Life saving miracle

Yilas hadn't thought much about the effect that the forest they entered could do so much harm to a grown beast-man. She didn't know how long Zassar had laid unconscious before the beasts found him. Though what had been only a couple of days for her, seemed like months of starvation on Zassar's body. He was much thinner, she could almost see all of his rib-cages, his strong and powerful legs and thighs now looked nothing like dehydrated barks of trees. his healthy and beautiful features turned pale and lost all of their shines. It was a heart-breaking scene, Yilas gasped in shock as soon as she laid eyes on Zassar. He was sleeping unconsciously, even the sound of his breathing seemed too heavy for his body.

"Oh, God! What have I done..." Yilas covered her mouth but her eyes couldn't move away from the wasted away of a beast-man Zassar was.

Next to her was the centaur beast-man that seemed to bear striking resemblance to Zassar, he had brought her here without any guards figuring out. His companion the deer-like beast-man had stayed behind to make sure their plan was successful.

The centaur grabbed Yilas's by the arm again, bringing her closer to Zassar before throwing her forcefully to the ground.

"You better figure something out soon, we don't have much time!" The man said in a firm voice but his gaze soften as he looked at Zassar. Yilas had figured they were pretty close by the man's action and the amount of concern he secretly hid.

"I will try my best..."

Turning herself to face Zassar, Yilas remember back to when she and Mohsen were caught in by Bryok. It was then that the old beast-man had shown her how to use her blood to cure Mohsen. Looking at the long cut on her wrist where it had just scabbed, Yilas closed her eyes to brace herself for the pain and took in a deep breath. It was her fault for Zassar to be in this state, so it was her responsibility to cure him.

From behind, the centaur man offer Yilas a small tooth-like dagger and she took it without any hesitation. Yilas properly placed her wrist over Zassar's mouth before using the tool to knick her skin. Behind her was a pair of eyes watching very closely and cautiously. The air within the tent grew heavier within a matter of seconds.

Soon enough there was fresh red blood poured out quickly from Yilas's wrist, it was pouring in like a small stream onto Zassar's gray lips and into his mouth, disappearing so quickly as if he was drinking it. After a short while, Yilas had started to feel light-headed, she hadn't had much food in her body for the past couple of days and she was also dehydrated. The pill she had swallowed had only made her feel better temporarily. As the dizziness grew stronger, Yilas could no longer control her body, her vision turned dark and she uncontrollably fell backward.

Luckily there was something there that caught her, Yilas couldn't see it but she felt the softness that was wrapping around her. And just after that thought, Yilas fell unconscious.

It was the centaur man that caught her, he didn't know that the female had to use her own blood to heal his brother. He was still shocked when the female fell to her back and he immediately caught her with his broad arms. His long, dark eyebrows knitted into one line and he shook the female yet she remained silent, there was nothing he could do now but to her laid to rest. The beast-man laid her down next to his brother in the hay bed before running out of the tent to find a doctor.


After who knows how long, Yilas was slowly wakened up by the sound of an old man talking.

"Yes, his internal organs are working as normal, I don't know what you did but it's working. Everything else seems fine as well, he just needs more time to rest."

"That's great news, I will walk you back..." A young man with a familiar voice answered the man.

"No need, no need" The old man quickly refused "You should get something for the female to eat when she wakes up, maybe some red roots, she was losing too much blood and her body is extremely malnourished. It is saddening seeing a female so young wasting away like that. Take care of her well."

When both of the men had walked far away, Yilas slowly rose up to a sitting position, she could see Zassar next to her now looking much better, though still thin, the colors had returned to his face. She sighed out of relief and brushed the long dark hair away from his face. He only looked as if he was sleeping peacefully. Which made Yilas feel somewhat relief in her heart.

"I'm sorry..."

Yilas whispered lightly before turning to get herself off this bed even though the dizziness still lingered in her head.

"Don't get up just yet!" The centaur man quickly got to Yilas's side and forced her to sit down by the shoulder, on the other hand, he was holding some sort of food.

"It's okay, I feel fine now" Yilas stubbornly stood up still, but she had risen up too quickly making her even dizzier than before, she was wobbling and spinning till her knees gave out, letting her body fall to the ground.

The centaur man immediately caught Yilas and forced her on the bed again, this time with more force in his grip. He furrowed his brows and huff, he had known she wasn't better, why must she get up so quickly.

"Rest for now, female, before I make you rest." The man said firmly and he looked angered. Yilas wouldn't dare to go against him again.