WebNovelYuna Nate29.41%

Shiro: 005

Once upon a time, Yuki-onna, one of the most powerful supernatural creatures cataloged by Mythpool. To be honest, Snow Woman ranked second in the ranking only to Kitsune. Her list of skills was extensive, but most of them involved her ice powers. Although I've said that she is in second place as the most powerful creature, studies indicate that if it were for her destructive capacity and let's not confuse it with power, she would barely make it into the top hundred. The point is, in an individual or even group confrontation against the firsts hundred beings, only Kitsune could easily beat her.

But it's okay, please don't be scared. The list of supernatural beings does not include angels, demigods, hybrids or extraterrestrials. Mythpool catalogs them separately to simplify things and avoid confusion.

If we were to take the second place on the demigods list to fight Yuki-onna, she would certainly be beaten with tremendous ease. Even the gorgon dude, using his transformation thing could defeat youkai with not much difficulty.

What Do I mean? I mean that Yuki-onna is not all of that, but still, it is a lot, a really lot. After all, she is second in the ranking of supernatural creatures.

I didn't know the youkai until that mission. Most agents did not know her, and many, even after the incidents, do not know her. I mean, we don't spend time looking at who goes up or down in the ranking of supernatural creatures. The fact is that this list is useless. Mythpool rarely deals with this type of entity, so we don't need to study about youkai, yureis or shinigamis, even though this last one is in the field of deities.

But if I had done my homework, I might not have been in that situation.

Yuki-onna took me to a golf course. I didn't know where that place was, and even today I don't know exactly, but I was aware that we were still in Tokyo. Not that I have a great sense of location, it is that on the way, while being carried by the swarm of albino bees, I was able to see the Tokyo Gate Bridge in the distance, and we certainly landed before we passed it.

Snow Woman placed me gently on the ground and soon the snow cubicles came together, going back to the true shape of the youkai.

I, who was placed sitting on the lawn, remained inactive with the situation. I looked only at the body of the woman standing in front of me, who, in turn, gazed towards the city from which we came from. And she waited. She was expecting her child, Yuna Nate. I'm not going to lie and say that I wasn't expecting the hanyou to appear heroically either.

Even though I was the victim of a kidnapping, as if with Stockholm Syndrome, I still cast a passionate glance at my kidnapper. From the position I found myself in, the Snow Woman looked like a statue of the goddess of love sculpted in marble, or rather, in ice, if you understand subtlety.

And then the woman caught my eye. She watched me over her shoulder and turned around, as if to get a better look at the details of my image. The blue eyes, always those blue eyes. Both mother and daughter had mesmerizing eyes. But youkai's seemed to have the full effect of magic.

Instinctively, I dragged my body back a little while. The woman, in response to my attitude, knelt slowly and put her hands on the knees, looking at me as if I were a frightened kitten. It was an appealing pose to do to a young eighteen-year-old agent. If that situation were a Yu-gi-oh match, she would be using one of those cards banned in competitions.

My only strategy was to look away. A cowardly tactic. It would be right for me to face her and fight my sordid desires, but it was so difficult.

"Are you ok? Forgive me if I injured you, I was in such a hurry."

"I'm fine."


Yuki-onna leaned over and brought her hands from the knees to the lawn. She was in a doggy position. That's right, doggy, like a four-legged animal. I know I mentioned the fact she was wandering naked around. For real, you cannot imagine how difficult it was for Your Humble Narrator. To make it worse, she decided to crawl. She crawled, covering me with her body and her face came close, very close.

I started to sweat. I swallowed. My neck started to hurt from keeping it so long turned to the left side.

"Would you like to sleep with me?"

It was almost like a whisper. Maybe I heard it that way because of my imagination in that delicate moment. And yes, the truth is that I wanted to. But it was not such a wish, it was honestly even common. The problem was those damn blue eyes. From the first time I saw them, a carnal desire that was like a mustard seed in me, started to grow and take over every cell in my body. And it expanded faster each time we looked at each other.

"What are you doing to me?"

She did not resolve my doubt with words. The youkai just bit my ear. Not a violent bite, like Mike Tyson. It was more a clenching with the teeth than a bite. And I confess it was ecstatic. For real, it was really relaxing. I was almost giving in, but I held on. I just had to think like a LOL player who would be safe. Not that I'm judging the fans of the game, but it helped me a lot over there.

