My Name Is Shi Feng

When Shi Feng woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar room. Amid the confusion, he quickly regained his senses.

He remembered what happened. The night before, his mortal enemies had sought him out for revenge. He had exhausted all his means but had been unable to take them all out. Just when he had thought he was a goner, he had heard the sound of a police car. He had figured he might have been planted. Either he would die by the hands of the enemy or fall into the hands of the police. Quite unexpectedly, the last person he had seen was a young lady.

He was not dead? Hahaha! Since he hadn't died, he would have their necks once he got back!

There was sharpness in his eyes as his mouth stretched into a distorted smirk. He inspected the injuries he had sustained. They had all been dealt with. He was wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else. But since he was wrapped up like a mummy, it made no difference whether he was clothed or not.

Who was the girl who had saved him the night before?

Shi Feng stood up strenuously and walked out of the room. It was a three-bedroom house, with the interior design simple but well-kept. 

There was an easel on the living room balcony—an unfinished painting lying on it.

Just when Shi Feng thought no one was at home, he heard the shuffling of keys opening a door. Shi Feng tensed and took up a defensive posture.

The door opened. Shi Feng's body instantly relaxed when he saw who had stepped in.

Shen Qinglan looked at the person standing in the living room. For a moment, she seemed surprised, "You haven't left?"

Shi Feng felt awkward upon hearing her words: he had just woken up.

Shen Qinglan ignored him and walked straight into the kitchen. It was then that Shi Feng noticed she was carrying many bags in her hands. Then, she came out carrying several bowls. There were porridge, steamed buns, fried dumplings, and tofu pudding. A hearty breakfast indeed.

Shen Qinglan sat down for her meal when she noticed the gaze projected on her. She turned to Shi Feng, "Do you want some?" She had prepared his portion too.

"Don't mind if I do?" Shi Feng agreed readily. Shen Qinglan did not respond, for she had begun eating.

With great effort, Shi Feng moved to the dining table and sat down opposite Shen Qinglan. He took the bowl of porridge that Shen Qinglan had not touched and dug in. His right hand was injured so he could not use the chopsticks. Luckily, there was a spoon. He lowered his head and consumed the porridge.

He had not eaten in a day. He had also been involved in long fights. He could not even begin to describe how hungry he really was. One bowl of porridge was simply not enough. He downed a bun in several mouthfuls. 

Shen Qinglan ate her tofu pudding quietly.

After he had his fill, Shi Feng finally regained some of his strength. He also had the leisure to check out Shen Qinglan.

She was younger than he thought, perhaps around the age of twenty. She was rather attractive too, but she seemed to exude an air of apathy and aloofness for her age.

"My name is Shi Feng," Shi Feng spoke.


That's it? Shi Feng believed he had at least accumulated some infamy in the capital, and that most people would have some sort of response upon hearing his name. Unlike this young lady on the other end here, who acted as though she did not know him.

She doesn't know who I am? Shi Feng had an epiphany. Right, his name was well known in the realm of organized crime—it was normal that outsiders did not find him familiar. From the looks of that young lady, she had to be from a rich family, otherwise how else would she get to stay in such a house on her own?

"Thanks for saving me last night. I could not express my gratitude enough. You can look for me when you need help, I'll gladly oblige. Say, what's your name?" Shi Feng said in all seriousness.

Shen Qinglan finished her last spoonful of tofu pudding and slowly wiped her mouth with a napkin. "No need. It would be better if we don't meet again."

Judging by Shi Feng's condition last night, he must have been sought after by an enemy wanting revenge. He had to be a typical troublemaker, and Shen Qinglan disliked trouble.

When he realized he was being frowned upon, Shi Feng felt really awkward. For the first time in over thirty years, he had met someone who despised him.

But Shen Qinglan had indeed saved him. Shi Feng might not be among the ranks of the good, for he had committed unspeakable deeds on a regular basis, but he was a man of his word and would not go back on them.

"Hey, I still have to thank you for everything."

"You're quite badly hurt. It's best you get someone to look at your injuries. I'm going to head out soon. Please lock the door for me when you leave." Shen Qinglan stood up and tidied up the table. She did not like a messy house.

Shi Feng followed her, wondering who she was. Even if she did not know his identity, commoners would not dare help him after what happened last night. It would be considered bold of them to dial 120. Yet, she had not only saved him, but had even brought him home with her. 

Had she ever given any thought that he might return kindness with ingratitude and kill her in the morning?

Shi Feng asked her the thing that had been on his mind.

Qinglan wiped away the last drop of water on her hand and, without even looking at him, said, "You can't beat me."

Shi Feng was speechless.

Shen Qinglan was speaking the truth. The Shen family made their name on the battlefield. Apart from Shen Xitong, who was terribly weak and unskilled, Shen Qinglan and Shen Junyu had been trained well under Grandpa Shen's coaching.

With Shi Feng severely injured, any threats to hurt her would only make her laugh.

Shen Qinglan promptly left without a word, leaving Shi Feng alone in the house. 

He picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number. Soon, there was a knock on the door. With great effort, Shi Feng dragged himself there and looked through the cat's eye before opening the door.

"Boss, what happened to you?" The visitor said when he saw Shi Feng's current condition.

"Get in first," Shi Feng invited him in. Then, he moved to sit on the sofa.

The visitor understood the seriousness of the matter. "Boss, where were you last night? We got wind that the jerk, Black Tiger, was getting his people to block you off. We sent backup, but we could not find anyone."

Shi Feng's face turned savage at the mention of Black Tiger. "If it weren't for my luck, Black Tiger would have had his way last night. Ah Nan, there's a traitor in our gang. I can't come forward right now, you'll have to investigate in secret. Be careful not to alert the enemy. Also, find out who the owner of this house is."

The man called Ah Non nodded in acknowledgment. There were only a few who knew about Shi Feng's mission the night before. Black Tiger should not have known about it but he had managed to—and had even set up an ambush along the way. Ah Nan could not think of any other explanation other than the possibility that there was a mole among them.

"Boss, after I find out who the owner is, do you want me to..." Ah Nan made a motion indicating a swipe across the throat.

Shi Feng eyed him sharply. If his mobility had not been restricted, he would have loved to give that idiot a good kick.

"She's my savior. Don't you dare lay a finger on her," Shi Feng barked. 

Ah Nan drew back his neck.