WebNovelHIS WAYS70.00%


All the students were running toward the football ground. Whenever they have time or they are free they all run toward to football ground to see practice or support their favourite players. Among the students girls were mostly seen and it seem they were there to watch Dim playing. Dim is one of the famous boy from his group. and his group is filled with most handsome and famous ones of our school..

Well ...Everyone in school were Excited for comming football match. And the Players from the football club were more busier than their usual days. They have been praticing like they are going for war. It seem like this football match is big deal for all players. And i could also see Dim praticing more harder than others player.

When days were passing fastly and the Date of football match was also coming near. I can see the more students were busy in preparation for the match. It looks like their is big festival in school. There wasn't been any classes. All classes were self studying or empty.

When everyone was busy with their own work i was also busy in playing basketball with Ram and Krish. And sometimes i went to see the football practice with other students. I can see Dim kicking ball like he was flying in ground. I can see Dim sweating hard.

(in my mind," but why the hell he is wearing long sleeves T-shirt inside his uniform. He must be feeling so hot in this hot day")

When all the thoughts were wandering around my mind. I looked at Krish who was sitting beside me and i asked him.

Me," Krish , can i ask you some question?"

Krish," ya dude.."

Me," ummm why dim is wearing that long sleeve T-shirt….. .... "

Krish," (he look at me confusing) umm…"

Me," it's so hot today .. doesn't he fell hot "

Ram," That person doesn't fell hot and more important things he doesn't like showing his body"

Krish," Hue.. You are our close friend so .. I would like to give you some important advice. …. Whatever happens to you or whats the condition dont ever be more curiosity about Dim"

Ram," yup… that person doesn't like people being curiosity about him..it makes him angry and you dont want to see him when he is angry"

Krish," he will be totally DEMON … when he is angry"

I didn't say anything and looked at Dim .. And i feel that he is not only Demon when he is angry but also demon when he is in normal mood.

We went back to Basketball court to practice after watching football and when we reached there. We found that we don't have to attend any more today. So we went back to class and even in class some of them were self reading, some of them were taking and some of them were doing their own business. It was so noisy in class that i couldn't bear any longer. So,I take out my sketch notebook and went toward the rooftop.

I sit one of the corner in rooftop where you couldn't catch sunlight. I start sketching.. Suddenly my rubber rolls down. I went to pick it up but i see someone is sleeping 1 meter away from my sitting place. I went there slowly to see who is that person.

I see Dim was sleeping sliently there. I was little bit nervous to see him but seeing his sleepy face i couldn't stop my self starring at him. I move more close to him. I can see his fair as snow face … long eyelash .. Light pink lip.. Messy hair… .. Loking at him suddenly my heart start to beat so speedily... The more i move myself close to him .. The more he look handsome and the more my heart beats. I couldn't blink my eyes for a sec .

While i was still admiring Dim Suddenly he open his eyes and turn me to the floor. He was top over me and i was bottom of him. He turn me so fast to the floor which makes my head spin. (In my mind," what is this? What kind of circumstances of this? More important what is with this position")

I couldn't think about anything and I quickly look at him. He was starting at him with his terror smile. He slowly make his face closer to mine. My cheek and ears were starting to being red.(in my mind," why the fu*k my ears and cheek start to burn up easily whenever he is near me) .. Dim slowly move his face toward my ears. He suddenly bite my ear slowly(((my heart was beating more speedily than before, when he bite my ear & at the same time i was also being afraid that he will hear my stupid heart beat which is beating so loud )))and whisherd," SO, YOU ENJOYED WATCHING ME WHILE SLEEPING" .....