I don't like making people suffer... But I'll make an exception for you.

The next night everyone is back in E-Rantel nothing of note has happened due to having the 'Wise King' with them on the way back to the city. Everyone stops before an alleyway to the side of Nphirea's shop.

"Alright Lex we'll all go with Nphirea and help him unload everything." Peter said with a smile after a hard couple of days of work.

"Thank you. I need to register 'Hammy the ultimate and Legendary Fluffy Queen of the Forest.' At the guild so I'll catch up with you guys after and we can go to a tavern or something if you're all up to it." Lucius said now lounging on Hammy's back with his arms crossed behind his head as he stares at the stars.

"Hammy is already bad enough a name why would you add to it?" Carmella asked shaking her head in disapproval but Lucius just snickers.

"I like it it's the perfect amount of over the top." Apex said scratching Hammy on the chin. Lucius's group walked down the streets as many town people look on in awe. Lucius chuckles thinking this must be quite the sight to behold and that people aren't as amused with this as he was.

Finally at the guild Lucius enters and walks up to the woman with a huge bosom and leaned on the counter. She signs some sort of contract for a separate team then looks up at him.

"Is there something I could do for you Mr. Lex?" She asked with a smile.

"Well there are a couple of things I could think of but… For now, I would like to register a magical creature with the guild." Lucius said still leaning forward on the counter.

"Lucky for you I have the proper forums right here… What kind of magical creature is it?" She asked with a quill in hand as she moves a couple of the papers on the counter and dips the quill in the inkwell.

"The Wise King of the Forest." Lucius said causing the woman with the large bosom to flinch spilling ink all over the counter. Lucius twitches as a sense of dread washes over him. "I don't want to be rude but I'm in a bit of a hurry."

"I'm sorry Mr. Lex but I'm going to have to get another Inkwell then we can continue with the registration." She said standing up then walking to one of the back rooms.


Lucius leaves the guild irritated about just how much time it took to register Hammy and is about to rush back but is stopped by a small old woman. He clicks his tongue as he was trying to ignore the crowd but turns to face the woman.

"Excuse me but aren't you the adventurer my grandson hired? I'm Lizzy Balear, Nphirea's grandmother." She said as another sickening feeling washed over him.

"Ah… Well I promised that I would hurry back." Lucius motioned for Lizzy to come here he then lifted her onto Hammy and they sped walked back to the shop where Lucius quickly enters drawing his weapon.

"You three don't let any harm come to her." Lucius said his lighthearted tone replaced with one of absolute seriousness. He enters the back room and sees everyone from Peter's group on the ground with many wounds. The sound of porcelain cracking is heart as Lucius quickly reaches up and touches his face beneath his mask seeing a red glow while feeling a crack. Groans are heard as Peter, Lukrut, and Dyne rise to their feet.

"What happened? Where's Nphirea?!" Lucius asked in a concerned tone as he now noticed the greenish flesh, white eyes, and countless wounds. He quickly stabs his sword through the foreheads of each one of them finishing them all off as fast as he can. He crouches down nearby their corpses and closes their eyes. He turns to see Ninya slouched against the wall not turned into a zombie. Lucius walked up to her corpse seeing the sheer amount of wounds that suggested that she was tortured. "Carla get in here right now!"

Shortly after Lucius had shouted for her she entered the room and let out a loud gasp as she takes a step backward.

"Player killing One-O-One find those responsible. I need to step outside before I lose it." Lucius said in a cold tone as he feels his face cracking even more. He quickly leaves the room ignoring Lizzy as he takes a step outside taking deep seething breathes barely containing himself.


"Lex… They are in the graveyard on the outskirts of the city we have also witnessed Nphirea in the middle of an undead army." Carmella said in a nervous tone approaching Lucius. He only nods in response walking toward Hammy before jumping onto her back. A beep could be heard as Lucius places his fingers on his ear.

"Lord Lucius, There is something I must tell you." Entoma's voice said.

"Do not bother me right now I have a stain I have to remove. We'll speak whenever I have the time and no sooner. Got it?" Lucius said in a cold tone.

"Understood, please contact Lady Albedo at that time." Entoma's voice said before the message spell disconnected.

"Head to the graveyard right now!" Lucius yelled jumping Hammy into overdrive Lucius leaving everyone else behind. After sprinting through the streets Hammy finally comes across the gates to the graveyard where soldiers are struggling with a few pathetic undead. Lucius draws his bow and makes a motion of drawing an arrow. The arrow shines brilliantly as he aims it at a massive undead made up of bone. He waits for a moment before the massive skeleton is about to strike one of the soldiers then fires the arrow that tears into the giant skeleton where it proceeds to loop around creating a lace out of holy magic as it loops in and out of the undead. It suddenly tightens before the skeleton is destroyed with holly light.

"Call other adventurers here now!" Lucius shouted jumping off Hammy and over the wall, which separated the graveyard from the city. He lands on the other side seeing countless skeletons who all rush at him. He looks up at the wall to see no soldiers watching so he sheaths his weapon and begins sprinting through the undead smashing them and sending shockwaves with each step.

