The genius general.

"Is it because Bryok might find out that she had escaped? And you were the one helping her?"

Mohsen said without any emotion showing in his voice, his face was still sound as if he was sleeping.

"H-How? Who did you hear that from?" Mame was caught redhanded, she didn't try to deny it.

"You know I have eyes and ears everywhere, but don't worry, I'll keep it a secret..." Mohsen smirked slyly, Mame knew exactly what was going to happen next.

"What do you want this time?" Mame rolled her eyes.

"Don't be so sulky about it, I was simply doing my job." Once again, Mohsen brought up his job title as an excuse to be in somebody else's business. "But Madam, why are you protecting that female?"

"Why wouldn't I? Every beast out here is trying to eat her up alive." Mame observed the studious Yilas, who repeatedly practice all the moves she made to the tee. She wondered without her protection, how long would that child be able to survive on her own.

"Or you could simply ignore the matter and let Big First handle it, that way you wouldn't feel any guilt or attach any emotion into that thing." In Mohsen's mind, everything was about black and white, there was only logical, and non-logical. And what Mame did was completely not beneficial, it would only hurt her in the end.

"If I ignoring it, I'm even worst than the one killing her. Besides, one look into that child's eyes and you will understand." Mame remembered the first time she looked into Yilas's eyes, it was as bright red as the sun, it carried a warmth that she couldn't explain. One glance and it was all it took for Mame's to feel all fuzzy inside.

Mohsen on the other hand had a chill down his spine as he had a flashback seeing the child's eyes. It had a giant scar, left eyes pupil's had an ominous off-white color which crept him out. Not to mention the other was bright red like the color of blood, nothing good would come out of a person who had eyes like that. Mohsen thought to himself, Mame must be under some cursed spell.

"Still, that's the ticket to curing your illness, as your general counselor I must advise you to rethink your action." As a counselor of the court, Mohsen must be loyal to his ruler. In their time of conquests, they had killed countless lives, so why not one more?

"Haha...I don't take you as a superstitious beast as well, Mohsen." Mame had a good chuckle, she, of course, wouldn't blame him since Bryok had a lot of influence in his life, he was practically a second father to him.

"I'm not!" Mohsen stated firmly "All I'm saying is if that one small life were sacrificed to save yours, I think it's a positive trade-off."

"I don't think so! That child's life worths more than mince in my book, she has much more to give than I do and she has the power to do it, I can feel it! Besides, once you lived as long as I am, you will eventually come to terms with your faith and accept it with ease."

"But there are still beasts that need you. What about the peace and harmony that you promise to give to this world?" Mohsen couldn't stay still anymore, he sat up in a sudden but she laughed his reasons away.

"I believe I have found somebody to carry on those dreams for me." Mame turned her face to look at Yilas's way, her back was frail as if the desert's wind could sweep her away in one go but she believed in the girl, it was just like looking at herself when she was younger.

Mohsen followed her gaze and he looked at the brown ball-like creature who was struggling to perform the most simplistic training. If there was anyone who was capable of carrying on Mariem's dream, it should have been somebody else as talented as a general.

'I can never understand a spontaneous beast...' Mohsen murmured, if he said it out loud he would have been scolded.

"So what now? What do you expect me to do?" Mohsen asked, he hated inconvenient and the female looked like the most inconvenient thing in the world at the moment.

"Train her like any other generals, teach her things that only you would know about, raise her to be a strong ruler, and a kind one too..."

"A ruler? What are you trying to accomplish here?" Mohsen already guessed what Mame was aiming for, though he didn't want to say it out loud, the idea itself feared him.

Instead of answering him, Mame smiled kindly, her eyes still followed Yilas. The only thing she could do now was to prepare for the next generation, who was going to build a brand new world. Mame thought at least in the last days of her life, she would make amendments to the sins she had made.


Porsogon waited in his house until the sun went down and the fire was lit, Neo also eagerly waited for him at his door.

"Let's go, Neo." Porsogon patted Neo in the back and both of them headed straight to their father's house, the main house of the entire clan.

The familiar scene appeared in front of the two brothers, though this time it somehow was more nerve-racking than the last. They simultaneously entered the rock door with no covers, to show the power of the clan's master, the master must be willing to accept any challengers who would question his ruling. Therefore, for many generations, the house of the headmaster of the Boar clan must have their door opened at all times.

For the past 10 years, Porsogon's father had been the head of the Boar's clan, a record-breaking time frame since it was a highly competitive position. The males status in this society was simple, it was based primarily on their strength and accomplishment. Any beasts who were confident enough in their power shall challenge the headmaster and the master had no right to refuse because if they did, it meant that they had lost their pride as a beast and the challengers would automatically become the new ruler.

Ten years, the number of beasts requested a duel with his father and lost had become too many to count, and for that, Porsogon worshipped his father deeply. Neo, who called the headmaster, uncle, lost his father at a young age. He and Porsogon were raised by him as siblings, and ever since he was little, he had only looked up to him and Porsogon.

Porsogon and Neo stood at the door for a few minutes, both hesitant to walked in. Besides being a powerful ruler, Porsogon's father was also a greedy and barbaric beast who would only do what benefited him the most. The chances of getting him agreeing to save another clan were certainly zero, the more Porsogon thought about it, the more idiotic he thought it was.

Seeing his brother's hesitation, Neo couldn't help but feel anxious, he couldn't let his only ally backed up on their deal. He sneakily got behind Porsogon and tried to push him inside but the man was heavier than a mountain of rocks, not budging one inch forward.

"IF YOU'RE ALREADY HERE THEN COME IN!" A deep burly voice shouted at them out of nowhere. Neo immediately shivered at the cold tone but Porsogon wasn't surprised, he took a deep breath and stepped inside, leaving his brother behind trying desperately to catch up.