A companion.

Mohsen was skeptical still, he observed Zassar carefully, his white fluffy hair was shuffling back and forth when he shook his head, making it shine prettily under the moonlight.

Mohsen pulled Yilas to the side and hunched down close to her.

"When I say run, just pick a direction and run. Don't look back and don't worry, I will catch up with you shortly, alright?" Mohsen told Yilas in a whisper, he was about to return to deal with Zassar when Yilas stopped him. She pulled off her head cover and spread her arms wide, standing between him and Zassar this time.

"Whatever you are about to do, please don't do it!" Yilas looked sincere, she couldn't let Mohsen do anything to this beast-man. She wasn't sure what made her have the gut to stand up to Mohsen but she felt like if she hadn't acted fast, Zassar and Mohsen would ought to fight to the death.

"What are you doing? Get out of my way!" Mohsen yelled at Yilas, he couldn't understand what she was doing.

"N...NO! I won't unless you promise me not to hurt him."

Yilas stood firm, her legs were trembling in fear but she looked fierce in the face. Mohsen didn't know to be angry or to laugh, the little female in front of him was as small as a child, covered in oversized clothing that only had her arms and head poked out. Even the desert wind could have blown her away in one sweep yet she was standing up for a 2 meter-tall half-horse beast-man. Zassar almost had a heart attack because of how brave she was, and it was the first time that any female had care for him so much besides his mother, had his hands covering his face, tears of joys were escaping his eyes.

Indeed like Yilas had guessed, Mohsen was about to kill Zassar on the spot, they couldn't risk the chance of having a whole army from the clan to chase them as well.

"Tsk... Yilas, Get, out, of, the, way!" Mohsen grunted every word slowly and lowly, it scared Yilas to the core, her whole body was shaking like a leaf. However, Yilas still hadn't budged. "Step aside!"

Yilas shook her head vigorously even though Mohsen scolded her over and over again, demanding her to get out of his way. But after a while, his patience ran out.

"Fine! But don't think you are getting away with this, we are not done here." Mohsen pointed directly at Zassar who was trying his best to cover himself in Yilas's tiniest shadow.

Mohsen immediately grabbed Yilas hand and starting to drag Yilas away, he didn't forget to mumbled loudly.

"If you try anything on her, you are dead and if I even sense anyone close to us, you are dead."


After another two hours of walking aimlessly, Mohsen and Yilas were walking ahead and Zassar quietly followed. The three started to see the forest, it mustn't be too much further. Though being rushed, Yilas tripped her ankle and fell.


"Hey! You're pulling her too much!" Zassar came to lift Yilas up in an instant as if he just bolted a few meters with just one stride.

Mohsen didn't answer Zassar, instead, he helped Yilas up and squatted down, lifting the cloak that was covering her legs. And just like he had expected, Yilas's right ankle had already swollen as big as an apple. And there are plenty of cuts at her sole.

"Ahhh! It hurts!" Yilas exclaimed when her foot was barely moved by Mohsen.

"Your ankle looks bad, I can wrap it up but you shouldn't walk anymore."

After that Mohsen quickly stabilized Yilas's foot with a thin long piece of cotton even with Yilas screaming in pain.

"AHHHHH! Please, please be gentle."

Zassar standing to the side was even more anxious than a father waiting for his newborn. He was crouching down uncomfortably low for his giant built.

"Maybe... Maybe I should do it..." Bitting his nails, Zassar asked nervously.

"No need, I'm already done here," Mohsen answered coldly. "Yilas, jump on my back."