And then, she put her hands on my shoulders and settled on my lap as if she were riding a motorcycle. It made my breath change. Hers too.

"Look at me, son of Adam."

It sounded like an order, unfortunately I was a rebel. After all, what did she want? Okay, I'm going to rephrase my question. Why did she want to? And with me? What was going on in the middle of that golf course? A few minutes ago, she was trying to get the Magatama jewel, and now she wants to have sex. What's going on in the Snow Woman's head?

At that moment, I decided to start an interrogation. I turned to her. Her pair of breasts were inches from my face. It was a challenge to ignore that, but with a lot of effort, I managed to look her in the eyes.

"Why is that? Why with me?"

"Oh, my handsome young man, you are the chosen one of this age. I had a plan, but I changed my mind. Looking at you, I noticed something special, as if the lucky goddess smiled at thee. I think you can give me what I long for lately."


"Not only, my handsome young man. You will be the incubator of my new offspring. You have a brilliance similar to my former lover. I believe that our child will be born without defects like my previous offspring. Afterwards, she will grow up and take over the life of who is called Yuna. Aren't you a perfect offense for a freak like her?"

She smiled as she said the final words. She wanted to know what I thought about that idea. She really asked for my opinion. She straddled naked on my lap, told me her evil plan and asked what I thought about it. So, I answered.

"I ... I just think you're a monster."

I was not able to speak loud enough to express the disgust I was feeling. So, she said calmly."

"A monster...?"

The mood had changed. The temperature dropped even more and my teeth were already chattering. The cloudy gray sky darkened, becoming stormy. Yes, a blizzard was coming. A cold snowstorm.

She got up, got off me, and then looked away.

"Forgive me ... I didn't mean to scare you. You have nothing to do with my daydreams, you are merely a son of Adam. You do not love me truly; it would never work without love in its reality."

"I… Well. What did you intend to do with the jewel ... the Magatama jewel?"

"What do you mean?"

She looked at me again, and I felt like I was walking through a minefield.

"Well, the jewel had magical powers ... so ...?"

Again, she smiled.

"I would use its magic to fix my offspring."

"Go back in time, I knew it ... hey, what?"

"Are you astonished?"

"Yes ... but if that was it, why didn't you say anything?"

"Because Yuna doesn't want to be fixed. She prefers to rebel against my will. She wants to show she can be bigger, even if she is smaller. This was before me, but I didn't want to see it. But now I finally accepted that she is an imperfection. After killing her, I will return to the woods to find a new love, and I will have a new offspring. Unfortunately, it will not be you, you're a handsome young man."



Finally, the time has come. The word pronounced a couple feet behind Yuki-onna's back was like the sound of a gong as starting a fight. And she turned to her daughter. Once again, the sapphires crossed voraciously.

Then it started to snow. Not only on the golf course, but throughout Tokyo. The dark clouds of the cloudy sky, blocking the sunlight, began to cry their frozen tears, bathing the Land of the Rising Sun with melancholy and cold. It was as if the gods of those two were sorry for what was about to begin.

"Young man, keep yourself from afar."

I didn't think twice. I got up all desperate and frightened, and sprinted to the right, close to the trees. The right thing would be for me to run, run away, retreat. Find a taxi or call an Uber, and go to Suny's apartment, to see how she was doing. However, someone needed to be Captain Jack Sparrow. Someone needed to witness that and live to tell the story. That said, as you may have noticed, Your Humble Narrator did not run away nor hesitate.

"How long have you been there?"

"Long Enough, exhibitionist. Too bad you chose badly. You are not his type. He is a pedophile and also a masochist."

"Hey! I'm still here!"

"I understand. This explains all his hesitation."

"What? Did you believe it?"

"But let's get going with what matters. You should know that this time I will not spare you from the hand of death."

"I won't hesitate either. I am determined to complete my mission and join the Elite, as proof of my superiority."

That's it. I confess I was excited. Almost smearing my pants again, but still excited. I was about to see for myself the mortal struggle of the ice ladies.

Snow Woman ran her hands through her hair, revealing her majestic white horns that looked like the teeth of a saber-toothed tiger. Yuna Nate, on the other hand, couldn't do such a cool magic trick, but ended up doing something more symbolic. She adjusted the gray beanie on her head, hiding her wolf ears, as if to neglect her supernatural ancestry in that confrontation.

