname?" Ninya said looking at peter while smiling. Lucius leans in and looks closer at Ninya noticing something.

"Huh? Why not?" Peter said looking down at Ninya.

"This guy is a talent holder." Lukrut added leaning towards the table now.

"Oh is she… Ahem, oh is he? What kind of talent do you have?" Lucius asked placing his head on his hand while he leans on the table.

"He has the talent, Magic Affinity. It takes you four years to learn magic that normally takes eight, right?" Peter said looking back to Ninya.

"I feel very lucky to be born with this talent. It allowed me to take the first step toward realizing my dream." Ninya said with a bittersweet smile while looking down at the table.

"Either way, he's a famous talent holder in this city." Peter said looking rather prideful

"Nphirea Balear is far more famous than me. He can use all magic items." Ninya quickly responded.

"Interesting… Ah, where are my manners I'm Lex. To my right is Nabe she is our spell caster. And to my left in order is Carla our cleric, and Andrea our defender." Lucius said bowing his head along with the rest of his group.

"Our current job is to eliminate monsters near the city." Peter said.

"Sounds like good work... Does the city guard request it?" Lucius asked leaning back in his chair still looking at Ninya through his helm.

"Um, it's not a job that was requested. Depending on the strength of a monster, the guild will receive money from the city to reward us with. That will be our reward this time around." Peter said leaning on the table.

"It's a necessary task in our way of life." Dyne added.

"But it still puts bread on our table. It also lessens the dangers for the people around us. It��s a win-win situation!" Lukrut exclaimed. Lucius smiled and nodded his head.

"Well, that's how it is. We're going to hunt around the forest south of the city. How about it? Will you join us?" Peter asked with a nervous smile.

"To the south of us is 'The Great Forest of Tob' right? That place is absolutely crawling with monsters… So that's going to be a major payout so yes we will. How about seventy-five and twenty-five percent? My team with twenty-five and yours being seventy-five" Lucius said leaning back in his chair even further. As everyone on the other side of the table smile vibrantly.

"Why only twenty-five percent Lex?" Apex asked looking over towards him.

"Well we are only copper plates and they didn't have to offer us a job. But anyway it's a pleasure to meet such bright individuals." Lucius said removing his helmet revealing short black hair instead of his usual crimson. His face was also ever so slightly different than before but would still be considered attractive. He reaches across the table to shake peters hand but they all stare at him stunned.

"I uhm... So we aren't going to shake on it?" Lucius asked snapping everyone back into reality peter eagerly grabs his hand and shakes it.

"By the way, what kind of relationship do the two of you have?" Lukrut asked looking between Lucius and Narberal.

"That's an awfully complicated question…" Lucius said thinking of a response.

"Well we all had to play rock paper scissors to see who would sleep with him last night." Apex chimed in making Lucius laugh heartily and slap the table.

"That's far better out of context… But in all seriousness we are all allies." Lucius said standing up and stretching.

"I'm in love! It was love at first sight! Please go out with me!" Lukrut said leaving his chair and kneeling before Nabe.

"Shut up slug. Talk to me once you know your place. Shall I cut off your tongue for you?" Narberal said in a cold tone. Lucius snickers as he looks down at Lukrut.

"Thank you for such a harsh rejection! Then, let's start as friends!" Lukrut said making several peculiar movements.

"You maggot, do you want me to spoon out your eyes?" Narberal said looking over at Lukrut glaring.

"That cold gaze of hers is so…" Lukrut is suddenly interrupted by peter elbowing him in the back of the head.

"Sorry for my friend's rudeness." Peter said with a sigh as he bows his head to Lucius.

"Hmm, if you're a masochist I think Carmella would be more your speed… But even then I doubt your chances." Lucius said putting back on his helmet. The groups wrap up their talk and begin walking down the steps.

"Since our groups are already ready, let's leave immediately." Peter said. Lucius only nodding in response. Once they near the bottom of the steps Lucius spots the large busted woman from the counter.

"Mr. Lex? You have been requested for a specific job." The big busted woman said making Lucius stop dead in his tracks confused.

"I doubt that request is for me." Lucius said tilting his head and staring at her.

"Mr. Nphirea Balear requested a group that matched your team's description." The woman added as a young man with an absolutely awful bowl cut steps from the crowd.

'This is extremely sketchy… I don't know anybody here. Unless he saw us walking in the streets but he doesn't exactly look like somebody who gets out often.' Lucius thought to himself as Nphirea approached.

"Nice to meet you I am the one who requested your team." Nphirea said looking up towards him making Lucius uneasy.

"I have already made plans for today. I'd rather not betray the trust of somebody when a better opportunity arises." Lucius said trying to back out of this situation.

"It's a personal request for you though! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you since its coming from Nphirea Balear!" Peter shouted urging Lucius to accept the job.

"I suppose I'll hear out his request…" Lucius said then sighed deeply as he turned to walk back up the stairs making everyone behind him walk back up the stairs and to the table they all had talked at before.

"I am Nphirea Balear. I work as a pharmacist in this city. I plan to go to the forest near Carne Village to gather herbs. I would like you to guard me and help me collect herbs during the trip." Nphirea said waiting for a response.

"Hmm, I have an excellent idea in that case. Peter you said you were going to hunt monsters in the forest to the south of the city which is the same forest that Nphirea here will be heading too. So I suggest we merge these two jobs into one. I'll hire your group to assist in protecting him. While I have full faith in my companions it would be better safe than sorry." Lucius said taking a deep breath Lucius reaches into his pocket, pulling out a full glass of water, and takes a drink lifting his helmet partially everyone looks at Lucius confused as he puts the glass back into his pocket.

"To add upon what Lex is saying. While Lex is a ranger he is more of a shoot them from a mile away type so he has no real detection capabilities. Therefore, Lukrut would be a unfortunately valuable asset. And furthermore since we are going to be in a forest it would be best to have a druid which we lack in our party." Carmella said looking over to Lucius who nods at her having saved him his breathe.

"You both possess keen insight." Dyne said smiling and nodding his head.

"We'd be grateful for the request!" Peter said in high spirits.

"I am all right with it as well." Nphirea said in agreeance with Peter.

"Perfect. Now something has been bothering me Nphirea. Why have you requested my group in particular we only got into town late yesterday so the list of people who know about us is rather limited." Lucius said looking closely at Nphirea face. He visibly recoiled at the question.

"I heard about what happened at the inn. A customer of mine talked about how you tossed a higher rank adventurer across the room effortlessly. The person I normally request had recently moved to another town, so I thought it was the perfect time to try something new. I also thought it would be cheaper to hire copper plates." Nphirea said in a matter of fact tone.

'He's obviously up to something but I just don't know what it could be about… Shit, the potion I gave that woman she has to be his customer! Hers was blue despite her saying it was a healing potion and I handed her a red one… She even looked at in a curious way. But I stupidly overlooked it in an effort to go to sleep. He probably just wants to know about it.' Lucius thought to himself before looking back up to Nphirea.

"Do you have any other questions?" Nphirea asked. Lucius just grinned and shook his head no.

"I don't have any questions but I would like to leave while the day is still young." Lucius said standing up from the chair once more and stretching.

"Alright, let's go immediately." Nphirea said.

"Actually I have one last question… One you might have trouble answering." Lucius said in a morbid tone causing Nphirea to audibly gulp. "How the hell can you see with your hair like that?!"