Hunters' return

Yilas gladly greeted them at the door, she was covered in the smell of smoke but Viosus could still tell away an amazing alluring scent coming from her. He was beyond delighted at the fortunate timing of her adulthood, he thought now once Yilas accepted him as her spouse, they could mate and have some cubs as soon as this year. When he went off into his dreamland, Yilas came running toward the two.

Viosus smiled brightly from ear to ear at the thought, he looked at Yilas endearingly. Once seeing Vio's reaction, Sabal knew he had noticed that Yilas was in heat. Without expressing any of the concerns in his heart, Sabal smirked prettily and jumped in front of Viosus to hug Yilas, lifting her off the ground.

"Hey! Put me down." Yilas yelled out of surprise.

"Did you come out to greet me?" Sabal shamelessly ignored the angry little Yilas in his arms, though he dropped her down not long after what he said.

"No, I was already cooking out here!" Yilas now was standing on the ground, crossing her arms and pouting her lips, her expression was too adorable. She turned her attention to Viosus instead and chatted with him.

Viosus didn't mention anything about Yilas's red cycle yet because he didn't want to let the snake know. He put his thoughts aside and put the meat they hunted in the storage hole underground before coming back to help Yilas with the cooking. Although the snake had already taken his spot.

"Yilly, why none of them are helping you with the cooking?" Vio furrowed his eyebrows, he hadn't seen any of the bunch out in the yard. He thought he had taught them to behave better than this.

"Oh right! Berthort woke up earlier today when you guys were out." Sabal was shocked, he didn't think that the bear would come back to life. His eyes rolled bigger than the letter O. But after some thinking, at least now he could rightfully claim Yilas's as his payment.

"Let me check on him." Viosus was thrilled but he was still anxious, he thought Berthort still need some time to recover. But before he could leave Yilas stopped him and said.

"Wait! I need to tell you something first." Yilas nervously held Viosus hand to stop him, she opened her big adorable eyes pleading to Viosus, hoping he wouldn't get mad at her. "But promise me you won't get mad."

Looking at the cute expression on Yilas's face, and with her hand holding tightly onto his, how could Viosus ever be mad at her. Sabal on the side even got jealous of Yilas's treatment to the fox. Yilas waited for Viosus to nodded his head before she continued.

"So... Neo came back today. But wait!" Viosus's eyebrows furrowed deep, making a hard, stern frown. Yilas knew he wouldn't like the news so much. "He found some gold in the creek and he promised to find us more." Yilas took out the gold Neo gave her today, and she explained her plan to use the gold to Vio and Sabal.

Viosus furrowed brows slowly relaxed, despite that he hated the bird, keeping him around indeed proved beneficial, he eventually nodded his head in agreement with Yilas.

"But I don't agree!" Sabal chimed in as he saw Viosus nodes his head "We barely have any spot left in the shed, how are we going to all sleep in there?"

Listening to Yilas, Sabal took a hint that this Neo beast was a male, and he couldn't afford to have another competition in a time like this so he must voice his opinion now.

"Don't worry, we decided to build another shed behind it. We had already started on the process today so the rest was so tired, I let them take a quick nap before dinner time."

"But it will take so long, where are we going to sleep tonight?" Sabal pouted his lips, Yilas thought he was a little too old and too gangsta-looking to be acting like a kid. "The bear has just woken up, shouldn't we give him some resting space?"

"I already thoughts of ways to help with that." Yilas smiled harshly, shutting all Sabal's reasoning. She was not planning to go back on her words with Neo. "We will divide the beds again later." Sabal couldn't continue after Yilas had stepped her foot down, Viosus ignored him a long time ago and went checking on Berthort.

Once the food was ready, Yilas called out everybody to the yard. Before Neo could walk out the door, they could hear Sabal's hissing aggressively.

"It's a damn Bird!" Sabal yelled loudly, Yilas was so embarrassed at his rude behavior, she was hoping Neo didn't notice it but he had already come running to face Sabal.

"I knew something was wrong! It's the snake beast!" Neo had expected to encounter the snake Yilas mentioned but seeing it in person, he couldn't ignore his instinct to fight it. After all, bird beasts and snake beasts had been immortal enemies for many generations.


