The herd

The hand Zarek placed on Yilas's shoulder slowly placed firmly on her thigh, sending a cold shiver down her spine. Yilas stomach started to churn. Yilas had never experienced this kind of remark until now, she didn't know what to do but froze a little due to shock.

"Since I see you as a capable female... I can protect you" His voice dropped low and quiet, it was only for Yilas to hear. But she couldn't help but feel disgusted.

All the thoughts of doubt she had felt suddenly went away, no matter how weak she was, she would never stoop so low. Couldn't hide the angry in her face, Yilas slapped Zarek's hand off herself and glared at him.

Zarek on the other hand had a smirking expression, which made Yilas even more angered. The brimming shiver now had turned into uncontrollable anger. But there was nothing that Yilas could do to this man. He was twice her size and half an animal at that, Yilas had to clear her emotions to stop herself from reacting.

Seeing her reaction so strong, Zarek laughed, he stood up and remove his hand from Yilas, still maintaining a close watch on her. There was something about her disgust that amuse him.

"No need" Yilas finally broke their eye contact, she stood up from the bed and gritted her teeth speaking to Zarek. "Since he is no longer in danger, can I leave now?" Keeping her eyes close to her feet, Yilas turned quickly for the entrance.

She had thought if she acted quickly, Zarek wouldn't be able to stop her but she was wrong. Yilas wrist was captured before she could turn around.

"Not so fast…" Zarek pulled her closer by the wrist, his other hand gently glazed Yilas cheek and hair before hunching down closer to her face.

Yilas was so scared she opened her eyes wide, the hand that was free from Zarek's clutch immediately went to his chest, trying its best to push him away. They were so close that Yilas can even hear his breathing, and the darn hand that was in the middle of his chest was unconsciously picking up the rhythm of his heart.

However, instead of feeling shy or nervous, all Yilas could only feel was grossed out, this man seemed to have no shame, Yilas thought to herself.

"Don't forget you are still a criminal, female." Zarek smiled deviously, his breath was fresh and cold it brushed through Yilas's cheek. But instead of answering, Yilas used all her might to yank herself out of Zarek's hold. Unfortunately, it was only when Zarek let go of her that Yilas was freed from his grip.

"Then send me back to that tree then, I do not wish to stay here any longer." Yilas grunted rudely, she looked at Zassar, cursing him and Zarek at the same time.

Zarek laughed slightly at Yilas's angrily stomped her legs and turned her slim back toward him. Every little thing she did was seemingly very amusing toward him.

"Can't do that either." Yilas immediately turned around and look confused, 'does she voluntarily want to be dead?' Zarek thought to himself, then he slowly continued "If you haven't figured out yet, it is already past mid-day, the whole army of Bryok is currently turning every stone in the capital, looking for you."


Rushing through the thick trees and bushes, the herd of beasts was stretching to their limit to reach their destination. A bear-type beast-man was piercing through the tree, stomping down the tall grass as it was nothing. Following behind him was all sort of beast-man in their animal form, Nio was in his bird form flying above them, keeping close eyes and leading them to the right way.

"KAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Nio's call was heard by the leader, the bear beast-man stopped in his track and turned back to his half-civil form, signaling the beasts to stop.

They had reached the right distance.

One by one, the beasts caught up to their leader, 30 something beasts all waited patiently for his command.

"Beasts! Listen up! Five of you stayed here and set up camp, the rest spread around and watch the terrain then come back here when the sunset. Now go!"

With that, the beasts spread out again, into the tall trees in a blink of an eye. And before they know it, the sun had set for the day, and slowly one after another, the beasts returned. A bright orange-colored fox was some of the last to show up again.

Viosus wasn't much cared for the terrain like the rest of them, he had thought since they were close enough, maybe he could pick up where Yilas was. But it had only given Viosus false hope, he couldn't pick up anything close to her.

Sabal's broken arm, even though had healed, was considered weak in front of their commander. He had stayed behind to set up camp with some others. He was mid clearing out some trees with his giant tail when he saw Viosus's sulking face show up again. After spending some time together, he had somewhat understood this fox's personality. The fox had never once given up or rested looking for Yilas, if it wasn't actively searching, the beast was searching for her in his mind.

If this kept up longer, Sabal wondered if Viosus would turn into a mad beast. Nio went to speak to Viosus again, noticing his bad mood, he tented to cheer up the beast often lately.

"Nothing again today?" Nio shared the food he had in his claws with Viosus.

"Yes…" Viosus took the food but his eyebrows woven into one, he looked down to the food, wondering what had happened to his Master.

"Don't be so impatient, we are so close to the Goat's city, we should find something within a few days." Based on where they are, Nio was confident that their days of seeing Yilas again were close.

"Let's hope that it's true."