
When I woke up the sun was just beginning to rise and I was suddenly aware of the lack of body heat behind me. I turned to find that in place of Hideyoshi there was a note just beside the futon. When I turned to retrieve it I disturbed Nobunaga and he woke up. He yawned as he sat up and stretched his arms. "Did it really happen? Or was it a dream?" He asked sleepily.

I opened the note. "Good morning. I didn't want to risk being found by staff in our bliss this morning. My room is just next to yours. Breakfast in the garden?"

I handed the note to my sleepy husband. "See for yourself." He read it and I watched as the smile conquered his face just before lunging towards me and pulling me into his lap. "I love you Rina. Did you enjoy it?"

I ran my fingers across his jawline. "Very much." He kissed me deeply. I could feel the admiration through his lips.

The staff was informed of our plans for a private picnic and set it all out under a large tree. As we ate Nobunaga and I couldn't avoid noticing the concerned look on Hideyoshi's face and distracted way he ate. I had finally had enough and decided to crawl over to him and into his lap, straddling his hips as Nobunaga stood and got behind the worried looking man and sit behind him. He lay back, resting his head on Nobunaga's lap and I leaned forward to rest my head on his chest.

Nobunaga ran his fingers through the honey colored hair by his face. "What is bothering you Hide?"

He sighed and thought for another moment before speaking. "I don't want to ruin this with all of my questions and concerns."

I picked my head up to speak. "What if your questions and concerns can all be answered and resolved?"

Hideyoshi laughed. "Then I would suspect that you practice magic."

Nobunaga stared out over the garden as he spoke matter of factly. "She is a phoenix." Another heavy sigh from Hideyoshi made me worried and Nobunaga saw it and reacted. "You should still take a wife— and you should give her a child as quickly as possible so she won't bother you." I reached to slap Nobunaga for speaking so politically and about such a topic. Hideyoshi caught my arm though and gave me a stern look followed by gentle words. "He's right. It's expected of me to do so soon, and it would only be a marriage of duty." His hand slid to my shoulder and down to my back his other hand reach towards Nobunaga's face. "It could never be anything like this though."

I hat it, but they are right. He needs to secure his own legacy. My eyebrows knit as I came to a realization of my own. "You won't enter me until you know I'm carrying an Oda, or am I wrong in my thinking?"

Nobunaga was the one to respond. "There can be no question who's child you carry, so until you're with child— we will make other arrangements."

I pouted. I could already feel Hideyoshi under me, slowly growing from the topic of conversation. "What kind of arrangements? We aren't introducing another woman, if that's what your thinking. I can hardly stand the idea of him with a wife."

They both laughed and the vibrations from his diaphragm shook me against him. Nobunaga saw the slight blush in my cheeks. He reached for my face as he leaned closer to me and above Hideyoshi's face our noses touched as he whispered. "There are several other gates he can enter between the two of us." Hideyoshi let out a meek "oh?" A sound I'm going to grow accustomed to I'm sure.

We turned our heads down to him, our heads staying connected by our foreheads now as Nobunaga continued. "I know you'll be gentle and patient with us. Unless the rumors aren't true?"

Hideyoshi was stiffening beneath me as Nobunaga spoke, but he kept a focus on the conversation. "What rumors?"

Nobunaga smiled. "They say that you're a lavish and gentle lover who enjoys pampering his partners."

I can see that, the way he held me after last night, leaving little kisses, or how he praised both of us while Nobunaga was taking me. Hideyoshi smiled. "I don't know if that's true, but I'll do my best to live up to such high expectations."

My body was starting to heat up from the conversation and the man's desire that had grown stiff against my own aching. I started to rock my hips, and we both gasped a little at the sensation.

Nobunaga laughed. "You two—" he rolls his eyes. "Lets go relax in the hot spring before the two of you get any further."

"Nobu—" I whined, I can feel Hideyoshi's form and I want it.

They each grabbed one of my hands. Nobunaga's eyes were soft as he spoke in a slightly demanding manner. "I promise it will be worth it our phoenix."

