Chapter 1

It all started the day we were born. We didn't know it then (obviously, since we were newborns) that our lives would be full of a lot of sadness and losses. I was born at Melongrove hospital on October 21st 2000, at 2:30pm, and 4 minutes later my twin brother Jake Valentine was born. Now I know what you're thinking, if your twins, why do you have different last names? My brother took our fathers last name while I took our mothers. Our mother is named Carly Heartswell and our father is Chase Valentine, they met on Valentines day, got engaged the next Valentines day, and got married the Valentines day after that. You may be thinking oh, how sweet! But, there is nothing "sweet" about my parents. They were both alcoholics, and hardly cared for my brother and I. 

  They hardly took care of us at all, we were mainly raised by our next door neighbors who moved in when we were 4 years old, Holly and Yusef Kingston and their son Daniel who was a month older than us. We were always best friends with Daniel, mainly because he was the only kid in our neighborhood and I always had a crush on him. If the Kingstons hadn't moved in we would've never survived childhood. Due to our parents constantly being drunk and just plainly not liking us, they would beat us.

  We would wear long sleeves with pants a lot to cover the bruises even in 90 degree weather. People would ask why we wore them and we would simply reply "we just like it" or "we get cold easily". We could lie very easily from watching our parents do it, like when mom lied about cheating on dad, and dad lied about stealing money from people. Our parents were pretty poor, mom was a bartender and dad didn't work. He would make mom steal alcohol from the bar she worked at for him and when she didn't he would get aggressive and beat her. It's a miracle we turned out as sane as we did, honestly. Anyways let's get into the story you came for, the story of our curse and being tribrids.