
"Shengyu, how did it go? Did she accept your invitation?" A tall, lean, young man asked impatiently.

"Do you have to ask? Anyone with eyes could tell he's rejected. Right, Shengyu?" A shorter man said.

There was a third boy present, wearing a light blue plaid shirt and a cheeky grin on his face, "Looks like our school hunk will have to admit he lost the bet."

Some time ago, the three of them incidentally stumbled upon Yan Shengyu having a chat with Shen Qinglan. They returned to their dorm and placed their bet on whether or not Yan Shengyu would be able to invite Shen Qinglan to the mixer that weekend. If he succeeded, then the three of them would clean up their dorm room for a month. If he failed, then he would have to wash their socks for a week. 

Yan Shengyu was not one who would tag along in this kind of fun. Yet, this time, in an unprecedented move, he agreed. Naturally, the other three just got more excited.

Yan Shengyu glanced at the three of them, "There's two more days before the weekend. What's the rush?"

The three of them pouted. They would not want to burst his bubble. They were all young men in their early twenties, which was a competitive age. Yan Shengyu was no exception to this rule.

Shen Qinglan's rejection had stimulated his desire for conquest.

"Miss Shen, we meet again. Let's have lunch together." Yan Shengyu stood before Shen Qinglan with a smile, as though he had not just been rejected that morning.

Since Shen Qinglan had seen through him, Yan Shengyu might as well stop pretending he had been setting up chance encounters. He made it clear he was following her.

Shen Qinglan barely squinted. She totally ignored him.

Somehow, someone captured this moment and uploaded it onto the school forum. Soon, everyone found out that Yan Shengyu, the school hunk, was pursuing Shen Qinglan, the campus belle from the same university. 

Once the news got out, it was as though the school came alive. There were some students who believed the two were a good match and wished them all the best, just as well as there were others who cursed them in secret. Most of the male students took pleasure in this. Throughout their three years in the university, hundreds if not thousands of admirers had tried to woo Shen Qinglan, but none had managed to gain her favor. In fact, she did not seem to have any close male friends. 

Yan Shengyu was an outstanding person indeed, so much so that the others could only look up to him in awe. So what? When Shen Qinglan first entered the university, the two had indeed been paired together, but three years had passed and neither of them had made a move. Now, with a rumor like this going around, no one really believed Yan Shengyu could win her over. 

The female students, on the other hand, were jealous. They were jealous of Shen Qinglan's good fortune to be pursued by Yan Shengyu, of all people. Everyone knew Yan Shengyu was a descendant of notable family, the third generation of the party through and through. He had the brains and the good looks. He was a good student in the eyes of the teachers, a good role model for his classmates, and the best among the best students. What else did Shen Qinglan have, other than a beautiful face and good grades? She was also aloof and arrogant to boot.

Yan Shengyu was every girl's Prince Charming on a white horse, practically the lover of their dreams, whereas Shen Qinglan was the fox spirit who managed to seduce him.

Shen Qinglan, regardless of how slow-witted she was, noticed her classmates' unfriendly attitude towards her. Eventually, she got wind of the gossip and thought it ridiculous. She sought peace by staying home for a week. Of course, that happened later.

Shen Qinglan ignored Yan Shengyu, who proceeded to follow her, not feeling awkward at all. "Miss Shen, I do not harbor any ill will. I merely wanted to have lunch with you. You don't have to get so defensive. My family's pretty well-off, but I believe I have good character. I don't participate in those "rich boys' games", to put it in your words."

Yan Shengyu explained. He had assumed that Shen Qinglan disliked him because she regarded him as a player who liked to play with women's feelings.

Listening to Yan Shengyu's constant chatter, Shen Qinglan finally realized why Yan Xi liked to babble too. It seemed to run in the the family. While Yan Xi gave her a cute and bubbly impression, the man in front of her was nothing but noisy.

If Yan Shengyu knew that Shen Qinglan judged him like that, he would surely cry.

"Yan Shengyu, I've said it before. Whatever your intentions are, I urge you to stop this. I won't agree to any of your requests, and if you keep bothering me, don't say I didn't warn you."