4. Help

After hours of talking Katsuo saw it was getting late and decided to head home, we agreed to meet up to talk tomorrow and see what I can do about a new home.

After Katsuo left, I locked the door and lay on the couch because the apartment didn't have a bed, I lay there sorting my mind, thinking of the crazy things that had happened to me.

"Why did I feel so nervous around Katsuo today, I don't like him do I?" I ask myself.

I should get to sleep, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I toss and turn while I'm having flashbacks like the last time I switch bodies, I received memories from this person's life, but this time it was like a nightmare, I dreamt about the abuse, the exclusion and the pain this person felt, all the night's they spent drinking alone, it wasn't a good feeling.

I wake up with a sore head and I find myself laying on the floor with tears running down my face and this tight feeling in my chest, it's not like I haven't felt it before, but this time it's was worse, I began to cry even more as I grab my chest and it gets tighter, I cry a sleepless night away.

The next morning I hear banging on the door.

"Hello, are you in here Hina, you didn't come to the spot we agreed to meet up at," says a voice from the other side of the door, I could guess who it was, Katsuo.

I approach the door and open it, I see Katsuo on the other side, he stares at my face.

"Are you ok, you look like you've been crying?" ask's Katsuo, I stare back then I hug him and he hugs me back, it felt nice, like a warmth I've never felt before.

"Sorry, there's something I didn't tell you about," I say, then I move on to tell him about the dream's and how I think it'll happen every time I switch bodies, then I tell him about the one I had last night and how it made me depressed, he hugs me tighter.

"I'm sorry... how about we get you a house near mine and you can come over whenever you want?" asks Katsuo.

"Sounds nice" I reply also hugging him tighter.

I get changed into the best clothes I could find then headed to a street, there were shops all down both sides of the road, there were shops of all sorts, there was one for clothes, crafting materials, manga, cafes and more.

"There's a cafe in here I wanted to show you," says Katsuo, he lead me to the front of a cafe called Kitten coffee, weird name I know.

"So what do they do here, please don't tell me its a cat cosplay cafe," I ask him.

"No, you'll see why it's called that" he assures me, as he opens the door to the cafe, on the left it had a counter where you order your food, a lady was standing there, she had brown hair, and was wearing a white shirt, a long brown skirt and a pink apron, on the right were windows with chairs and tables lined against them, we walk in, Katsuo stops me and says to watch where I step, I look down to see that I almost stepped on a kitten, the kitten was white with black spots.

"Aww, it's so cute, I can't believe I didn't see you before, I'm so ashamed," I say to the kitten, then I look around the room to see at least ten more cats.

"So freaken cute!" I say.

"Do you like cats?" asks Katsuo.

"More like I love anything cute, thank you for taking me here today, your the best," I say to Katsuo as he turns bright red.

"N-No problem, I'm glad you like it" replies Katsuo, "we should take a seat"

We sit at one of the tables, a cat follows me and jumps on my lap, they're like antidepressants, I can feel my negative emotions melting away.

"Hows Akari, well since I was her last," I ask.

"You remember passing out at the restaurant? well we took her to the hospital and she was out cold till this morning, she claims to not remember anything over the past couple of days" replies Katsuo, "The thing is I asked Akari out a month ago and she turned me down and ever since then things were awkward between us to the point where we didn't hang out anymore, that's why I rushed over when you invited me over as Akari, anyway she thought it was weird that I was there at the hospital"

"Oh, do you still have feelings for her?" I ask, hoping he would say no.

"Not any more, I-I like someone else now," he says blushing, w-why is he blushing? don't tell me that he likes me, wait let's not get our hopes up, it might not be me, but I hope it is.

"Hello what can I get for you today," says a lady who we didn't notice standing at the end of the table, it was the one we saw when we first walked in, "We have a special for couples today, would you like that?"

"C-couple's," I say, I turn towards Katsuo who was already looking at me.

"U-um I don't mind getting the special if you don't" say Katsuo still blushing.

"Sure" I reply, we order the special and chat a bit, but the more we talk the more nervous we get until I talk about my apartment.

"I don't think you need to worry about me getting ejected," I tell him.

"Why not, did I do something wrong?" asks Katsuo.

"No it's not you, I have three days till I'm ejected right, it's just the last time I switched bodies with someone it was after about two days and whos to say it won't happen again" I explain.

"you make a good point but what if you don't switch bodies? we should get you a place just in case" says Katsuo, we chat about my apartment a bit more than our meals arrive, it was I plate of spaghetti bolognese and a milkshake with two straws.

"What? why is there only one plate of spaghetti bolognese and why only one drink," I ask the women?

"To share" she replies. We both go silent, what? Is this a joke, I mean I'm ok with the idea but I don't want to scare him away.

He looks at me then says "If you don't want to I can order something else and you can have it"

"N-no! It's fine I just wasn't expecting that" I mutter, I grab my fork and start eating, Katsuo also starts eating, I wonder if people think we're a couple, I start to blush at the thought of it, I look Katsuos way, he was also blushing.