Painful decision.

"I-I need some fresh air, I need to be alone to think about this." Yilas stood up straight like a statue, she stiffly got away from Neo and ran toward the creek, not forgetting to turn her head around yelling at him not to follow her.

Once Yilas got to the bank, her body flopped down like all the energy had been drawn out of it. She laid on the grass as her eyes followed the clouds on the sky, but her heart was beating out of control, her breathing was uneven. Yilas felt a headache coming, and also a cramp was creeping up on her, she wondered why her body felt like that of an old lady. Maybe all this stress was aging her.

"Why? Why now?" Yilas screamed to herself, out of all this time, why were they decided to make a move on her when she was in a tough position.

Her heart had accepted the fact that she would be marrying Sabal soon even if she didn't love him. Spending her whole past life in a society that only legalized monogamy relationships, she had a hard time excepting the polyamorous order of this world. It hadn't even crossed her mind about having more than one husband, she couldn't imagine how much jealousy and betrayal the first husband would feel.

Yilas sighed, she asked god who had sent her to this world would this supposed to be a present or a punishment to her.

Yilas barely closed her eyes the night before, she closed her eyes intending to rest a bit but she had fallen asleep before knowing. Without a care in the world, Yilas opened herself to a thousand of new types of danger.

Neo didn't follow Yilas, he thought he had better give her some space to think about things since he knew it was bad timing. He returned by himself depressingly, the other members came to ask where Yilas was but was shooed away by his expression.

Viosus took over and tell the bunch to get rest before dinner time, while he and Sabal went to the creek with their prey for the meat prep work. Sabal and Viosus didn't talk much when they were alone together but Viosus was born attentive to details, though at this moment he wished he hadn't. The snake had been grinning since last night and all day today, the more Viosus looked at him the more irritated he felt.

When they saw Yilas sleeping near the bank, Viosus was about to run up to her but a shadow next to him had gotten quicker, freezing Vio's motion in its path. Viosus reminded himself, Sabal was now his Master spouse, he should be doing these things more than he did. Though he had gotten over the fact, his body still reacted bitterly, his heart tightened and his hands rolled into fists. What he was feeling was definitely jealousy.

Sabal went and woke Yilas up from her nap and they quickly resumed their work, finishing prepping the food and wrapped some up for storage. Yilas thought they should think of some more long-term plan this type of work since they kept adding more and more members. And the number would only rise up in the future.


Few days passed and the shed was almost complete. Berthort recovery was much quicker since he had been able to eat on his own, these days he got out of bed and helped with the lighter work.

Viosus had gotten noticeably quieter, Yilas had tried to talk to him many times but he always made up excuses for their conversation to kept short. And at times, he would space out when nobody was looking. Yilas was starting to think Viosus had become uncomfortable around her, she was hurt deeply however she couldn't cry to anyone because it was her doings.

Sabal had been shamelessly closed to Yilas, touching and hugging her as soon as he had the chance, even with Yilas refusing it every time. Neo picked a fight with Sabal every way possible and would get really annoyed if he saw the snake got intimate with Yilas, he wouldn't let them alone at all time so now the three of them became inseparable.

Although Neo acted like nothing ever happened between him and Yilas that day, he was secretly hoping she was moved by his words and eventually accept him. Even if she had a spouse, it wouldn't change his feelings for her.

The day the shed was built was also the day they ran out of food, Neo and Sabal went out to hunt this time because Neo wouldn't let Sabal stay behind alone with Yilas so he dragged the snake along even though they hated each other guts. Yilas sent them off before coming back inside the house, they planned to go hunt overnight so the house seemed awfully less lively without them.

Yilas first period was coming to an end, she had talked to Lyth about the red cycle. Although Lyth didn't know much, she was still knowledgable enough to know that female's cycle only came once a year in this world and after the blood was gone, it was prime time for females to find mates and ultimately bear cubs during the winter.

If Yilas's body still followed the rule of this world, it would be great news to her. Only a few days of cramping and bleeding was such a golden deal compared to her human body in the past life which bleed 7 days every month.

When the two left, there wasn't much to do around, so she went and helped others to move their stuff to the new place. Viosus still hadn't talked to Yilas, lately he barely even looked at her, when they worked alongside each other, he would just keep to himself.

Yilas had thought about Vio a lot these days, she understood that Viosus was unhappy, it made her regret her decision. Yilas just wanted to have her dear friend to treat her like normal, he was the only one that she trusted and loved in this world. She became desperate to get Viosus back on her side.

That night everyone was back to their place, the house felt surprisingly peaceful. Yilas waited for everyone to go back to sleep before waking Viosus up for a chat, she asked him to walk with her to the creek. Though he agreed, he followed her like a lifeless zombie, didn't even make a sound along the way.

"Do you resent me, Vio?" Yilas stopped by the water, she looked at the bright moonlight and then Viosus. He hung his head down low but he shook his head stiffly.