A Suggestion

Shi Feng's character was straightforward and ready to acknowledge his mistake.

"You cannot be blamed for not knowing. Just that I have something to say to Boss Shi, but I'm not sure if Boss Shi would like to hear?"

"Little girl, if you have something to say, just go head and say it."

Shen Qinglan's glance fell on Shi Feng's hands, where the bloodstains there were still not dried. It was obvious that they were just tainted. She said, "The Capital is after all the center of the country. Boss Shi should still keep a low profile."

Shi Feng was very embarrassed by what Shen Qinglan said. In fact, he had always kept a low profile. Except that the last time the Tiger Gang sneak attacked him and almost cost him his life, so he naturally wanted to take revenge.

He had waited for the opportunity this time after much difficulty and the Tiger Gang's boss also really fell into his hands. He had initially wanted to bring him back and slowly settle the score with him. But who knew this bastard actually hid a weapon on him? If he had not dodged quickly, perhaps he would suffer a defeat again this time.

Shi Feng cupped his hands and said, "Big Brother will remember Young Sister's words. Big Brother will definitely deal with the matter here cleanly and not leave any loose ends. Big Brother will still say these words again, I will repay your kindness with actions, not with words. Feel free to look for me if you ever need help in the future. Come hell or high water, I'll be ready to risk life and limb to help out."

"Until we meet again." Shen Qinglan left Shi Feng a dashing back view and sped away.

"Boss, this little girl is the one who saved you the last time?" Ah Nan stood next to Shi Feng and asked.

Shi Feng's gaze was heavy with his emotions unclear as he said, "That's her."

"Boss, who the hell is this girl? I can see that she's very bold and also cunning." He was naturally still brooding about being held, judging by the latter half of his remark.

"Ah Nan, do you think that just with courage and cunning alone, she could have taken you as a hostage?" Shi Feng said.

Ah Nan argued, "That was because I wasn't prepared."

Shi Feng's face sank and had a trace of harshness in his tone while he said, "Oh, Ah Nan, if it happened to be one of the brothers in the gang who sneak attacked you when you were not prepared, could he still defeat you with one move?"

Ah Nan was silent and also comprehended Shi Feng's meaning within his words. This young girl was not simple.

"Boss, do you want to send someone to check it out?"

Shi Feng shook his head and said, "She is of no harm to us at the moment. There is no need to do so. Besides, she had saved me. Even if I don't repay her kindness, I cannot cause her harm instead. Send word down, if anyone were to encounter this little girl in the future, lend her a helping hand if it does not affect our interests."


The gang left very quickly. Not long after Shen Qinglan left, the area here was quiet again. The ground had been cleaned up and no signs of a scuffle could be found.

Shen Qinglan went to the mountain to see the sunrise as planned. Tonight's events left no effect on her.


At the same time, in the western border of China. 

It was a dense and primitive forest here. As night fell, the forest fell into a silence. There was no sound except the occasional birdsong or insect calls.

Suddenly, there was a team of people in the forest, about ten people or so. Leading the team was a tall and straight man.

The group of people were uniformly dressed in black and wearing night-vision goggles. They were fully equipped.

Their footsteps were light and did not make any sounds from walking around in the forest. The man in the lead wore a communication device in his ears. There was the sound of a report coming in from inside.

"Brother Fu, we've already checked clearly. That damn bastard is in this forest. But his exact location is unclear. He should be nearby, but now there's a problem."

The person known as Brother Fu was obviously Fu Hengyi. His expression remained unchanged when he heard the news. He grunted, "What's the problem?"

The man at the other end of the communication device continued to speak, "Our men found a wooden house two kilometers away. There appeared to be indications of criminals at the back. I suspect it's their stronghold, and they probably have hostages in their hands."

Fu Hengyi's eyes flashed as he said, "Check out the situation first. If the situation is true, I will inform the local police."

"Roger that, Brother Fu."

The man on the other end responded and was about to cut off the communication when he heard Fu Hengyi said, "When you're checking, keep a lookout to see if that kid is inside or not."

The man on the other end of the line hesitated and asked, "Brother Fu, do you suspect that the kid was captured?"

"Unclear, it's just a guess. It's best if he's not. If he is, then I'm afraid we indeed have some trouble tonight."

The man on the other end cursed fiercely and cut off the communication.

The people on the side looked at Fu Hengyi with inquiring eyes. Fu Hengyi briefly explained the proceedings of the matter. Everyone's faces more or less changed somewhat.

"Brother Fu, what are we going to do?"

The mission they took this time was to protect an important asset. This important asset had an only son, who also came together this time. He was a young man in his teens and very rebellious. He had quarreled with his father the moment he came here and ran out on his own. 

They had checked that the last location where this kid appeared was at the edge of this forest. They suspected he was lost and ran inside.