The table has turned.

Sabal hissed loudly but many beasts came out of nowhere and put him and Viosus into a chokehold, 5 beasts were on Sabal, and 3 were on Vio. Yilas didn't react in time so her arms got pulled backward, another beast had appeared from behind and tied her in a secured position.

"Let go of me! What is all this Mr. Big?" Yilas tried to shake the man off but it was no use, she was too weak to even make him move.

Sabal and Vio on both of her sides were screaming and fighting but they were outnumbered, Sabal got it worse since his entire body was completely suppressed on the ground, many beasts were kneeling on his body to keep him in place.

Mr. Big leisurely rose from his seating ignoring all the noise and commotion, once the three of them were successfully pinned, he stepped closer to Yilas, looked down on her from his standing position.

"W-What do you want Mr. Big? Why are you doing this to us?"

"Simple, little female, all I want is some of your precious meat. Once the ritual was successfully performed, my spouse will be healed." He squatted down to seeing Yilas eyes to eyes, his warm and friendly expression from earlier was long gone from a cold, crude face in front of her. A cold sweat broke down on her back, chilled her whole existence.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her!" Vio screamed loudly from the side. And Sabal added onto the rage with his shrieking. "I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!"

Mr. Big didn't bother to react, he waved his hand one time and their mouths were stuffed with cloth, preventing them from making any noise beside murmuring.

"You see, that story I told you was actually about me. This old man's last wish is to have a child of his own, and I have gone through heaven and hell for it but who would have known that the specimen I needed would just come and walked directly into my front door. The beast-god must be on my side today, haha..." Mr. Big burst out laughing historically, his deep, scary voice imposed so much fear into Yilas.

She looked at Viosus and Sabal who were hurting on the ground, she felt helpless. She was imprisoned by this man and they were involved because she was so naive and stupid for believing in a stranger. The fear was overwhelming her entire body, making her every limb soften up like noodles.

"P-please there must be something we can work out, eating me is definitely not gonna work, I promise you that..." Yilas whole body trembled, she was scared to even the slightest wrong word that could cost her her life.

"Nonsense!" Mr. Big grunted forcefully, the tremendous pressure made Yilas closed her eyesight fear, her body shrank into a tiny dot on the ground.

"Let go! Once I'm outta here you're dead! ALL OF YOU!" Sabal spitted out the piece of cloth and screamed loudly, his voices were filled with murderous intent.

They dared laid a finger on Yilas, they deserved to die the most horrible death, he thought.

Bryok didn't bother turning his head toward the lousy beast, though his nosiness was getting on his nerve. He snapped a finger and it didn't take the beasts who were pinning down Sabal two seconds to react.


Sabal's left arm bent in a gut-wrenching V-shape. The dry, disgusting sound of a bone broken into two silenced the room before Sabal's painful roar filled the entire atmosphere. He shrieked and growling agony, the incredibly painful sensation numbed his whole body, taken overall was in his mind at that moment.

"Sabal! Please, don't hurt him!" Yilas immediately shook the beast holding her with all her might, her entire strength was focused on her legs, trying to shoot herself to Sabal. But the guard on her was a matured beast who had 10 times the strength of hers, of course, he wouldn't let Yilas acted so recklessly. He tied her down with his grip even stronger, this time fully securing all of her movement.

"Stop it! Stop this, promise me you won't hurt them, please. I will do anything you want" Yilas begged Mr. Big, she was powerless in front of this man, in order to save the two, it was her only option.

Mr. Big didn't want to waste any more time, he gave the beast who was behind Yilas a nod, they exchanged a command a split of a second. Soon the whimpering Yilas was dragged away, leaving Sabal and Vio screaming for her.

"What should we do with these two Master Bryok?" A guard came forward and asked Bryok. Yilas was the only one they needed so there was no need to keep unnecessary.

"Get rid of them..." He had one look at them threw out the heartless words without any hesitation, they must be secretly disposed in order to keep everything under wrap. He waved his hands like their lives were worthless garbage, he needed to bring this female to his spouse immediately.

Mr. Big quickly left the room with Yilas, before exiting, knocking her out cold with a big wooden stick.

Sabal and Vio were the only ones left in the room with the 8 guards, they stared at each other. They couldn't die here, they thought.

"You! Tie their hands behind their backs." The beast who just communicated with Mr. Big demanded a small-sized guard who was assisting with holding down Vio to do the work.

