Truth about Derek...

After that lily used to visit alina every night and she used to talk about her day. Alina felt that she belonged in the world and that she was experiencing everything along with lily from her stories.

But the more she felt like this the more she wanted to experience the world herself. Some time in her life she started to feel that the dresses were her prison but she had to still wear them with grace.

During this time their family business was experiencing more and more pressure from outside. Though the business empire was still fine, but her father's health started to decline.

Lily used to come and cry about Alex's failing health due to stress all the time.

When she turned to fifteen she started to have these really painful days. This pain used to come every month for 5 days. In this duration, she never let lily visit her. These days were really painful for her.

These five days she used to feel like her body was being taken apart cell be cell and then was placed together with force. Her bones felt like they were being chewed on by a demon. She used to sweat so much but still didn't die due to dehydration. After a day of this condition, her sweat starts to turn to blood.

Like sweat blood used to come out from every inch of her body. Every time she thought that now she would die and this pain would end but each time she lived through that.

She never told her parents because she knew that they won't care in fact they won't even listen to her. She never told lily about it because she was afraid that lily would cry.

She suffered this all alone. As she grew, the pain lessened by a lot but it was still there.

Her parents didn't give her anything; they didn't even let her attend magic class which lily used to take. Her magic teacher used to come to her home to teach her but her parents didn't let her sit in that class.

Alina once peeked inside the class and kept peeking till the class was over. She didn't completely understand what the class was about but she was interested to learn more, so she started to read magic related books.

Alina found her cupboard full of dresses as she grew up. This was one thing her parents gave her a lot.

Alina wasn't taught anything not even etiquettes, she learned everything from reading. But how much can she learn from reading so she used to observe people such as lily and her parents, she even peaked in lily's classes from time to time.

She knew that she can only rely on herself and she needed skills if she wanted to protect herself. She did everything which she deemed necessary for her future.

There was just one person she cared about in this world now and that was lily. She helped lily whenever lily needed it.

Then one day lily came and told her that she fell in love with Derek. Alina was happy for lily, she wanted lily to have happy life.

Alina wanted to ensure that Derek would make lily happy. Lily took alina out to meet Derek, when alina met Derek she found out that he was actually really sweet and amazing just like lily told her.

Alina could see the love in Derek eyes whenever he looked at lily. She was happy for them but she felt that something was off with Derek.

She felt that the way he interacted with everyone else other than lily was weird.

Alina had made some connections outside her home from sneaking out. She knew that the only person who cared for her in that house was lily.

She had already planned on leaving the house as soon as possible, for this purpose alina had set up a small business. During this time she met some amazing people and became close friends with them.

Alina used every mean possible to find out information about Derek. In the beginning she only got stuff like what his hobbies, likes, dislikes, and his financial situation. She already knew these stuff as lily had already told her so.

Was she wrong? But then why was she felt so uneasy whenever she saw Derek's smile. Was it that she was feeling lonely after thinking about leaving lily? No, that can���t be it. She was already prepared to leave everything behind and it's not like she will never meet lily again. Alina started to doubt herself.

Was she jealous of lily? No, how can that be, she always wanted lily to be happy and have the best things in life. Alina's mind was slowly getting occupied such thoughts which were eating her alive.

Alina started to keep her distance from lily. She wanted to keep lily safe from herself. Whenever lily wanted to see alina, alina would say that she's busy or she is sleeping.

This kept happening till the day she got an update on Derek's file. Her friends did intensive research on him, they did everything they could to get every little piece of information on Derek, this why they gave this report so late to alina.

Alina was shocked when she read what was written in the file and these were not just some useless claims, in fact they were supported by evidence.

Derek was involved in so many shady businesses. There were cases where people he met, had disappeared into thin air. He had abusive tendencies not only that he was cheating on lily with many women.

Alina pictures after picture of women who Derek took to a hotel or his home, while being in relationship with lily. There were some more pictures of the same women taken after they came out.

These women would always have dark bruises on their bodies as if they had been beaten really badly. They would always be in a bad condition and some of them were even missing. Alina even had a picture of one girl who was with Derek only to end up having her body brutally mutilated.

How could alina let lily marry such a person. How could she be sure that lily would be fine and happy, the only thing she could see in lily's future after marrying Derek was disaster.

Alina could not let this happen, this why she thought of putting an end to everything.

Alina didn't have the courage to tell all this to lily or even her parents. She knew that there is a little change that they would believe her.

Alina had transferred everything she owns to lily and her friends. Her friends had no clue of what alina is doing right now or else they would have rushed to stop her.

Alina knew that lily would probably never forgive her for taking Derek away from her. She knew that lily would never want to see alina after this, but she could not imagine a world where lily would ignore her existence just like everyone else, so she planned to end everything with herself.

Alina came back to reality. She saw Eliza reaching for the door to open it. Alina hearts ache when she saw that. She was already taking Derek away from lily, so how could she also take Eliza away from lily. She simple could not take mom away too, after all she did took care of me when I was little.

A tear fell down alina's cheek as she slowly stood up from her chair.

Alina then smirked as she tried to justify her action by saying that with two people here, the force field would not have been much effective since it will just hurt the two of them but would instantly take her life.