They both beat me to the water. I found them sitting close to each other near the back, their outside arms resting on the ledge behind them and their inside arms under the water.

"I hope you helped him. It was so cruel to not give him release in the garden." I admonished the devil king as I approached.

Hideyoshi grinned. "It's been— take care of."

I sat across from them, watching their faces drift back in relaxation and roll inward towards each other. What did I do to deserve so much? My dark haired, carnelian eyed, passionate husband, holding the hand of our honey blonde, golden eyed, gentle and attentive lover.

With his head still rolled back and eyes still closed Hideyoshi beckoned me to him. "Rina, sit between us." He lifted their joined hands out of the water and let go to rest them on the edge. I answered the gentle request and sat between them. Leaning my head back into the crook of Hideyoshi's elbow.

Hideyoshi spoke up after a moment, worry in his voice. "I should head back to Azuchi. I left Mitsunari and Ieyasu in charge."

Nobunaga and I went to protest at the same time, causing a small chuckle in all of us. Nobunaga spoken with authority on the subject. "I'm sure they can handle things for two more days before we return. We'll tell them that there was a potential wife for you here." Hideyoshi relaxed, accepting his commander.

A few more moments passed before the honey blonde spoke again. "I've never— been with a couple." That adorable blush dusted his cheeks again. "And I'm honestly not sure which one of you I want more."

My voice was serious as I rolled my head to look at him. "I've heard both of your sides and the one thing that I heard you both express was desire for each other, and also for me. I can feel the pull between the two of you, like a tidal wave, and at the same time I can feel the desire for me from both of you pulling me into that tidal wave at equal force."

Nobunaga spoke up, looking into the amber eyes of our lover. "You've been there with me through heavy loss, holding me up and keeping me from being reckless. I watched her rise from the destruction she went through in a way that truly inspires me. I need you both." He glanced at me briefly before returning to Hideyoshi. "She inspires and drives me, but I cannot take her with me into battle to stop me from running to an early grave. Our flames have to be tamed so they don't consume us and I dare say you're the only man up to the task." Hideyoshi's blush deepened before we all rolled our heads back.

I was relaxed and well on my way to a meditative state, letting the sounds of the bird's lull my thoughts, when Nobunaga shifted beside me and started to sprinkle my chest with kisses and take a breast into his hand. His nose and lips drag up my neck to my ear and he whispers. "Rina." He slowly bites my ear, eliciting a quiet yelp. Hideyoshi kissed the top of my head, his fingers glide over my chest before taking my other breast in his hand.

The contrast between their hands and the way they touch me only adds to my excitement. Nobunaga's sturdy strong hangs massage while his thumb circle the peak and presses in. Hideyoshi's long slender fingers carefully caress the sides, making their way to the alert center.

"Rina." Hideyoshi's voice comes in a husky whisper full of intent. "Do you think you can handle both of us?"

My cheeks flushed and my eyes fluttered, threatening to open. I took a deep breath to gather myself to answer the way I'd been planning since seeing the way he looked at Nobunaga. "I want to." I admitted.

There was no time between my answer and Nobunaga's response, picking me up out of the water. He kisses me so fiercely I wonder if my lips might bruise. When he sets me down on the ground Hideyoshi was waiting with a gentler kiss and my robe. His finger ran across my jaw as we separated. "Go lay down, we will be there shortly."

I obeyed and went to our room. Before climbing into the futon I removed the robe.

Hideyoshi was not that far behind me, by the time I had settled into the futon he was entering the room with a container of oil in his hand as he came to the futon. "Will you allow me to give you a massage?" He asks with a soft blush on his cheeks. I nodded my head and he directed me to lay on my stomach.

His hands met my back and he spread the oil across my back with pressure that sent comfort and pleasure through my body. He move his thumbs in gentle circles on either side of my spine, growling when he touched the brand and the marks left from the from the whip.

