Gold mining plan.

"Why did you let a snake beast stayed?" Neo sighed out sharply and complained out of frustration. He walked in circles nervously and even howled and whimpered like an anxious puppy. Yilas couldn't help but let out her laughs, she couldn't believe how cute Neo was acting.

"Haha what's the big deal, everyone seemed to like him so why not?" Yilas chuckled "Now that I have told you everything, you have to tell me more about what happened to you."

Neo sighed loudly but he sat down next to Yilas, helping her with washing the clothes.

"Nothing happened really, we just went straight back to the clan after we leave here."

"Is your brother still insisted on taking me?" Yilas said sadly as she worried for herself and everybody in her clan.

"Porsogon didn't talk much, but he seemed pretty pissed." Neo tugged Yilas's hand with a smile on his face "But don't worry, I will persuade him to drop it."

Yilas smiled at her little helper, she appreciated how thoughtful Neo was, unlike his brother.

"I hope he will consider it... By the way, you said that there was more gold in this creek, why can't I see it?"

"Of course it's because of how sharp my eyes are!" Neo pointed a finger at his own eyes since he was a bird beast, he had sharper eyes than Yilas. Moreover, Yilas was much worse after the incident so he expected her vision had gotten worse than the average beast.

"They are not that hard to find, here, let me pick another one for you." Neo quickly turned into his hawk form again, flew high up into the sky before diving into the creek to catch the golden rock. With his vision and skills in catching fish, finding these tiny rocks weren't even close to a challenge.

Noe quickly got another piece of gold, this piece smaller than the one before. He turned back into his civil form, dropping the rocks into Yilas's hand. She was gasping with amazement. Even though the water wasn't deep, she still couldn't see the gold normally from the bank. Yilas was so happy she struck a gold mine. If her clan harvested what they got here, their living situation would improve a lot.

"Thank you, Neo! You sure I can have these?" Yilas was excited like a child with her new toy, her eyes were sparkling and her smile shined bright. Neo was happy Yilas liked these rocks, even if Yilas asked for his heart, he would gladly rip it out of his chest for her.

Neo puffed his chest and laughed at Yilas.

"Don't ask such nonsense, I got those for you so they belong to you. And I will bring you as much as I can every day."

"Really? That would really help!" Yilas excitedly jumped, she was singing out of joy. "I will have Little Crow to help you, can you teach him how to do it?"

"We will start first thing tomorrow!" Neo enthusiastically showed his fist to the sky, but he had just remembered an important thing he needed to ask Yilas. "But say Yilas, camping outside alone isn't that hard either but since you have a big house there, can you spare a bed for me?"

Neo opened his big yellow puppy eyes, begging for Yilas's mercy. At first, Yilas thought she should inform Viosus first before accepting another man into the house, but looking at Neo's adorable pouty lips her hearted melted, she couldn't possibly say no to that face.

"I don't think they would mind it" Yilas laughed nervously as she felt guilty again, thought Neo, on the other hand, was beyond thrilled. He turned into bird form and flew around Yilas wildly. Yilas laughed, trying to calm him down and turned back into a human.

After everything was set, Yilas and Neo continued drying the clothes off, they laughed and chatted harmoniously about the mining plan starting the next day.

Yilas and Neo came back to the house together and find everyone gathered next to Berthort hay bed. Everyone was so surprised seeing Neo, some for the first time, but after Yilas explained everything about how he was going to help with the gold, they all seemed to understand the situation and gladly welcomed Neo.

Though Little Crow tugged Yilas's hand and pulled her to the outside of the room while the rest were still chit-chatting.

"Master, I am grateful that Neo wanted to help us, I must tell you something."

Little Crow landed on Yilas's shoulder, he whispered lightly to her preventing others to hear him.

"What is it, little one?" Yilas asked as she walked further from the room.

"I have only told this to the late master, but he once told me to keep it to myself so I never told you." Little Crow said nervously.

"My father must have his reason, but don't worry, you can tell me now, I'm sure he wouldn't be mad." Yilas comforted Little Crow.

"A few years ago, I wandered here because I lost my flock but I wasn't saved my the late master. And the reason I lost my flock was because I got distracted collecting those shiny gold rocks you showed today. You see, all crows inherited an obsession collecting shiny things."

Little anxiously continued his confession "The master was kind enough to let me stay here and keep all those rocks to myself, that's why I never leave..."

"You already know about all these rocks?" Yilas exclaimed in awe, she didn't know how to react to Little Crow's words. But it didn't take long for her to recollect her composure.

"I mean... it's fine little one. But since you had experience with this type of work, please help Neo, it would really help our family out a lot." Yilas smiled, she petted his little head with her fingers. She didn't want Little Crow to feel condemned by his "hobby".

"But Master... that's what I mean... I want to give you my stash."

"No... I can't ask you for that much..." YIlas exclaimed, she really didn't want him to give up his own money for her and everybody else.

"But I wanted to!" Little Crow interrupted Yilas, she was so impressed by how generous he was. "If it helps us getting better, I want to put it to good use, and I think anyone here would do the same."

Yilas smiled, she was grateful for having such compassionate members.

"What can I do without you guys..." After a few minutes of thinking Yilas finally came to the decision to accept his kindness instead of fighting over it "Thank you little one, it would indeed help a lot in the future, we will have better food, better house, a better life for everybody."

"Master... there's another thing. The male shed has been packed tight with the snake beast, I don't know if we have enough space for Neo..."

How could Yilas be so oblivious, she forgot how tiny the house for males was. Without even thinking for them, she kept picking up new members, making them uncomfortable.

"How about we open it up and build another one?" Yilas thought to herself and think about it for a bit. If she planned to grow her clan, it might be best to increase their territory soon.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Little Crow screamed excitedly, he went flying off Yilas's shoulder. He flew back into the room to inform everybody Yilas heard loud sings coming out of there immediately, she watched them with a smile on her face, promising them a better future.