
As the crowd gathered more and more as Viosus's patience shortened. He loathed the childish behavior the female was acting, he didn't have the time or the energy to be dealing with her.

"Somebody calls for my spouse!" After a long time of bawling and blaming Viosus had robbed her of her dignity as a female, Grindy finally called for her spouse, Harmon. For when Harmon arrived, all will be judged by his rule, like many times before.

Still holding his silence, Viosus watched everything happened as if it had nothing to deal with him, he was about to turn away but the crowd had stopped him. They wanted to see it through so of course, the main actor of the show couldn't escape.

However, somebody had recognized Viosus from the day at the battle and went to inform Porsogon. Though it wasn't his intention to get the Boar's head to be involved in this trivial matter, all he could do at the current moment was to watch all the show that this female was playing by herself.

The crowd didn't have to wait long for the arrival of the main character, Harmon. He rushed over as quickly as he could, he was practically gasping for air when he arrived. The wrinkles on his face seemed as they had deepened ten times because of the rush.

Seeing her spouse's presence, Grindy immediately jumped into his arms and pretended to bawl her eyes out. She rested her head on the man's chest and started to shriek in the most innocent voice.

"Oh my love, oh my...! Oh, you have no idea how ashamed I am, I can't even look at you anymore my Harmon..."

"What happened, dear? Tell me, no matter what it is I will take justice for you." The old beast-man Harmon stroke his spouse hair, trying to calm her down, he frowned his eyebrows at whatever had upset his lovely beast-woman.

"I can't if I say it I can't live another day as your dignify woman, I'd rather die...huhu..." Viosus rolled his eyes at the dramatic shows in front of him, asking himself how much longer was this going to drag on.

"Don't say such scary words. Whatever it is, I will make sure nobody will ever make fun of you for it, you are my spouse, no one will dare to disrespect you!" Harmon continued to comfort his woman but the age difference made it look more like he was trying to coax his daughter.

"But he did!" Grindy shrieked in the highest tone possible and pointed her finger at Viosus, the whole crowd eyes were on him, in shock, two of those belonged to the angered Harmon. "He tried to grope me in broad daylight, even before I take him as spouses, but I didn't want it. Oh, my pride as a beast-woman, how can I make it clean, how can I ever look into your eyes again knowing I am filth." Grindy hid her face completely into her man's chest this time.

Harmon turned furious, he growled and stomped closer to Viosus. Standing over 2 meters tall, Harmon proved to be bigger in size when compared to Viosus. As he approached closer, Harmon reached out his big lumpy hand and grabbed for the beast-man's neck only to catch air within his grasp. Viosus had quickly moved backward, avoiding any sort of physical contact between the two.

Ashamed by the miscalculation, Harmon swirled the hand that was reaching for the beast-man into hugging his spouse, saving himself from a laugh from the crowd around him.

"Tell me your name and your family name..." Harmon didn't recognize the young beast's face so he had to ask for his name. In the family name, he was implying household species and status from the stranger.

"Name Viosus, Fox Clan." Viosus's voice lowered, he answered in only a few concise words, showing his full annoyance.

"An outsider?" Many beasts in the crowd started to discuss lively as they realized Viosus didn't belong in the place. But it didn't stop him from holding his head high.

"You were one of the beasts that came back with that twig of a bird." Harmon spared no respect for Neo as he mentioned him, Viosus immediately raised one of his eyebrows seeing the attitude this old beast had for someone at the age of his son. "Did you know what you did? This is my spouse that you are messing with!"

Harmon growled as he was deeply annoyed at the fact that his treasure was wronged by somebody, especially an outsider like him.

"What did I do?" Viosus impatiently asked. His regular gentle smile had long been wiped off his face, instead, he wore a stern cold expression that could freeze anyone's heart.

Before Harmon could say anything, Grindy had jumped the gun and started to yell.

"YOU! How can you DENY what you have done? You groped me in the street, in broad daylight, and even made skin contact with my precious skin. Have you got no shame?"

'This female knew no limits', Viosus thought as he was taken back by the lies coming from her. He didn't want to speak much and waste his energy fighting with a pea-brain but he had already made the mistake to stated his family. He couldn't possibly let this female dragged their reputation to the muds.

"I didn't recall doing any of that. I was only walking when I bumped to you so you fell to the ground. I was trying to help when you fell again." Viosus talked in a slow manner, he wasn't the type get into a situation like this so he had only known to try to talk some senses into this beast-woman.

"Lies! Lies! He did what he did and now he tried to deny it!" Grindy bawled her eyes out as she shrieked.

Remembering the faces of the beast-man were there when the female first fell, Viosus pointed to them and asked.

"Those two were here when it happened, go on, and asked them about what really happened..." Viosus said as he believed that the beasts would not lie about the truth.

Harmon immediately glared where Viosus had pointed, the two young beast-man was startled by the death stare coming from the head of the Lion family. They knew if they say anything that would displease him, it would bring them great torture. The cold sweat started to stream down their faces as the fear grew by the second.

"IS IT TRUE?" Harmon grunted at the back of his throat, making a scary grumbling sound with it like a predator, growling to intimidate their prey.