Heaven's Hammer!

Heaven's Hammer Strike!

Chapter 7 Never Alone Again!

Disclaimer – I do not own Harry Potter, Game of Throne or Five Finger Death Punch! But by God I wish I did! If you know any Veterans on Father's Day that need help than do it!

"We who have seen war, will never stop seeing it. In the silence of the night, we will always hear the screams. So this is our story, for we were soldiers once, and young"

― Joseph L. Galloway

Cersei went back into Tywin's room to dress leaving the bedroom door slightly open so she could listen to her new husband work. She had always loved to listen to Tywin work as it made her feel safe and loved. What was new was Tywin started to hum a very powerful and dark tune that hit Cersei like the kick of a warhorse to her soul. Slowly a dark mournful whisper escaped his lips as the temperature in the room became as cold as the coldest day she could remember:

I spoke to God today and she said that she's ashamed

What have I become

What have I done

I spoke to the devil today and he swears he's not to blame

And I understood 'cause I feel the same

Arms wide open

I stand alone

I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone

Right or wrong

I can hardly tell

I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell

The wrong side of heaven and the righteous side

The righteous side of hell

I heard from God today and she sounded just like me

What have I done and who have I become

I saw the devil today and he looked a lot like me

I looked away, I turned away

Arms wide open

I stand alone

I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone

Right or wrong

I can hardly tell

I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell

The wrong side of heaven and the righteous side

The righteous side of hell

I'm not defending

Downward descending

Falling further and further away

Getting closer every day

I'm getting closer every day

To the end, to the end, the end, the end

I'm getting closer every day

Arms wide open

I stand alone

I'm no hero

And I'm not made of stone

Right or wrong

I can hardly tell

I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell

I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell

The wrong side of heaven and the righteous side

Righteous side of hell

Cersei heard a flap of wings and a deep powerful voice say "Tywin I know you hurt but if you live in your past you will be doomed to repeat it and that must not happen"

Cersei moved o he bedroom door to peek into the main room. There in all his terrible glory stood The Stranger trying to comfort Tywin. She started to weep as she listened to the conversation between the man and God.

" I know Azrael but it sill hurts so much and is still so raw. All I wanted to be was loved, have a family and make a better life for those in need. But men in power were working against me from the very start. The greater good what a joke and it reminds me of something an old priest once told me a story.

One day, an old man was walking along a beach that was littered with thousands of starfish that had been washed ashore by the high tide. As he walked he came upon a young boy who was eagerly throwing the starfish back into the ocean, one by one.

Puzzled, the man looked at the boy and asked what he was doing. Without looking up from his task, the boy simply replied, "I'm saving these starfish, Sir".

The old man chuckled aloud, "Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?"

The boy picked up a starfish, gently tossed it into the water and turning to the man, said, "I made a difference to that one!"

Azrael I have tried so hard to do what was right not what was easy and I have felt so alone for so long. How do I get by this?"

"Oh my child you are heavens champion and you are never alone. Look at your life do you see?" Azrael said

Tywin stared into the vision and saw his soul on a beach with Azrael. He was walking along the beach with the Angel of Death.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

The beatings Vernon gave him

The hours of being locked away

The lack of food and forced labor.

His first kill of a man

The killing of the 60 foot snake and feeling death upon him.

The 100 Dementors attacking him

and it went on and on no stop until his death.

For each scene he noticed two sets of

footprints in the sand: one belonging

to him, and the other to the Azrael

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,

he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of

his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very

lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he

questioned Azrael about it:

"Azrael, long ago when I was young locked in my cell you said that once I decided to follow the Father

you'd walk with me all the way.

But I have noticed that during the most

troublesome times in my life,

there is only one set of footprints.

I don't understand why when

I needed you most you would leave me."

Azrael replied:

"My child, my precious little one,

I love you and I would never leave you.

During your times of trial and suffering,

when you see only one set of footprints,

it was then that I carried you."

Tywin broke into gasping sobs and shook as he grasped Azrael, when the cub finally calmed down The Angel of Death called to Cersei " Cersei come forth and let me see you"

Cersei meekly came into the room with tears still rolling down her cheeks. She knelt in-front of the Angel as Azrael said " Know that this is our faithful and much loved champion. He has been alone for along time but thru all his pain he has done terrible but wonder us things. He has lived and breathed in faith and trust. He has lived thru horrors that would break lesser men and still helped the needy even when it cost him so much. Their for Cersei now true Lannister I The Stranger charge you with being a helper to your husband, to bare his children, to obey him, to love him with your mind, body and soul. To help your sister-wives and to be true to your family. This man has a quest that must not fail or it will be the end of all life on this world. Now I must go for I have much to do. Good bye my child!"

