Headmaster's decision.

"No! Why shall not concern our resources with such matter." Porsogon caught the words quickly, his eyes widened for just a second before returning to their normal position. Neo who was in awe still trying to catch some air with his mouth but no words came out. He was trying to defend for his reasons but just by looking at his uncle's expression, he knew there was nothing he could do to change his mind.


"You shut it too, I don't want to hear it." The headmaster didn't bother to look at his son, no matter what their reason was, he shall not let their selfish interest ruin their clan's standing.

"But Uncle..."

"Keep it down before I throw you out of here!" His voice was calm and emotionless, he was speaking from the head master's position, there was not a family feeling between them.

Old Psamtik- the headmaster had already read their mind like an open book. What his sons were asking for was far more than just a rescue mission, it could potentially jeopardize the peace treaty with the Goat's city, putting many beast lives in the clan in danger. Being the wise cautious ruler as he was, he couldn't allow such things to affect his clan's well-being.

Porsogon furrowed his eyebrows, without the backing of any elderlies here, he knew they couldn't stand a chance. Out of desperation, he looked to the way of the short-haired female, representative of the leopard family. At the back of his mind, he wouldn't want to ask for their support but push come to shove, that family were the only ones that he trusted. Especially their young male heir, Heff, who had been growing up alongside him all these years. His sister, the temporary representative was a different story.

She was born just about a year or two before Porsogon and Heff. If Heff was a mild-mannered, good-natured leopard, his sister was a totally different species. She was cunning and sly, everything she did for others she expected 10 times in return. Their father, the former head who had been absent for 1 full month, was said to be poisoned by their own daughter because she wanted the power of the family head's position. There were many brothers before her who could have took up the position in their father's stead, however, they all fell mysteriously ill just like their father.

Her mother, who was infamous for being an abusive and jealous beast was always seen controlling her spouses or demanding them to do some outrageous things. And since that female gave birth to another female, their social standing in the clan significantly improved.

Heff's sister, Helen, though was barely in her twenties, had taken in a dozen spouses. She was one of the most beautiful females in the Boar's clan ever since she was just a little cub. When she was only 14, she accepted her first spouse, one of their leopard's cousins but since then the number had increased quickly. She was notorious for liking any good-looking males and if they had decent capabilities, she would also give them a chance to be her spouse.

Ever since Porsogon turned 13 and started to go hunting, he immediately made a name for himself within the bachelor's circle. He was from a powerful family, he was capable in all aspect as proven through many victories throughout the years, and not to mention, he was dashingly handsome.

Once Porsogon turned 16, the ripe age for mating in this world, many young females noticed him right away. And Helen was no different, she started to see Porsogon in a different light and began to shamelessly proclaim him publicly in order to discourage many pressures.

Through her efforts hadn't made much progress since the number of her spouses kept rising but Porsogon was still acting oblivious to all females in the clan, especially to Helen. It made him even more of a desirable bachelor, somewhat like trophy where any female who could capture his heart would have the boasting rights for the rest of their life.

Porsogon and Helen met at the eyes, in just a matter of seconds they had successfully exchanged an agreement. Helen smirk slyly and turned her head away, she couldn't afford to let anyone else notice their exchange.

"Headmaster, may I propose a solution that could be... compromisable?" Helen held her head low, her body spoke elegant but her gaze was as sharp as a blade, the words came out were as sweet as a poisoned apple.

Psamtik rolled his tongue several times before answering, he didn't want to fully dismiss his sons' proposal but no other family had spoken up, giving him the chance to appeared to be a fair ruler who would generously cooperate with his best subordinates.

"Go ahead." He spoke in an unenthusiastic manner.

"I will let your son borrow a small troop from my own family, only if he promise to give us Bryok once he was done with the hostage rescue. If not, I would like him to become my spouse to compensate for the loss."

Many beasts in the room gasped at Helen's proposal, they were immediately buzzing with arguments.

"Why does she want Bryok?"

"Isn't it obvious? If she had Bryok, the whole goat's city falls."

"What does she want? More powers? More preys? Or was she planning a rival?"

"But if Porsogon became her spouse, her chances of becoming head of our clan will increase tenfold."

The elderlies discussed actively, Helen had a confident smile on her face. Even though it was a high bargain, she knew Porsogon was desperate enough to pay the price. Therefore she was smiling from ears to ears, either giving her the power to control another clan or have Porsogon joined in the family as one of her spouses, either way, it was a beneficial deal to her.

Porsogon face didn't change expression but Neo on his side was frozen to the bone, he couldn't agree to let his brother be sold off to the leopard family like that. Neo shook Porsogon's hand but his brother didn't speak a word, instead, he generously patted his hand to calm him down.

In Porsogon's mind, he knew that Helen would only offer a deal that would only benefit her the most. And although he had a small following, the leopard family had over 100 beasts, they definitely had the resource Porsogon was looking for. But of course, Porsogon would never agree to such a stupid disadvantage, and moreover, his pride was too big to be following an absurd female like Helen.

With that in mind, Porsogon kneeled on the one knee and looked directly at his father. Though he had thought of this day for many years, he never thought he would have to make this decision on the spot. Never did he think that this day would come so soon.

Porsogon took a deep breath and held it in, puffing his chest full.

"Father!" Porsogon exclaimed loudly, silencing the room "I challenge you to a duel. The duel that decides who shall lead the Boar clan tomorrow."