He comes to a sliding stop as he finds a group of men in red robes with their hoods up surrounding a bald man who quickly looks up at Lucius stopping whatever chant he was doing. Lucius looks closely at each and everyone one of them and discerns that none of them are who he's here for. The bald man opens his mouth to speak but Lucius is suddenly in front of every single one of them with his arm outstretched to the right with his sword drawn.

"Oh? How are you all still standing?" Lucius asked his voice now deep and distorted. As all the men fall into two pieces on the ground before him creating a massive mess. "I know you're here none of these men had piercing weapons."

A woman with blond hair and a black cloak steps out of the darkness of a nearby mausoleum. She looks perplexed as she stares at Lucius who stands over the men who were severed in half.

"I don't like to make people suffer… However, I'll make an exception for you." Lucius said in a cold tone as his voice distorting even more.

"Oh? Were they your friends? Are you here to avenge them?" She asked but no sooner than those words leave her mouth Lucius lunges at her swinging his left arm at her but she quickly ducks and he hits to stone mausoleum taking out a huge chunk of it. Lucius quickly grabs her cloak as she tries to evade him and rips it from her trying to get a good grip. Lucius looks at the cloak before tossing it aside.

"You surprised me with that speed and strength of yours! You didn't even let me introduce myself. I am Clementine and I'll show you just why people fear me!" she shouted drawing one of the blades and standing at the ready.

"Hmm, I suppose introductions are necessary no matter how furious you are. I am Lex… No, Lucius Daimon Saintlin of Ainz Ooal Gown. And you have incurred my wrath." Lucius said removing his helmet revealing large cracks on the right side of his face with red light pouring through His hair slowly turning back to crimson as he glares her down. Clementine tilts her head as if trying to figure out what he is. Lucius smiles wickedly as he turns around and swings in the complete opposite direction from Clementine. She is suddenly struck from behind being sent flying a tree the sound of bones breaking echo through the graveyard. Lucius now stands where she was struck from cracking his knuckles.

Before she can properly stand, Lucius is in front of her and swings once more with his left hand but she rolls out of the way with a horrified expression on her face. Lucius hits the tree turning it into splinters. He slowly turns to face her as the cracks begin to spread around his body. Red vapor begins spewing out of the right side of his back.

"What are you?!" She shouted holding her right arm unable to move it. Lucius just smiles as he advances towards her but she does not move. He grabs hold of her leg as she finally gets the will to try to escape. She quickly grabs one of her other weapons having lost the other after being sent flying and stabs at Lucius's nearest eye but the blade doesn't pierce at all it just slides off the left side of his face not even leaving a scratch.

"Nothing in this world has been able to even hurt me as of yet… So stop resisting and beg for forgiveness. I'll give you mercy killing you instantly." Lucius said gripping tighter and tighter as she squirms ignoring him while trying to escape. He gives her an annoyed look before gripping as hard as he can completely crushing her leg and the bone as if it was nothing he lets go and lets her crawl away before stepping forward and stepping on her back.

"Well you have chosen poorly oh so poorly now no matter how much you beg you shall suffer for all of eternity after I get credit as the adventurer Lex of course… Don't worry whenever I decide to actually kill you I'll just resurrect you at the Great Tomb of Nazarick where you will look back on our little session here and regret you hadn't begged for a quick death." Lucius said flipping her around onto her back and sitting on her stomach as she flailed around punching at him in a panic before wrapping his hands around her throat gripping tightly.

"Cure wounds." Lucius said as Clementine's wounds completely heal themselves as he continues to strangle her every time she would fade out of consciousness he would repeat the process of healing her to prolong her suffering. "I'll give you one last chance to beg…"

Lucius chokes her even tighter as she tries to say something but he just smiles wickedly as a red halo with black runic writing floats just above his head with his eyes vibrantly glowing as a dark mist begins to surround his body.

"Well you missed your last chance to beg for mercy… How sad." Lucius said letting go of her throat pulling one of the daggers the 'Swords Of Darkness' had been using. He then plunges it deep within her left eye killing her instantly. He takes several deeps breaths as he climbs to his feet before kicking her corpse aside. He turns to see Apex, Carmella, and Narberal standing in wait for him as the halo fades away. He closes his eyes and takes several deep breathes. The cracks on his skin begin to fade away along with the halo.

"Carla go find Nphirea and make sure that he is unharmed… And if he is found to be harmed in any way cure him of whatever it is." Lucius said in a calm tone before looking to Narberal before stopping a moment to collect his thoughts. "Nabe and Andrea collect any gear they had and bring their bodies to the front of the mausoleum. I have to contact Albedo as something has come up."

"Message… Albedo I was told to contact you whenever I had the time what is the matter?" Lucius asked letting out deep breath.

"Lord Lucius, Shalltear blood fallen has betrayed us." Albedo said in a serious tone. A crack could be heared once again.