After contemplating for a bit more, you dove in and examined the strands of alien DNA like how an artisan would admire a new piece of art. It was a truly wondrous and fascinating sight, yet the implications were downright terrifying. With the data to compare to; as well as having had luck parsing through petabytes from the obelisk that mentions something of the sort, then you know that your creators have had dealings with this alien creature before. From the petabytes of data, the amount of speculation, research, and scans; as well as the ones you found on your own, then finding any semblance of other humans around shrunk down from a maybe to infinitesimal.
These aliens; as you've just found out, are actually a genetically altered slave species known as the "Zihurae'nopa". Your creators labeled them and gave them a simpler name to remember by; which is the "Chimera of Disaster" or simply "Chimera". The plural being "Chimeras"...
From the data you've gathered as well as the intel from the obelisk, then it's official to you that this is no natural lifeform. Their very hide is harder than the toughest of diamonds. They have an acidic spit they can lob like projectiles. Their eyes can see in almost every known spectrum; from infrared to ultraviolet. They can smell the faintest of scents from as far as 5 miles away. They can sense the slightest shifting of the wind with their fur. Their fur are said to be, " hardened porcupine quills the size of half a man. And they can launch them at speeds of up to 2,850 mph with the piercing power to go through 5 meters of Firma-Crete...-".
And according to your digital library, Firma-Crete is approximately 10x tougher than regular concrete was from back then in the 21st century. These Chimeras can grow these quills almost indefinitely given time and with the right amount of nutrients in their bodies. These creatures have multiple redundant organs, their bones have been genetically modified to quickly heal from breaks, fractures, and any sort of damage and then they become 3x stronger after the process. They can also heal from almost any type of fatal injury very quickly. It's theorized that their bodies can heal 30x faster than a baseline human's body; after they've been born, and they breed like rabbits...
'My goodness... these are the creatures that my creators fought... How strong can they get with age...?!'
The information was a shock to the senses. And from the files you've read, these were considered the weakest of the alien slave species that were released like hunting wolves on your creators' backyard. The veritable wealth of information contained in the alien DNA may prove useful, but a healthy amount of fear appeared within you; knowing there's more of these creatures and others like it. Thanfully, your creators were able to calibrate and modify their weapons to pierce the hides of these creatures. However..., the numbers brought against them drowned them in a tide of bodies. The first file recording you unearthed with your data mining was further proof of the struggles your creators dealt with in their final hours...
[File Recording: ALL OUT BULLETIN: App. S.S. #319-8920]
["...This is Dr. Nadia Sharma... this may be the last recording made on Science Seeker Installation #703 Alpha-Zebra-Kilo... Year 4,391 A.D., 11:32 pm EST, 24th of March... they've breached past the 58th floors' defenders...-*STATIC*-...we thought we could handle this wave ...we were wrong. The other Installations within 50 miles of us have already been attacked within the last few months... I'm sending this message as a warning to the other Installations... shut down your...-*STATIC STATIC STATIC*-... their attracted to it. It's too late to activate our shutdown procedures... we'll be fighting to our the shelter....-*STATIC STATIC STATIC*-... Please heed my warning!!! I'm sending this message into a loop... They came like a tide.... we've never seen this many gather in one place before...-*GROUND TREMBLES*-...*SIGH*... Pray for us...-*GUNSHOTS*-...-*GUNSHOTS* *GUNSHOTS* *GUNSHOTS* *GUNSHOTS* *GUNSHOTS* *GUNSHOTS* *GUNSHOTS*---..."]
Listening to this brought forth feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness... Your makers were cut down mercilessly for unknown reasons. And if there were reasons, then you didn't want to hear it. What reason could there be to cut down every single man, woman, and child like lambs to the slaughter...?
The last sensor data gave the Chimera numbers reaching up to 200,000+ and counting before they were trampled underfoot. And at the 24th of March, a few minutes before midnight, is when the last defender fell...
'I guess that explains a lot...', that stray thought led you to another branch of thinking. Questions like, 'What's out there? Will I get killed too? How can I survive?', and others like it flooded your mental processors.
These questions led you to make plans. You need to make something of what you have. You need soldiers, defenders, and you need to upgrade the defenses of this underground complex. However, you need to be subtle about it... for now. Who knows what lurks within the corners of the other floors above.
As a part of your mental processors went to planning, another part of you reviewed the images and videos captured during the massacre. These Chimeras came in different sizes; of which are from the size of small dogs to a single larger Chimera able to prowl freely through the 60th floor's hallways without incident, that being 5 meters tall and 3 meters wide. They have the heads and bodies of lions, spiky looking fur; of which are the color of dull greys or bright gold, and they have powerful looking hind legs. Their tails look like a large scaly anaconda was attached to the bottom base of their rears and their scales are a deep forest green. Apparently, this head can act independent of their main one; somehow, and it has an acidic spit.
'That explains the marks and damage to the walls, floors, and ceiling... The name Chimera was very justified...'
It took you awhile to review everything you could about it, but one other thing you had to wonder was, 'If this is the weakest slave species that my creators had the displeasure of fighting..., then what could the strongest one be like...?'