"Do your worst, freak!"

"I tell you the same, exhibitionist!"

Both daughter and mother moved in attack. The distance between the two of them was about fifty feet, but when their feet launched them into combat, feets seemed to be converted into inches. It was in a blink of an eye that the two found themselves punching each other in the face. The impact of the blows generated a gale, blowing everywhere and ended up throwing me on my back against the trunk of a tree, making me fall sitting up. I thought it would be better to stay like that.

The pressure the youkai and hanyou's fists made on each other's faces, moments after the windstorm, ended up driving the two away, throwing them back. They both spun in the air, sliding as they set foot on the grass to slow their movements, and stared at each other like hungry animals.

The Snow Woman wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. Yuna had no blood to clean. However, her left cheek was frozen, as if it was covered with crystal. This did not last long; the solid-state layer of the water soon fell apart.

For real, even if Yuki-onna could not freeze her from a distance, with contact it was different. However, the girl was able to repair the damage with a little time and concentration. Seeing it this way, the youkai's advantage was no big deal, and the two were practically fighting on equal terms.

And so, the ice show started. The ground around Yuna was frozen in a circular shape, and from that ice mat the girl created, two icy panthers jumped onto the lawn, as if summoned from the underworld and advanced ferociously against the Snow Woman. However, as they approached and jumped against her body, they shattered into ice crows, which began to surround the youkai.

Moments later, Yuki-onna's birds became floating knives, flying in an attempt to maim the Snow Woman. But the blades of ice crumbled into snow that harmlessly fell around the youkai.

"You are useless. If what you want is to extinguish me from a distance, you should quit."

"Truth. It seems I have no other choice."

So, Yuna made a decision that I thought was a little peculiar to the situation. She took off her sneakers. Since they were medium upper and a little thick, I thought they should hinder the hanyou's agility and mobility. I also imagined that they were heavy sneakers for training, which I later confirmed. But, take off her uniform? It was no special outfit like the sneakers, it was an ordinary piece of clothing, there was no need, that's what I thought.

Underneath her uniform, she was wearing white lingerie with see-thru ornaments.

"Stop eating me with your eyes, douchebag."

"I'm cool."

The hanyou dropped the red suit like the skin of a demon to the ground, and the most bizarre that could happen, Did. The girl's basketball jersey began to tangle on the lawn, and suddenly, with a sharp buzz, the fabric stretched twisted upward in the shape of a spear.

A crimson spear like blood was caught by Yuna Nate. Then she removed her red glove with the help of her teeth, spitting it on the grass.

Yuki-onna laughed when she saw that. She raised her hand to the forehead and laughed, looking disappointed by the scene. Her blue eyes regarded the hanyou with disdain. And with a sigh, she stopped laughing and put her hand on her waist.

"Do you think a magic cloak could stop me?"

The girl spun the spear in her hand and held it with both hands. Turning her body to the right, Yuna gave her mother her left shoulder and pointed her gun at her, stretching her left leg and slightly bending her knees. It was the combat position of a real lancer that she took there.

"Surrender, daughter, you do not …"

It was fast and furious. The dust was kicked back where the hanyou was. The girl launched herself in a sudden movement, which I only noticed because she was gone from my delayed vision. And I don't know exactly what happened in the meantime between Yuna's attack and the following of my eyes. However, when my vision returned to focus her, there was half of an arm stuck like barbecue meat in the crimson spear's rod.

The hanyou passed by Snow Woman, a few steps behind her. The youkai was astonished. Her right arm dripped blood like a poorly turned tap. The wide eyes expressed the mixture of dread and hatred.

Yuna pulled her mother's forearm, freeing it from the spear. She looked at the youkai over her shoulder before completely turning around. So did Yuki-onna.

"Damn you ... you freak!"

The girl threw the piece of meat at her, catching her arm in the air.

"You can cry out, go. I don't mean to continue messing around here, so your complaints won't last long."

"You ... Tsc. Why did you give me away?"

Gritting her teeth, the youkai ate the words. She straightened up, back to explain her grace again. The forearm on her hand was fitted back into the body and her regenerative ability repaired the arm, looking like it had never been damaged.

"I don't want to spend my life thinking that I beat you because you were without an arm, exhibitionist. And then? From this distance, with the speed I can reach, it won't be too difficult to finish you."