I turned my head to speak. "They don't hurt anymore." It's mostly true. Nobunaga has been thorough with his kissing that could have been prayers to make them disappear. The only one he hadn't been able to banish was the brand. There are moments, when my blood races in rage or ecstasy that the mark subtly heats up more than the rest of me.

Hideyoshi's thumb brushed across the brand. "You don't have to lie to me Rina. I know what it feels like to receive a mark like this."

I twisted to see his face and he looked annoyed. "What do you mean?"

"I'll only tell you if you turn back over and relax." His eyebrow lifted as he challenged me. I huffed as my face hit the futon.

He moved to my shoulder and neck. "It makes sense that you still haven't seen it, you haven't seen my back." His thumbs worked at a knot in my shoulder as he spoke. "I wasn't born into this position. My father died in battle before I was born and my mother died when I was young. I was not lucky and was taken by a horrible man and sold to a brothel—" the first knot disappeared under his thumbs and he moved on to the one in my other shoulder.

"Hide—" I was near tears hearing his story and wondering what kind of treatment he received at the brothel.

"I kept running away despite getting caught and brought back until they finally decided I wasn't worth the trouble and sold me to a landowner. When I arrived, the master told me that he heard about how troublesome I was and that he would just have to break me before he could use me." The words remind me of Kenshin's. "It didn't take long for him to get me close enough to death from starvation and beatings for him to be almost satisfied that I was broken in. After giving me some bread and water, he dragged me to a dark room lit by a fireplace and pulled out an iron from the coals. I will never forget it. The sound of my skin and the smell. It still aches when I fight next to Nobunaga."

Tears had started to spill from my eyes before I spoke. "That's where he found you?"

His thumbs moved down from the tops of my shoulders down my left arms. He pressed with his palms into my upper and lower arm before taking my hand in his hands and using his thumbs again to move between the bones. "Yes. He saw how I fought for my master despite the confirmed rumors of his cruelty that had reached the Oda. He cut that man down and made me the lord of the land."

He worked my palm before he pressed between each knuckle of my fingers. My voice was a quiet whisper. "It still hurts."

He kissed the top of my hand. "I know and lying about it to us won't make it better."

"Where is he?" I ask when I realize I haven't heard Nobunaga enter the room yet.

Hideyoshi bent down to my ear, his lips hover just above me ear and his voice sends a wave of heat through my body. "Near." He whispers. My guess is that Nobunaga is sitting on the patio just out of sight like I was last night.

He lifted away from me and glided his hands up my arm, across my shoulders and down the other arm to repeat the hand massage. When he finished with my hand his palms pressed and moved down my back over my rear and down my legs to my feet.

He made sure every muscle in my feet, calves and my thighs received attention before grabbing a pillow and gently lifted my hips to slide the pillow under me. His palms moved outward and around my hips, releasing tension from years of riding horse back and dancing.

His hands moved in circles on the soft skin of my seat, slowly getting closer to the middle until his thumbs grazed a spot that was much more sensitive and aware. I bit my lip the closer he got to the middle. After some time he stopped where he was and spoke gently. "Am I going too fast?" I shook my head. He started to move again as he spoke. "Would it help if I distract you from this area?"

I turned my head towards him again. "How will you distract me?"

He smiled as he kissed my hip. His other hand started to play with the sensitive nub above my womanhood. Starting with light pressure and building to something more as I moan. Those two fingers moved in rotations that made me squirm. His voice was husky when he spoke now. "I want you Rina. Let me show you how badly." Two of his fingers dove inside of me and he quickly found the spot that made me speechless. I was pleasantly distracted by those fingers that I had relaxed enough for him to slide another finger in the back gate. I quickly grew accustomed to it, finding myself craving more and pushing myself back into his hands.

His breath came as a shock to my ear as I was moaning uncontrollably into the futon. "You have four of my fingers in you Rina. You're such a beautiful creature." He kissed my ear. "Do you think I can—"

"Please." I interrupted, panting, and sweating, wishing to feel him inside of me.