Sabal voiced his anger loudly, the bunch were all scared so they backed up in the corner. Viosus still acted like they were flies, it was not his problem so it wouldn't concern him to do anything.

Still, in his human form, Sabal opened his mouth wide, showing his fangs and his fork-tongued intimidating the bird. Neo was not backing up either, his wings were transformed and scratched out all the way, his yellow eyes glued on the snake's every movement.

"Stop it right there!"

Heard the loud voice coming from afar, both of them froze like two statues, not even dare to breathe.

"No fighting in this house," Yilas said sternly as she came closer to the both of them. They both sat down on their knee obediently as soon as Yilas got near, they moved so quick that the bunch couldn't even keep up with their eyes. Only Viosus eyes could follow them so he giggled quietly behind their backs.

"If I see or hear anything remotely hostile between the two of you, you're both out of this house..." Yilas crossed her arms standing in front of the two "You two better learn to get along like a family from now on."

"Yes, Yilas..." The two whispered simultaneously without any replanting. Yilas smiled out of content and lifted them off the ground, at least they knew to listen to her.

The clan resumed with dinner plan after the brief incident, though Sabal and Neo were basically latching onto Yilas's and bickering the whole time, giving her a headache. Viosus attentively asked Merth and Little Crow for what had happened during the day.

"Since everyone is finished, we can start with the space dividing." Yilas found a moment where she needed to bring up this idea. "Is there any request before I start?"

"Me!" Sabal was quick to chime in, Neo was about to raise his voice also but the snake beat him to it so he just let a *Tsk* sound out his mouth. "I want to sleep with you from now on!"

Everyone was either shocked or in denial of the ridiculous request, Yilas belonged in the second group. She laughed thinking he was joking but once she looked into his purple eyes, her laugh died out completely.

"Sabal... I..." Yilas couldn't finish the sentence before Neo had already jumped out of his seat and pointed at Sabal.

"You shameless snake, who do you think you are?" Neo was angered by Sabal's request, his face turned red like a tomato, even the hair at the back of his neck all stood up.

Viosus also got off his seat at the same time Neo did, but he didn't say anything, instead, he nodded his head, agreeing to Neo.

"Hey, hey, Yilas is my female so I think it's only natural for her to sleep with me isn't it?" Sabal smiled slyly, Yilas jaw dropped on the ground as she couldn't believe in what he just said.

"Crazy beast! Don't you dare spill your nonsense here! Who is your female? You're definitely crazy." Neo yelled loudly, raising his voice higher than before. He couldn't believe Yilas would take the snake as her spouse, he knew she wouldn't.

"That's not true, I never agree to this." Yilas finally spoke up after a few seconds her brain was delaying her reaction.

"So now when the bear had woken up, you decided to go back on your words?" Sabal tiled his head to the side, looking at Yilas as if she had wronged him greatly.

"N-No! Of course not, I will never." Yilas was stumbling on her words, she didn't know what to say to get her out of this situation. "I-I just need some more time..."

"Yilas..." Neo and Viosus called out her name, they both looked at her with their eyebrows furrowed deep, some sadness were mixed in with their gaze.

"I-I will take you as my spouse... just not yet, not right now." Yilas took a deep breath in, she felt pressured to make the decision but she also believed that was the right thing to do. After all, he did hold up to his end of the bargain, it was only fair if she did the same.

"Okay!" Sabal changed his attitude as quick as lightning, his face was painted with a big smile, even his eyes were curled up satisfyingly. He had finally got what he wanted, he had won this battle against these two beasts for now.

Neo was speechless he still stood there gasping for air like he wanted to say something but then nothing came out. Viosus, on the other hand, flopped down onto his seat, his body became lifeless, his eyes were glued to his feet. He felt his heart sunken down into a deep void and a piece of his soul had left his body.

Yilas saddened by their reactions, she didn't want to hurt Viosus, she had only wanted to prolong the repayment time to Sabal. Yilas felt ashamed of herself, she didn't even have the guts to look at Neo or Viosus.