"Y-Yes!" The beast seemed like a newbie compared to the rest of the guards, he let go of Vio's right shoulder and dug his pouch for any ropes. Figuring this might be the only chance they have at escaping, Vio lightly signal Sabal with his hand, the snake was quickly to get the hint and prepared himself to transform.

*BOOM* Vio turned into his fox form, all the beasts pressing on him were knocked on the ground, he quickly jumped towards the guards on top of Sabal and knocking them over as well, helping the snake to transformed back to our original form.

After just a few moments, the room was in complete chaos. The beast guards were yelling and screaming, some also transformed into their animal form. But Sabal's size was much bigger in his python skin, the giant snake hissed and whipped every beast across the room, hitting some unconscious.

The small newbie who was shakily scrawling on the ground to get to the door successfully found himself an escape, he screamed and yelled loudly for reinforcement.

Not even half a minute later, a dozen more beast barged in at the main door, swinging them wide open to the bloody scene of their guards laying at every corner of the room. A giant black python growled at them, its height touched the tall ceiling of the house. Seeing more came in, and the fact that they were greatly outnumbered in this castle, the best option came to Sabal's mind was to retreat for now. He looked around to find an open airway.

With the speed of lightning, he grabbed Vio with his tail and shot himself like an arrow out the window, disappearing into the deep forest.


Flying from above, Neo had been working hard to find little tiny gold stones, with him and Little Crow working nonstop for 7 hours they had found themselves a little palm-size pile of gold. The sun had set and the temperatures dropped quickly so Neo suggested they called it a day. They were just about to pack up their stuff and leave when Neo noticed rustling sound from afar, though Little Crow couldn't hear what he was talking about.

"Hurry and take this back and hide it, I will go check it out." Little Crow quietly listened to the instruction and found his way back into the house. Neo immediately turned into a brown hawk and skyrocketed himself onto the air, once he reached the height he needed he used his exceptional hearing and his sharp eyes for the source of the sound.

The rustling came from a long-bodied beast, cutting through the forest with incredible speed, Neo decided to shortened the distance between them and followed. With the speed the beast was taken, it should reach the main house in about 15 minutes, Neo must stop them before they reached the place.

With that thought, Neo tiled his wings and caught up with them midway, the closer he got the more familiar that shape became.

"Snake beast!" Neo screamed loudly from above, his voice echoed through the trees and reached Sabal, he looked up immediately and finally felt relieved.

"Check for pursuers!" Sabal screamed back at the bird, the last time they went hunting together, they had somewhat of a combination formed. Sabal would hide and prepared to catch while Neo from above would provide vision and assistant with bringing the preys to him. Though this time, they were the ones running.

"No pursuers!" Neo looked thoroughly behind around 1-mile radius, there was no one in pursing so he reported back to the snake.

Sabal finally could take a deep breath, he dropped the exhausting speed and the heavy Vio on the ground, letting both of them some time to rest.

He leaned on a big tree and turned himself into half-civil, the pain in his arms was unbearable he had to bind it tightly with his other arms. His chest had a sharp pain which led to difficulty in his breathing.

Vio was also exhausted but as soon as he was dropped on the ground, he started to slowly crawl back the way they came from.

"Stop it, you can't go back there," Sabal said coldly, still panting for some air.

"Try the stop me..." Vio murmured his word, his body was swayed from side to side, he couldn't possibly make half the way in that condition.

"If you come back there you will die, Yilas wouldn't want you to either."

"You don't know anything about her, SHUT UP!" Vio growled with all the strength left in him, he couldn't forgive himself, he let Yilas there alone to die again. Anger and pain pilled tall in his voice, but that sentence was all the strength he had left.

Vio leaned his body onto a tree nearby and his body refused to move again, tears fell off his handsome face. He was such a useless beast, how could he left her, how could he get her back with no power or strength in him. Every feature on his face wrinkled up like a scrunched up paper, hurting anyone's heart if they were looking.

He desperately cried, his heart-breaking roar reached Neo's ears, he immediately landed on a tree branch above Sabal. He immediately noticed something was wrong. Not because the fox who was usually quite now shrieking in pain on the ground or the snake who had its arm broken, it was the fact there was the only two of them had returned, Yilas was nowhere to be found.

"Yilas, where is Yilas?" Neo flew lowly from tree to tree, calling her name anxiously with every turn. Soon enough he caught up to what was going on, an eerie feeling crept upon him. Tears starting to run down his cheeks like a water faucet without a stopper, Neo worst fear came to reality when he saw the snake shake his head from side to side.