Yuki-onna took two steps back. But not as if she was taking a safe, hesitant and afraid distance. She was creating a kind of perimeter for the current circumstances of combat. And so, the youkai spawned an ice spear, almost a perfect replica of her daughter's. She spun in her hand and imitated the girl's fighting position.

That was it. On one hand, a brat moved by the force of pride. On the other, a woman motivated by prejudiced ideals. Both spearmen suddenly approached and a show of quick strokes started in the middle of that golf course. The spears crossed several times in sequence with absurd speed. It was not possible to see the weapons. The stems turned, for my eyes, into brilliant streaks of fire scarlet and icy blue. The movements exceeding the speed of sound, seemed to be trying to overcome the speed of light as well.

"These two are surreal. I think I'm gonna switch jobs."

"For real, you should."


Sneakily beside me, Suny McSun appeared. The wound on her leg was bandaged, as well as the ones on her arms.

"It looks like I am late, right?"

"Are you alright?"

"They're barely using their powers." Ignoring my question, she sighed. "It seems that it's not only in appearance they are human. They decided to solve the fight in the most pragmatic way, with a duel of spears."

"Actually, circumstances have led to this. One invalidates the power of the other. The advantage of Yuki-onna, which was the contact, was settled with the use of a spear by Yuna, which for some reason is the jersey that she was wearing."

"What? True, now I noticed, she's half naked. What did you give her to drink?"

"Hey! I didn't do anything, it's not my fault if she has a magic uniform!"

The point is that Yuna had a plan to defeat her mother right from the start. She already planned to use this mystical outfit as a weapon. She knew the enemy. She knew the advantages and disadvantages. And she also knew herself. It was a fact to her it wouldn't be possible to defeat Yuki-onna with her powers of ice. The girl thought like a true killer. She knew she would be like a creature killer, or rather, a youkai Assassin, that she would put an end to her. Then, she removed the Snow Woman from her comfort zone and brought her into her territory. The fight that seemed to be on an equal footing, in fact, was only favorable for the hanyou. Even so, although the girl tried to prove her worth to her mother, Yuna was on a mission and had received an order.

And the hanyou hit her mother's spear with her own, taking it out of her hands and tossing it aside. To that, Yuki-onna staggered back. The super-fast spear clash was over and we could clearly analyze the situation. First, I noticed Yuna. The girl had no scratch, smooth. The blue eyes were darkly serious. There was determination in that pair of sapphires. So, I watched the youkai. There were craters on her left shoulder, right arm, left thigh and right ribs. She appeared to be in no pain, which was common for supernatural creatures. Still, her eyes showed the desperation she was feeling.

"Yeah, it looks like we have a winner." Suny said.

Yuna spun and kicked Snow Woman's solar plexus, throwing her a couple feet backwards. And then a large shell in the solid state of water formed behind the flying body of the youkai, intercepting her halfway through. And Yuki-onna hit her back there, cracking the ice in a momentary state of helplessness. That moment was enough for the hanyou.

Once again, the girl spun, now stomping her foot and the spear positioned for the launch. With a shout saying DIE, Yuna Nate hurled her scarlet weapon that flew like a missile at the youkai. Before any reaction from Snow Woman, whose forces were being used to regenerate the wounds of the recent supersonic crash, the crimson spear went through Yuki-onna 's skull, destroying her left eye.

The daughter purposely aimed at one of her eyes. Part of her ice powers depended on the "power of the eyes" as the mother called it. Yuna clearly knew that. When targeting one of her eyes, she not only delivered a fatal blow, but also prepared herself against a smile from the lucky goddess to the youkai. With her powers reduced, in the condition she was in, with a spear of mystical and mutant tissue nailing her to a scoop of ice, it was a matter of minutes for Yuki-onna to leave here for a worse place.

These were the last moments of mother and daughter. Even though the two denied each other, they were still part of each other. The hanyou walked to the shell, ceasing to walk two feet away. A little more than a school ruler is what separated the mother from the daughter.

"Hi Mom."


"How are you doing?"

A stupid question. A stupid question full of sincere emotions. Maybe she didn't know what to say, or maybe she never had a chance to ask if her mother was okay. What I think is that she just wanted to show that she cared. You know like in those zombie movies, where a character has to kill someone he likes because he was infected with the virus, and then he needs to prioritize his survival. I think it was more or less the same situation as Yuna Nate and Yuki-onna.

