A Boar's clan leader.

Though annoyed, Porsogon acted calmly, he followed the rest to the gate with Neo closely behind him. They must deal with the most urgent issue first.

"Scouters! Split into 3 groups and direct the herd to empty ground, make sure none of them escape!" The leopard raised his commanding voice, moving the beasts swiftly like many times before, he had been in many battles alongside his siblings and Porsogon. Heff's talent finally had the right stage to shone when he was entrusted to be Porsogon's right hand.

Porsogon stood beside Heff and his brother Hugo the tiger, the same four beasts went out on the last mission had eventually banded back together in this familiar training ground.

All eyes of over 100 something hunter beasts were on Porsogon, awaited for his command.

"My comrades!" Porsogon took a deep breath and spoke, he needed to get them on the same boat, leading them in the same interest. "This is a god-given chance to test our strength, to assert our dominance over the Goats, for one day, our beasts shall stand above all beasts across the face of the earth..."

As Porsogon's prideful words inspired every soldier, the noise they made filled the air. The room of beasts who had just dismantled and doubtful a minute ago now turned into one united army. They shouted together, screamed together, cheering each other up like they had won the battle already. The atmosphere was exhilarating and contagious, soon enough all of their hearts were filled with pride and love for one purpose.

"Today shall be the day, we march forward without fear, without doubts, for we are victors." Porsogon continued, his voice was intoxicating, completely opposites with his usual ways. Who would have known he could have a side like this also. "BEASTS! Follow me!"

Porsogon transformed into a giant black boar the size of a modern-day truck, its pearly tusks the as big as two fully grown one trees. He didn't waste any time before heading for the herd, Neo, Heff, and Hugo were first to transform and followed him. All 100 beasts joined their lead and starting to transform one by one, heading to battle.


Yilas finally regained consciousness after who knew how long, the rays of sunshine had woken her up from her lazy nap. Yilas squinted her eyes and crinkled her face, using her hand to rub her face like an adorable kitty.

"W-where is this?" Yilas spoke to herself as she lifted her body from the bed, only to be scared by an unfamiliar voice close by.

"AAHHH! You are finally awake!" Yilas quickly moved her eyes toward the woman's voice.

It was a 30 looking woman with dark tan skin and beautiful curly black hair, her eyes were a piercing yellow just as bright as Neo's but it was much sharper in a sense as if she could see through people like she could read your every moves. Her features were just as complimenting as her eyes, her strong tall nose and her wide thin lips all showed her confidence. One look at her and Yilas surely know she respected her.

The woman wore lose thin purple fabric dress completely covered her legs, she stood up from the braided vine chair she was sitting on to approach Yilas who was hiding in the corner of the bed as soon she saw her. The way her shoulders pulled back and her head held high demanded respect from all beholders, Yilas was extremely intimidated by her appearance.

"Don't worry my child, come, come here." Mame sat on the edge of the bed and called for Yilas who was curling up her legs to her chest, retracting to a ball full of fear. But after a while, Yilas finally moved, she got up and crawled slowly toward her, her big twinkling eyes glued to Mame's face.

"Good, that's right, there's no need to be afraid." Once Yilas was about an arms reach away, she cautiously stopped.

"Who are you? And where is this place?" Yilas asked the strange woman, her whole body language and voice were wary.

"My name is Mariem, I am the owner of this place and my child, this is the castle of Eirene where all beast gathered in harmony." A gentle long smile formed on Mame's face, both of her arms raised and faced upward showing how proud she was with her home.

"B-But I remember I was kidnapped here by an old bull beast-man."

"Haizzz..." The woman sighed, her arms dropped and her face proved that she was very much displeased with that fact. "Yes, I believe that was my spouse, Bryok's doing."

Mame looked at the sheets and then at Yilas, her eyes shown bright with sincere.

"But no worries, I gave a good scold so he wouldn't be bothering us anytime soon. So please forgive him will you sweet child, he only had my best interest in mind."

"So you must be the woman in his story, the one who couldn't have..." Yilas felt the need to stop her sentence mid-way, it was no place for her to speak on another person's illness.

Mariem avoided Yilas eyes when she mentioned it, a cloud of sadness took over her mind.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you..." Yilas remembered her mother always said having her was the greatest gift she had ever had, so even though her previous was short-lived, at least she experienced the unconditional love between a mother and child. Yilas felt terribly sorry for the woman in front of her.

"No, no it's alright. You must be hungry, I have some food for prepared for you already, let me get it for you." The woman named Mariem moved away from the bed to a giant wood, 2-panel door and poke her head out and called a servant over. She personally instructed them to bring food and water.

Yilas sat up straight on the bed, her cover was made out of expensive silk material, its pearly color was unique and more beautiful than any sheets she had ever seen. Yilas took a careful look around the room she was in.

The whole room was gigantic, about 1000 square-feet and the bed was at least double a king-size, above it was vine-like curtains made out of flowers and leaves, neatly tied together at 4 edges with small bows. Above her head was a green ceiling, it was covered from all the vine which overgrew from the window.

On the left side of the room, a simple wood table and the braided chairs were placed near a window. And on the right, there was a bookshelf built into the wall, with many weirdly detailed on each and every book which filled the shelves to the brim.

The woman came back with a smile on her face with a food tray on her hand, she placed it on the table and waved to Yilas to come over.

Yilas quickly got off the bed and sat obediently on one of the chairs, the food smelled so good she had to dig in as soon the woman nodded her head. Her stomach was growling for nutrients as if they had been starved for decades.

"THi fOOd TAstE aMAZiNg!" Yilas stuffed her mouth everything possible, her small delicate face was turned into the face of a chipmunk with its cheeks full. Mame uncontrollably laughed at the adorable action, she covered her mouth with her hand to avoid being rude to Yilas.

"Slow down, my child, the food is all yours." A sense of warmth and strange fulfillment crept into Mame's heart, she wondered why when looking at this child eating made her so happy.