Escape plan

Yilas was lazily relaxing and thinking about what Mame had said before when the curtain of her tent flew open. She instantly jumped up from the laying position to look for the entrance. Even though there hadn't been much she had heard from Bryok, deep down Yilas was keeping a self-timer, dreadfully counting the time she had left.

Fortunately, her fear was for nothing. The one stand by the door was Mohsen. His face was red and there were droplets of sweat on his face. It seemed that he had been rushing to come here. He left without saying much after Zassar was dragged away so Yilas hasn't had the chance to explain to him why she refused him.

Remember his confession earlier, Yilas face reddened and she had turned her head away to hide her embarrassed self. But hearing Mohsen's hard breathing only made her body burning up even more.

"Mohsen... do you need something?"

No answer from Mohsen. Thinking it was strange, Yilas took all of her courage to look for him.

Mohsen was still standing at the door, he had calmed his breathing but his eyes were on alert. He kept poking his head out to take a peek as if he was afraid somebody was coming.

"What are you doing?" Yilas was curious, she came closer to Mohsen, tried to figure out what he was searching for.

Sensing Yilas presence only inches away from him, Mohsen immediately grabbed her body and used his hand to cover her mouth, preventing her from screaming.

There were only a few candles in the tent, barely lighting the area but from where she was standing, Yilas could see Mohsen's expression clear as day. He was tense, his elegant, slim eyebrows appeared as if they were knitted as one. He quietly shushing her while slowly moving his hand away from her mouth. Though with the tight grip around her waist, Yilas's body was gently pressing onto him.

Distracted by the intensely manly scent from Mohsen's sweat, Yilas could only see two floating fire globes, floating away at the corner of her eyes. However, it was enough for her to catch onto what happened. And immediately, she was embarrassed by her own thoughts. In a serious time like this and the only thoughts on her mind were how delightful Mohsen's smell was.

Once the fire was completely gone, Mohsen finally released the pressure from Yilas but when he looked down, all he could see was Yilas's reddened face.

Mohsen's heart instantly beat at a fast pace, everything about Yilas was too adorable to him. Her dainty and precious features along with the silky hair covering her face, to him it was no other view comparable. Mohsen didn't realize how dangerously close they were which was why Yilas was acting shy. Her twin mountains were pressing tightly onto Mohsen's stomach, he could easily feel the softness without even using his hands. Furthermore, Mohsen's hands gripped tightly onto Yilas's waist, she was wiggling to try to get away only to make his grip tightened.

"Stop moving..." Mohsen said coldly in a whisper, he was using the excuse of hiding to keep this moment a little bit longer.

Mohsen took in a deep breath, somewhere in the way he inhaled a sweet scent, a mesmerizing smell of a beautifully rare flower but it wasn't the reason he came here.

"Yilas..." Mohsen said slowly, holding her face with his palm, he forced her to look into his eyes. Under the dim light, her white eye looked fuzzy but somehow it didn't bother him, it was just as regular as he was staring at a normal one. "Earlier you said, you trust me, right?"

Barely heard the whisper, Yilas nodded her head, the serious look on Mohsen's face was telling her to be very careful about her answer. Her knees were basically shaking in anticipation if it wasn't for Mohsen holding her up straight, she would have fell on her knees.


Yilas held her breath but it was all Mohsen said before letting her go. He swiftly moved around the tent, picking up stuff while Yilas was still in shock, standing like a statue at the same spot.

"Wh-What are you doing? That is my clothes." Yilas asked worriedly as Mohsen rolled her cloak and skirt into a ball and put it in the piece of cloth-bag from his back.

Yilas didn't realize at first but Mohsen was wearing different clothes, it was much more dark-colored and tight-fiting than his regular fancy summer clothes. The cloth-bag he had with him was big as a blanket, he unrolled it to reveal some items before quickly got wrapped away. The only object that caught Yilas eyes was a dagger.

"Is there anything important to you here?" Mohsen asked.

Yilas was still in the dark about what he meant so she didn't answer.

"Anything you can't live without?" Mohsen anxiously rushed for an answer as he stared at the confused Yilas.

After awhile Yilas finally went to her bed and pulled out 2 pieces of triangular clothes, it was so small it fitted into her palm without a problem. She also grabbed a book from her bed in an attempt to hide her underwear.

"Leave the book, we only taking the necessity."

With that said, Mohsen ripped the pieces of underwear out of Yilas hand and throw them in with the rest of the stuff and wrapped the cloth-bag up, and tied it behind his back.

"We don't have much time so let's leave now..."