The girl cared for her mother. Even with all the prejudice, deep down she liked her. However, her mother was like a zombie, who, infected by the virus, just wanted to devour her daughter, who is human. In the eyes of a zombie, a human is a divergence, a failure, a freak as youkai said. Therefore, merely food.

That's It. A prejudiced person is like a zombie. A human being infected by the prejudice virus. A social zombie. What a weird term, let's dismiss it. Yuna and Yuki-onna are not human, but they are rational beings and they live, even if hidden, in our society. I think they can be used as an example.

"Daughter ... you have grown up so strong …"


"It is not just... not fair... I was defeated by a murderer. You put me in a disadvantageous place …"

"There was no other way, mother. I could never beat you by fighting purely as a youkai, but neither could I be able to confront you purely as a human. Only as hanyou the victory could be certain."

"You thought of everything, didn't you?

"It was two weeks of a lot of study. It was difficult to get this symbiotic costume."

"Symbiotic ...? What food would that be?"

Yuna smiled.

"You douchebag, it's not food."

"Hmm ... I see. I sense ... that a shinigami is approaching…"

"Yeah, I know."

"I have never taught you anything... I will make use of these final laments…"

"Y-Yes ..." The hanyou anxiously awaited her mother's words.

"Never ... never fall in love with anyone, daughter. We create our own demons ... and it was because of that mistake I had lost my eye."


"If you make the same mistake, you'll lose an eye like me."

"I ... I'll try to be good ... Mom."

The god of death had done his job. Yuki-onna's body lost consciousness. Yuna took two steps forward and picked up her spear, removing it from her mother's skull. The gun untwisted, going back to be a basketball team uniform. The girl put on her costume, smeared with small stains of youkai's blood on the fabric.


And the hanyou started running with her head down in any direction.

"Hey, Yuna! Where are you going? Hey, hey!"

"3k1, wait!"

Ignoring Suny's voice, I couldn't help but start a run after the girl who, although impossible to keep up with speed, made it clear about her destiny.

In the end, the girl who drops ice by the hand barely even used her ice powers. After all, Yuna Nate was much more than that. Her human half, the part you followed in my mission report, was an assassin trained to deal with supernatural creatures. When she was ordered to kill Yuki-onna, the fifteen-year-old girl was already thinking and acting like the youkai Killer she is, in the present moment I am telling you this.

She orchestrated everything. From getting a magic uniform and wearing heavy sneakers to disguise her true speed, she even let herself be captured by Mythpool to gather information. The hanyou, unlike me, can be considered practically a human cold war weapon.

And speaking of Your Humble Narrator, even though I completed Ogre into the Night Operation, I was suspended for a while. But then I got promoted, which was really weird. I joined a special squad and ended up winning a small gift, and the hanyou even saw it ... but anyway. This story is not about Your Humble Narrator, right? It is about …

"Yuna ... hey ... I'm afraid of heights, so …"

The girl had run to the Tokyo Gate Bridge and climbed to the top of the steel beams. I found her sitting facing the water, hugging her legs with her head down. A rather depressing image, even for her.

I sat down next to her.

"Are you alright? Okay, maybe you're not... it must be difficult, I know... okay, I don't know, actually... crap, I suck at words…"

"Really, really bad."

"You're not crying, are you?"

"No. Why would I cry? It was my mission, I prepared myself for it ... it was what I wanted, my ambition…"

Those words made me afraid.


"But it wasn't what I wish for, douchebag. That was not my dream, you know?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I wanted was to see my mother dead. My ambition was to reach the Elite, and now, it is likely that the Executors have already warned the boss and I am already in."

"Damn, cool…"

"However, my wish was for my mother to accept me as I am. And my dream was not to have to take my own mother's life to live in peace. My dream was not to have to wear this hat everywhere."

"So, run after your dreams…"

"No, you douchebag."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want that. Because my dreams are almost the opposite of my ambitions. And for me, the important thing is what I think is correct, it is what I want. Desires are like dreams, and dreams are like illusions. It's a utopian will, you douchebag. And you wanna know one of the things I hate the most?"

Yuna Nate stopped looking at the cloudy horizon to turn her dark-blue eyes against me.

"Happy endings. I hate happy endings."