Mame's worries.

"There might be a drought this year."

"How certain are you?"

Yilas was woken up by the conversation of someone in the tent. She opened her eyes and ears but didn't make a move since it might interrupt them. Though they talked quietly, almost like whispering, Yilas still recognized one of their voice.

"Based on my last year prediction, I don't think it will be any different this year." The strange man sounded anxious, he moved up and down a lot while talking like he couldn't sit still. Yilas could only see his back since he was turned against her but his antlers were what struck out the most. They were tall and thick like extra arms on top of his head, and of course, to support such a heavy set of horns, his build was also extremely muscular. "Besides, many beasts already knew of the situation and started moving their families. If the news breaks out, there might be a commotion."

Mame was sitting in a nicely carved lodge that resembled an armchair, she had her hand covered her face. Yilas couldn't see her expression clearly but it was definitely not a pleasant one.

"What about the water line scouts, have we not hear from them since they leave?"

The more Yilas listened, the more she understood the difficult position Mame in. The Goat's city had a very dry terrain like it was surrounded by deserts. Therefore, it was not surprising when water supplies were their priority concerns.

"Who got time to keep up with those useless teams anymore, we haven't heard anything back from any of them for months. Moreover, thanks to all the migration nowadays, I can't keep track of who migrated and who got smuggled by the meat-eaters!"

The deer beast-man sounded frustrated, he crossed his arms and stomped his feet, showing his discontent with the current state of the affairs.

"Calm down, Haidran."

"Calm? How can you be so indifference about all this Mame? I have to take care of most of the affairs while Bryok just fooling around with his 'soldiers' and you spend most of your time with that good-for-nothing dead meat. How can I be calm when I'm the only one who cares?"

Haidran got worked up and spilled out all his frustration, he sulkily criticized Mame and Bryok because he was overworked. Mame understood his irritation, she stood up and patted his back, letting him vent it all out without interrupting him.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you, I will get back to it as much as I can but you know if I leave that child alone even one second, she will be taken advantage of, or worst getting killed."

Although Yilas acknowledged the position she was in, what Mame said was still a chilling reminder of the cruel faith awaited her if she stayed in this place.

"There are more important matters at stake, why do you care so much about her life."

Mame thought to herself for a moment before answering Haidran. Then she looked him dead in the eyes and said.

"She remained me of myself when I was younger, so optimistic, so pure and so innocent... If you talked to her you would know that too." Mame smiled kindly while looking at her annoyed spouse, one day he would understand, she thought.

Haidran didn't seem too pleased with Mame's response, he suddenly shot up straight.

"You are still too naive and optimistic!" He huffed and puffed while mumbled the complaints in his mouth.

"Isn't that why you fell in love with me?" Mame also stood up and teased Haidran, even after 13 years together, he still easily embarrassed like the day they met.

"Whatever, I'm out of here, these meat traffickers aren't going to stop themselves."

Haidran walked away in a swift, but before he left he didn't forget to give Mame a goodbye kiss on the forehead. They looked just as lovely as a newly wedded couple.

Mame sat back down to the chair after sending off her spouse.

"You should have said hi to him, my child."

"Eeek!" Yilas shrieked, Mame was as sharp as ever, she was already aware that Yilas was awake this whole time. "Hihi, Good morning Mame."

"Good morning! You must be hungry, get up here, and eat some breakfast child."

Yilas followed Mame's instruction and sat down to a chair next to her. A table of food had been sitting there and waiting for her.

"Are you eating some too Mame?" Yilas had started her meal but Mame hadn't touched her plate, she simply closed her eyes and laid her back to the chair and rested.

"It's all for you, my child, as soon as you finish we can start your training again."

"Are you sure? Maybe we can rest for a little longer." Seeing Mame's tiredness, Yilas didn't want to push her to work at the burning hot training ground again today.

"Are you not feeling well? Is the cloak too hot making you feel ill?" Mame suddenly shot up from her resting pose, she immediately tended to Yilas's forehead and checked the temperature. She had already blamed herself for overworking the fragile child yesterday.

"No, No! I feel fine, I was more worried about you, Mame, you don't look so well today." Yilas avoided Mame's hand on her forehead, instead, she held her hands and neatly placed them in her palms.

Mame sighed and smiled at the thoughtful child in front of her, sometimes she wished Yilas was actually her birthed daughter. Just seeing her every step made Mame felt fulfilled as a mother.

"No worries, all that talking just left me with a headache, that's all." Mame smiled gently and rubbed Yilas's head.

"If there is anything I can do to help..."

"You have done enough my child."

"B-But how? I- I haven't done anything."

"Being around you makes me much more relaxed so you just keep being you, Yilas."

Mame caressed Yilas's pink plump cheeks, those adorable peaches that she wanted to pinch forever.

"O-okay, I guess I know how to do that..." Yilas smiled brightly from ears to ears, showing all ten white pearly teeth. Mame yanked her cute little pink nose before sitting back to her chair, letting Yilas finished her breakfast.

They talked lively about all the progress Yilas had made so far and how excited they were with the things to learn next. From outside the tent, Mohsen had been standing there, hesitated to get in.