Chapter 25

I woke up a few hours later right next to Blair's body, upon seeing it I was overcome with a wave of sadness and grief and started crying then Jake woke up, and he started crying. We realized that Marvin must have left and thought we were dead, so he obviously didn't know what we were and just knew that Blair was a witch but thought we were human, and had just found us somehow. I found my phone and called Steve "Hello?" "hey steve" "oh my gosh! Are you guys ok? What happened?" "Marvin shot us and…" "and… what" "We triggered our vampire side" "are you sure" "yes, he shot us in the heart and I woke up with the thirst for blood" "alright we'll be right there". When they arrived we were sitting on the front porch steps. "Is she really gone?" Steve asked "yeah" Jake said. Steve dropped to his knees, crying and Daniel cried too. Steve walked in the house and grabbed his mother's body and we walked to the cemetery and dug a hole and buried her. We walked back to the house and cleaned up, we didn't have anywhere to go and we didn't have any money so we couldn't go anywhere else and Daniel went home, but not after letting me and Jake drink some of his blood so we could officially become vampires and not die.