The Angel of Death spreed his large black wings and launched his body up as he phased thru the roof. After a few moments Cersei climb up into Tywin's lap and held him. Never in all her life had she ever dreamed that her husban was so blessed by The Seven. Nor would she have believed that Tywin was charged to have such pivotal role in saving her world. This was the stuff on hero's and lore. From now on this man would be her world and dam anyone who got in her way. Finally after along time Tywin started to move and said

"Thank you for being here for me Cersei, I don't know what would happen if I did not have you"

"You will near need to find that out my love. From now you are my number one priority and I will be your first wife as The Seven have charged me with. Now what do we do next." Said Cersei

" Well first I need my brother and sister here so we can get married as soon as possible, next we need to take apart the spy ring that is working against us, and lastly we we need to hide the fact that we are preparing for war. I also need bring up the base level of education in the west. But right now we have a 2 year window before I will be crowned king and then the real work begins"Tywin Said

Cersei could not believe what she just heard, Tywin wanted to be king and that would make her a Queen. Finally she would get her greatest wish and with the man she loved at her side. Suddenly a knock was hear at the door Tywin said "Come!" and a page came in to ask about Breakfast. Tywin told him to bring a large meal for the two. Tywin then informed him that he needed both his brother and sister post haste.

After breakfast Kevin and Genna arrived for the morning meeting. Both were puzzled with Cersei being there but gave no comment.

"Before we get started I would like you to read these writs as it will be a starting point." Tywin Said

He then handed them the royal marriage writ for his wife and The King 7 months before he came back from the war. Next were writs of birth for all Joanna's

children with the King as their father. Following that a writ for Jamie to enter the Kings Guard at age 18. And an open writ for Cersei to marry a man of the King's choosing at a later date but had Tywin's name there. And lastly Joanna's dairy that will act as a blueprint of their actions.

"As you can see all my children are Aerys II Targaryen's. She was never my wife but married Aerys before I came back from the war. Aegon V Targaryen was working with Jason Lannister in order to bring my father down as a favor. Over many years they slowly poisoned our Father with lead in order to make him mad and turn him into the reprobate he was. They also killed our Mother in a bid to drive our Father into the arms of their planted honeypot undercover agent. She was told to snare me and cuckold me so her true husband could kill me and take over our house." Tywin Said

"Who knew that this was going on? " Kevin asked

"Grande Maester Pycelle, Olenna Tyrell, Aerys II Targaryen, Rhaella Targaryen, Loreza Martell, High Septon Maynard, Ormund Baratheon, Duncan The Tall, and Aegon V Targaryen, Stafford Lannister, Jason Lannister, Maester Volarik, Lynora Hill, Damon Lannister also Joanna's sisters Lilith and Luciana Lannister." Tywin Said

"And lastly the Maesters are not to be trusted ever! The grey rats were the ones who poisoned the Targaryen Dragons to weaken the royal house and then sent the Faith to finish the job. They added extra lead into any of the health tonics they would give the royal family in order to cause madness. They are the cause of most of the miscarriages in the county and are systemically killing pregnant women giving birth in an attempt break up the noble family power base." Said Tywin

Kevin and Genna sat there pail and in shock from what they had just herd. Kevin picked up Joanna's dairy and started to look thru it every so often he would curse or his would face would change from dark red to pail white. Finally he finished reading, then pushed the book to Genna and looked me right in the eye Saying

"This can not and will not stand! So brother all I have to say is when do we go to war!"

From me to you on Fathers day in these times. I just found out an old army buddy of mine lost his fight with PTSD. He was a good man and a great Dad, So I finally hope you can rest now. And God Bless You !

What exactly is post-traumatic stress disorder?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can occur after a person has been through a traumatic event. These events can include:

Natural disasters

Car crashes

Sexual or physical assaults

Terrorist attacks

Combat during wartime

During a traumatic event, people think that their life or the lives of others are in danger. They may feel afraid or feel that they have no control over what is happening. And if the person has a TBI, too, these feelings of lack of control and fear can balloon into confusion, challenges with memory, or intense emotion.

Combat-related PTSD has existed as long as war itself. The condition was called "soldier's heart" in the Civil War, "shell shock" in World War I, and "Combat fatigue" in World War II. Despite the fact that the condition has been around for thousands of years, it is sometimes still difficult, or controversial, to diagnose.

Signs and symptoms

Generally, symptoms of PTSD can occur when a person re-experiences the traumatic event, tries to avoid thinking about the event, or is experiencing high levels of anxiety related to the event. Some of the most common symptoms include:

Having recurrent nightmares

Acting or feeling as though the traumatic event were happening again, sometimes called a "flashback"

Being physically responsive, such as experiencing a surge in your heart rate or sweating, to reminders of the traumatic event

Having a difficult time falling or staying asleep

Feeling more irritable or having outbursts of anger

Feeling constantly "on guard" or like danger is lurking around every corner

Making an effort to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations about the traumatic event

A loss of interest in important, once positive, activities

Experiencing difficulties having positive feelings, such as happiness or love