

A dirty, spine crawling noise was just as quiet as a whisper filled everyone's ears.

Old Psamtik dropped to the ground in an instant, Porsogon also laid lifelessly not too far from him. Psamtik squealed in excruciating pain and used his right arm to held tight to the broken arm. He screamed and screamed until he could get back on his knees.

Porsogon who was still laying like a dead corpse, his pale skin covered in dried black blood.

"GET UP!" Viosus screamed, if Porsogon stayed down while his father was back up, he would be exposed.

"Brother, please get up." With tears and mucus running all over his face, Neo begged his brother to not give in but he didn't seem to be responsive. Maybe he had already passed the line of the living and the dead.

Sabal stood firmly, he might look calm in the face with his brows connecting into one but the cold sweats ran furiously down in nape, wetting his back and his long black locks. Sabal had a bad feeling about this.

"Hey, Hey, do something, he can't fight anymore." Sabal nudged his right elbow to Viosus but he was unresponsive. He had to call out to his buddy nearby from the Boar clan instead.

"Hey! You guys do something..."

"No way!" A guy said and then another one chimed in.

"You probably didn't know but it's a deathmatch, the fight will only be over when one of them dies."

Sabal brows furrowed even deeper, he and Viosus didn't even need their assistant in the first place, why was this reckless guy putting his life on the line. He turned to Neo who was whimpering as if he was in pain and sternly scold him.

"Suck up all that snot and tears and get in there and stop the fight. There's no need for him to die here!"

"I... I-I can't..." Neo talked but it was barely audible due to his hiccups "If we... w-we stop the f-fight, my brother ... my brother will be executed." Soon enough his face was all wrinkled up once again and tears started to flow like a faucet.

Sabal breathed out harshly, he formed his hand into a fist in anger but he couldn't do anything, he could only look away.

Old Psamtik now had stood back up on his feet, he walked slowly, step-by-step closer to his son who was still laying on the ground like a log.

Porsogon's body felt completely uncontrollable, he couldn't move his arms or legs, the pain had seeped in and it was unbearable, he kept spuing out blood from time to time, proving his internal organs had been punctured. He breathed quietly and was on the verge of losing consciousness when at the corner of his eyes, he saw his father's face.

It was approaching closer and closer but why did it felt like a long time, Porsogon asked himself. When he used all his might to lift his head up, it felt like a solid rock weighing him down but he fought it and gained back some control of his body. Even if in death bed, Porsogon shall die like a warrior, he thought.

Porsogon stood up on his feet, barely hanging onto to his wombly knees but it was enough to support him a while longer. Now he was standing face-to-face with his father, who was holding his own arm and running out of breath. The two looked at each other but couldn't say a word.

Suddenly, Old Psamtik started a cough, a mouth full of blood came out with it. But then he started to cough some more, this time was like a wave and it was vigorous, blood came from his mouth like droplets, making a puddle in front of him.

"FATHER!" Porsogon could only scream that when Psamtik collapsed, his body free-falling onto the hard, cold ground without a warning.

The crowd could sense something was wrong, Porsogon immediately ran toward his father, not in an attacking manner but more like he was trying to catch him.

"HELP! HELP! CALL A DOCTOR!" The cheers stopped completely, a few beasts started to run inside the ring and in a blink of an eye, many had started to pour in the place.

After only a few seconds, somebody in the crowd screamed.

"He's dead! The headmaster is dead!"

Porsogon who was surrounded by beasts turned completely frozen, he fell backwards but Viosus came out of nowhere and caught him. Both Neo and Porsogon couldn't process the news, Neo tried to get through the herd of beasts to see it with his own eyes.

When he got close enough, the circle of beasts was around his uncle's body. An eerie colour of red covered the ground and his mouth, his face was cold and pale, it was stiff like a block of ice. The veins on his face had a creepy black colour, masking like a spider web around the whole face and neck area.

"UNCLE!" Neo shrieked and flopped to his knees, he couldn't believe his own eyes. He had seen many dead beasts in battle and his uncle didn't look like had any living left.

"Get him to a doctor! Carry him, you, help me!"

Sabal had caught up to Neo and was standing behind his back, he saw everything that Neo had seen. He commanded the crowd and had some of them to help him carry the old beast, the quicker they acted, the higher of a chance he got.

With that thought, Sabal, Neo and some male beasts carried Psamtik's body out of the training ground, quickly dragging a lot of the crowd with them.

Porsogon who was still in shocked was lifted up by the shoulder, Viosus had him carried as well. Porsogon just looked at Viosus with his mouth opened like he was about to say something but no words came out. Vio didn't even bat an eye at him, he simply carried him to follow where the crowd was going, the beast also needed a doctor or else he wouldn't be alive for much longer.

Sabal, Neo and the beasts carried the headmaster's body to the nearest doctor in the clan. Barely made it through the gate, the doctor had caught them midway and guided them to his house. The doctor instructed them to place the headmaster on a wood bed and he immediately checked all the vital signs. The crowd of beasts were all stopped at the front door, they debated lively, making loud noises but Neo didn't care. He stood next to his uncle's bed and cried, Sabal who was watching attentively to the doctor's every move had already figured the outcome based on his facial expression.

After a few minutes, the beast doctor looked and Neo and their eyes met, and he shook his head slowly. Neo flopped to the ground, Sabal had his hand on the young beast's shoulder, comforting him. Outside, the crowd of beasts sounded even livelier.