I saw Alina back in her lab. She was surrounded by massive machines. She was focusing on the work she was doing to the point that she didn't notice a mouse enter.
The mouse was roaming around wanting to find something to eat. The lab was sealed but somehow the mouse came in with the people leaving and entering.
When Alina noticed its presence, it was too late. The mouse had knocked the virus containing test tube on itself. Alina watched in horror as the mouse started to shake violently. Alina quickly put it in one of the empty glass cages at the corner of the room.
She was worried about what would happen. She was worried not for the mouse but what would happen to the virus.
It was already troublesome after its evolution. The infected did die naturally by decomposing but that was causing so much pollution in the air that it was getting hard to breath in the area which had the infected people. The rate of spread of infected was quite fast too. So considering the time it took them to decompose was not worth waiting for.
People were becoming infected day by day. Humanity was at the end of it ropes. Thats why scientists were doing everything to creat a vaccine or cure. They wanted to create anything to prevent the spread of decease but there was one thing that scientists were most afraid of and that was evolution. Thinking of just the possibility that the virus could evolve again sent shivers down their spines. The wanted to find cure as soon as possible so they never have to see the day where it evolves again.
Alina started to check for the mouse status and effects of virus on it. Furvid-46 did not effect animals so it was strange to see mouse react like that.
I saw Alina as she bit her lip. I was standing beside her seeing what she saw and feeling what she felt. It was almost like it was me who was going through everything. I could feel her heart tremble with fear as her eyes became watery. She never let a single tear fall as she stared at the mouse who was still shivering.
Alina had to tell others about it, it was to prepare for the worst. When she did everyone had the same reaction as her. There was always someone beside that mouse to check for status. If the mouse truly becomes infected then that means that the furvid is going through a evolution again and this time even animals would be infected by it.
Everyone in the research center doubled their efforts for result and so did Alina. No one wanted to touch the mouse at least not when it was like that. They were afraid of consequences. They still had little to no information about the virus.
Alina thought otherwise she wanted to know why it was effecting the mouse when it was not suppose to. All the head scientists were far away and they have asked everyone here to stay away from the mouse.
Alina went towards the mouse when no one was around. She took the blood from it. The mouse was still shivering even after 2 days have passed and it did not show any weakness. It was as if it was still healthy and just got infected.
Alina started to use that blood for her research. It was amazing what she found. The mouse was fighting with the virus and actually winning and it was using the dead virus as its food.
I felt hope in Alina rise as she searched more and more to the point that her discovery was deemed true. Alina knew that she had found a path they could take to find immunity or possibly cure.
This all happened in the time frame of two days. Head scientists were going to arrive this evening. Alina waited for them and told them about everything. They were shocked and angry that Alina didn't follow their orders but then they were hopeful. They made everyone new such as Alina leave and started to work on the cure.
The new people knew that they wouldn't be able to be of help so they left the rest of research for them. Alina and everyone then stayed out of the research.
Then after a month or two it was finally announced that they made a vaccine. It was to prevent the spread and they were no where close to making the cure.
The vaccine was to be used as medicine. If a person was to get infected they have to take vaccine within 24 hours and they would be fine.
Alina and everyone were then allowed to do further research on them.
Just like that a year passed by but no improvements were made for the zombies. But the vaccine was further improved and it had better results now and was readily available for general public.
In response to the cure of zombies, scientists simply replied with the dead can never be brought back to life and a massive clean up was ordered.
Alina was suffering from hallucinations while living in this world she never felt safe even after the vaccination. She had already seen many people suffer in the worst way possible and they became a nightmare for her. She always had a guilt if never being able to save her parents nd would see them in her dreams dying again and again.
This was when her friend invited her for a trip to the sea. Sandra thought that this trip might let her lose up. She used all sorts of tactics to just take Alina on the trip with her.
It was true. Alina did find peace on that noisy boat. She finally let go of her past but her regrets were still there. Even then she didn't let those thoughts bother her as she kept staring at the calming water.
I could feel the pain in her heart. I never knew that how much impact she would have on me just by gaining her memories. It was almost as if she and i were both the same person. And when both of us became the same person. None of us was the same as before.