
The two fell asleep in each other's embrace, and slept all the way till morning.

By the time Shen Qinglan woke up, it was already seven. She usually woke up at six. It was a rare occasion to oversleep that day.

She opened her eyes and moved about, and it was then that she noticed something was not quite right. She touched something close to her and flinched.

Shen Qinglan realized what that was. Her eyes snapped wide open and her face blushed furiously all the way to her neck.

"Satisfied?" Fu Hengyi's hoarse voice echoed in her ears. Shen Qinglan jumped in shock, but she had forgotten she was locked in his arms at the moment, while he looked at her.

Her head directly hit his chin. She hissed, while he snorted.

"Qinglan, do you plan to kill your own husband?"

"Y-You're the indecent one," Shen Qinglan stuttered, no longer able to contain her stoicism.

Fu Hengyi's hand fell on her head, massaging the spot where she had just been hit.

Hearing her words, his eyes darkened and he gritted his teeth, "Miss Shen, I'm thirty-one, not three. Don't you know that men are the most impulsive in the morning?"

Shen Qinglan's face had become so red, blood might spill any time. Thus, no matter how calm she tried to be, she would give anything to dig a hole and hide in it right then.

She sat up in a hurry, "I-I'm going to make breakfast."

Fu Hengyi held her by the wrist and, exerting a little strength, Shen Qinglan fell back on him. He spun her around, and soon their positions were switched.

Fu Hengyi looked down at the person under him, his eyes narrowed dangerously, "You plan to run after lighting me on fire?"

Shen Qinglan looked around in a panic, but dared not look him in the eye. Her unintentional touch just now reminded her she had woken a hungry tiger, and it was waiting to dig in. 

Shen Qinglan dared not move, "You only have yourself to blame for lacking willpower."

Fu Hengyi smirked at her comment. In the thirty-one years he had lived, this was the first time someone said he had poor willpower. If his subordinates heard that, he would be the laughing stock.

"I lack willpower, are you sure? Says the one wearing this outfit," Fu Hengyi's eyes fell on the gleaming white surface below him, his voice hoarse.

Not comprehending, Shen Qinglan followed his gaze, only to realize the first two buttons on her pyjamas were unhooked, exposing her cleavage.

The heat on her face that was just beginning to fade soared again. She struggled to get up, but Fu Hengyi's hold on her was as steady as a rock.

He looked at her, his eyes burning with desire, especially because he could see the milky surface dangling in front of him as a result of the woman struggling in his arms. He only felt the fire raging in his head, consuming his senses and engulfing his consciousness.

Realizing the man's soaring body temperature, Shen Qinglan panicked even more. She wanted to open her mouth to say something, when her lips were sealed by something gentle.

His lips gave slight chills, different from the heat his body was giving off. His lips were soft, like a kind of jelly Shen Qinglan had eaten before. Soft, wobbly, and slick. 

Fu Hengyi tenderly and fondly kissed the person under him. Shen Qinglan closed her eyes. The hands holding Shen Qinglan in place released themselves. One stretched along the hem of the clothes and went under it. Fu Hengyi's eyes darkened when he felt the delicate touch in his grasp.

Shen Qinglan's hand somehow got themselves tangled around Fu Hengyi's neck. Her teeth were pried open, and he dived straight in, changing his tender kiss to a overbearing one.

Shen Qinglan merely felt that she was drifitng on on a rough sea, going up and down with the waves. The waves were not cool but instead blazing hot like lava, burning her soul.

Just when Shen Qinglan thought Fu Hengyi would surely go all the way, he pulled away from her clothes and buried his head in her neck. She could clearly feel the upheavals of his chest and his deep breaths.

The two neither spoke nor budged.

Some time later, Fu Hengyi turned over and left the bed. "I'm taking a shower," he said, and rushed into the bathroom without looking back.

Very soon, the sound of the shower turning on and the muffled hum of the man could be heard coming from the bathroom.

It took a while for the sounds to die down. Fu Hengyi looked at his right hand and smiled bitterly. He brought this onto himself.


In the bedroom.

Shen Qinglan got up slowly only after she heard the sounds of water coming from the bathroom. The buttons on her pyjamas had all been unhooked. She was not wearing anything underneath, leaving her breasts exposed to the air. If Fu Hengyi saw that, he might lose whatever strong sense of self-control he had.

She went to get a change of clothes. Looking in the mirror, she spotted red marks on her chest, and even some on her neck. She blushed uncontrollably.

Her fingers lightly brushed against the dark purplish traces of last night's affair.

"Relax. As long as you don't want to, I won't touch you."

What Fu Hengyi said to her the night before echoed in her mind, while she recalled images of him sweating profusely but still able to hit the brakes at the critical moment.

A faint smile curled at the corners of her lips. Even if Fu Hengyi had gone all the way, she would not blame him. They were husband and wife after all, but she supposed she would feel slightly disappointed if that had happened.

Shen Qinglan quickly changed her clothes and darted into the kitchen. It was only after she washed her face with cold water that the heat gradually dropped.

She opened the refrigerator, looking for ingredients. She took some out to make breakfast. She did not know what Fu Hengyi liked to eat so she referred to her own eating habits.

She was not a fan of Western breakfasts and there was not enough time to make buns, so she decided on noodles with tomatoes and eggs.

Fu Hengyi finished his shower and came out to find Shen Qinglan in an apron, her hair simply tied up with a band, frying something with a ladle.

Shen Qinglan seemed to have receded from her usual coldness. Gentleness and serenity had taken its place, as though she had transformed from an otherworldly goddess to an ordinary woman claiming a domestic life. Yet, Fu Hengyi found himself attracted to this side of her.

"Go get the chopsticks. It's almost done," Shen Qinglan noticed Fu Hengyi and said, not daring to look at him.

Fu Hengyi's face had resumed its calmness. He walked over to her, "I'll do it. Go wait by the table."

Shen Qinglan nodded and exited the kitchen.

Fu Hengyi placed the noodles into two bowls and brought them to the table.