This is so unfair...

Suddenly alina could see bright lights coming from three directions that were back and her sides. Before alina could see what it was, Eliza was hit from three sides.

Alina eyes went wide in horror, the last thing alina saw before she lost her ability to see, was Eliza felling onto the floor.

Eliza had been using all her power to produce a shield in front of her to protect alina from Derek. She never knew that Derek had placed his men on the sides of the warehouse.

His men had turned themselves into shadows and followed Derek and Eliza in. The people standing outside are just some duplicates. This was high level spell which uses a lot of mana and there are other conditions which had to be followed such as elemental affinity.

In this world, there are few people who can use this magic, to be more precise this spell. Who would have thought that there were such people under Derek.

Derek glanced towards lily; she was struggling to get free. He was afraid that she might have an idea of what had happened. He wanted to take lily and Eliza away before continuing on with his, but look what alina made him do in front of lily.

Derek sighed at the thought of extra work he would to do because of alina. He carefully walked towards lily.

He stopped as soon as he reached right at the back of lily. He gently placed his hand on lily's eyes. Lily became stiff on his action.

His hand, which was on lily's eyes, started to produce a light orange glow. Derek bent down till his lips almost touched lily's ears "lily, me and your mom have come to get you".

He said this in hushed and sweet tone. As soon as he said this lily fell asleep, the glow from Derek's hand also disappeared.

He free lily from the chair and carried her in his arms. He started to walk towards the exist.

Just as he was about to cross alina, he stopped. He used his magic to levitate lily in air. He slowly bent down and picked up the dagger that he had thrown away while talking to Eliza.

He walked towards the bleeding alina, his eyes were filled with hate.

Alina was waiting for life to end, the pain she was feeling right now was nothing compared to what she used to feel during her childhood.

-Huh- alina gasped as a video started to play in front of her. The first thing she saw was a doctor holding two babies in front of her. Then the doctor let Alex hold the babies as he left the room. There were still nurses present in the room who were complimenting the babies and their mother.

Alex had a huge grin on his face, this was the most beautiful smile alina had ever seen on his face. He was acting like a baby saying that he does not want to give the babies to the nurses.

Alina was laughing at the scene playing out in front of her; her eyes were filled with tears. She took a deep breath thinking that it is true what people say that when you are about to die, your life will flash in front of your eyes one last time.

She felt that something was wrong with the view she was seeing but she couldn't point it out that what it was.

Alina saw that after a fight and a few minutes of convincing, Derek was finally willing to give the babies to the nurses.

He then came close and closer to the screen; he stopped right above the screen.

"Liz, thank you so much for giving the two most beautiful gifts that I could ever receive, I love you so much." Alex then bent down and kissed Eliza on her forehead.

Alina now knew that what was wrong, it was not her memories that were playing in front of her but rather her moms.

Alina was shocked to find out that these were not her memories but soon this shock turned to sorrow. Her tears were constantly flowing through her eyes as she saw the bits and pieces of Eliza memories play out.

"This is not fair…" alina was mumbling this to herself again and again as she was watching the memories play out in front of her.

"I won't let anything happen to you, alina, my baby. You have a long life ahead of you and I won't let anyone destroy that, not even those despicable people. Your father and I will always be there for you, just like we have been there for you till now. We know that we have not been the best parents to you but that was just to protect you, protect you from their evil clutches. Alina you have to live, you can't leave us alone. You can be angry at us but don't leave us like this, we love you so much" Eliza words which she was thinking to herself before she was about to be hit played out to her. Eliza was almost sobbing at the end.

Derek stood on top of alina with dagger in his hand. He then used a considerable amount of force to stab alina at her stomach. He left the dagger stuck in her stomach.

Alina felt a sharp pain in her stomach. This pain let alina gain a little bit of control over her body back. Her senses were almost none but how she knew that Eliza was still alive but was near death.

"This is not fair… I was finally going to leave this place in peace… and you came and ruin it… you owe me an explanation… how can you just leave like this…" alina was shouting angrily in her mind space, she couldn't hide the sorrow in her voice. Alina moved her hand towards the direction of where Eliza fell.

Alina was trying to get a hold of Eliza but she couldn't no matter how much she tried. She tried one last time with everything she had got.

"I won't let you leave like this… this is so unfair…" alina got hold of something but as soon as she as grasp it, she lost consciousness.

Derek had again carried lily in his arms, his men had already left. He was walking carefully so that lily is not disturbed. He failed to notice that after he stabbed alina, her hand moved.

Behind his back, alina's hand was trying move towards Eliza but Eliza was at a distance where alina would not be able to grab her unless she move her body.

A few tries after, her moved as if she had caught something but in reality there was nothing in her hand. But as soon as her hand acted as if it caught something, light emitted from within her hand. It was pure bright light and it vanished within a second.

Derek felt something at his back. When he looked back, he saw nothing was amiss. He did noticed that alina's hand position was a little different but he also noticed that there was no life in her body. Eliza also stopped breathing when he was looking at them.

He smirked before leaving the warehouse.

The people who came with him from the police department were people who followed his word to the letter z, so this case was closed just like that.