He gently removed his fingers to grab my hips and position himself. "I'll do my best to control myself." His words soft as he began to push inside. I cried his name as he pressed and assured him I want him and he moaned my name in response. Even through the adjustment to his presence I wanted more and wasn't satisfied until I felt his hips against me. He slowly moved himself out and in and soon enough I was moving with him in a slow and intimate dance to our synchronized moans.

I buried my face into the futon when one of his hands reached around to play with my throbbing lotus. He pressed and rubbed around my clit, building an orgasm. As I began to shake and spasm he continued moving inside of me as a release and a scream spilled from me. "Beautiful." He whispered.

I heard Nobunaga come in, it was still too weak to look up at him right away. I could hear them kissing behind me as Hideyoshi's movements slowed and became less rhythmic. After some deep breaths I was able to lift myself on to my arms and turn back to them to see Hideyoshi buried between Nobunaga's hips, the devil's hands buried in honey blonde hair and his head fell back.

"You're hungrier that I assumed you would be." I commented before moving back towards him, bringing him deeper into me, a muffled moan was my reward.

Nobunaga looked down at me, half lidded yet focused. "How is he?" He asked.

I started to pull away from him, stopped by his hands griping my hips, his eyes glancing to the side as he pulled away from Nobunaga panting, a string of saliva keeping him bonded to his work. I answered Nobunaga between pants and whines as Hideyoshi began pulling and pushing me again. "He's— so— wonder— ful. Please— let me— let me—" I reached back towards Nobunaga's erection. Hideyoshi sounded amused. "Who's the hungry one?"

Nobunaga laid down in front of me, scooting towards his lovers until I could pull him into my mouth. Hearing my two fierce warlords softly hum and moan was reward enough, bring the one inside me over the edge was more than I could ask for. His strained moaning as he thrust inside of me one final time before he just stayed there for a moment while I continued to please the devil in front of us.

Before pulling out he reached around and brushed his fingers along my outer walls. "Nobu— she's so ready for you." His voice was pleased as he slowly removed himself. I whined at his removal and was quickly rewarded as he bent over me and kissed my cheek as I pulled Nobunaga into my mouth as far as I could. "Lean back on me Rina." He whispered in my ear as I began to pull away.

I gasped for air and from being pulled back by Hideyoshi. From behind me he pulled my knees back as Nobunaga sat up and quickly followed us until he was fully inside of me and began thrusting into me and pulling Hideyoshi into heated kisses above me. I gripped Hideyoshi, my fingers dug into the muscles of his forearms. From the angle Nobunaga was hitting the place that the two of them find with their fingers, the one that makes my vision turn to stars and my limbs go weak as I scream their names. Nobunaga broke from their kiss to grab my hips and focus on the climax I was riding, trying to catch the wave for himself, but I was a puddle of sweat and gasping before he could reach his.

When we untangled our limbs it took little time to find a comfortable position for the three of us to settle. Hideyoshi held like the night before so he could leave little kisses on my shoulder while Nobunaga lay facing us, leaning over to kiss Hideyoshi again before kissing me deeply. The devil settled on his back where we could rest our hands on his chest.

We were all still catching our breath when I spoke up. "Did the two of you hold a brief counsel before joining me?" Hideyoshi rumbled with laughter behind me as a sly smile grew on Nobunaga's face. "And what is the rest of the your battle plan?" I asked, yet it sounded more like a demand.

Hideyoshi squeezed me close to him. "You said you wanted both of us."

Nobunaga's hand brushed my cheek as he spoke. "Perhaps tonight?"

Hideyoshi spoke up sounding irritated. "I thought we agreed to wait a day so we don't—"

"Yes. I want to." I interrupted and know that if I could see behind me Hideyoshi would look more surprised than his curious "oh?" I closed my eyes and nuzzled into the futon. "I need some rest before our next meal. Neither of you can leave though." I gripped Hideyoshi's arm.

He protested. "What if the staff finds us?"

I had a quick response for that though. "After what we just did— the way the two of you make me sing your names— they know you aren't in your own room."

"Told you." Nobunaga said after a short laugh. "Her fire is more consuming than mine."