CH. 470: Ruby?

Ophis glanced at Great Red. "Why?"

"Just curious."

Ophis didn't pay her any mind. Instead, she flew into the castle. Majestic hallways surrounded them, leading them towards the residents of the castle.

"I should get a castle too," Great Red muttered.

Now that she had transferred to a mobile form, it would be a waste to not experience life inside a giant castle. A castle would fare better when her new body finishes.

'Ugly huh. I'll make him eat his words.'

Ophis made a disgusted face as though she could hear Great Red's thoughts. "Stupid."


The duo came to a door at the end of the hallway, labeled 'Nee-san's Comfort House.' The room pulled them with its bizarre name. When they opened the door, a radiant, almost holy light assaulted their vision.

As their vision returned, they saw an angel smiling at them from a bed. An angel with dazzling golden hair and... no wings? Great Red and Ophis both could tell the angel's connection with Asahi through her scent.

"Hello, Ophis! You are Great Red! It's nice to meet you! I'm Shizuka, Asahi's sister." Shizuka greeted the unusual visitors with a sweet smile. "I saw your fight with Aa-kun. There was devastation everywhere. Thank you for being friends with my little brother."

Shizuka's politeness only enhanced the effect of her supernatural charm on the dragon gods.

Great Red scratched her cheek with one claw-like finger. "I should thank him for spicing up my life. He forced me to grow out of staleness and improve... he made me remember the basic instincts of a dragon."

"Aa-kun did it again, didn't he?" Shizuka giggled, seeing the enchanted look on Great Red's face. "Unfortunately, he isn't here at the moment. Why don't you two wait for him here? Ophis-chan, do you want to play games?"

"Games?" Ophis curiously asked, wondering if Shizuka talked about the one Asahi gave her.

Shizuka shuffled through the content of her ring and grabbed the game, which was created by Klyscha. "This one."

Ophis' black eyes lit up like a pair of onyx gems. "Yes."

Ophis jumped on the bed and extended her hand. Shizuka couldn't help but laugh at Ophis' gullible nature. "Take it."

Ophis took the handheld and started fiddling with it. Soon, the arcade sounds of the game filled the room.

Meanwhile, Great Red stared at the woman who tamed Ophis without any effort. She had to admit the woman was connected to Asahi. No one else possessed the courage to toy with a dragon god despite knowing the extent of their powers.

Even though most devices in the room were foreign, they couldn't intrigue Great Red. In the end, she stood over Ophis' shoulder and admired the game which was complicated yet simple at the same time.

The snake on the screen inspired Great Red.

'A snake's tongue... I can poison Asahi.'

Her shoulders trembled as she chuckled, barely holding her laugh. Shizuka noticed her odd behavior but didn't call her out on it.

"Great Red, do you have a name?" Shizuka asked.

Great Red shook her head. "Great Red is my title. I never felt the need to use a name."

"You need one now." Shizuka tapped her lips, glancing up in thoughts. "Akiko?"

Shizuka observed the dragon god once again. She felt like a Japanese name didn't suit her.

"Red-chan?" Shizuka frowned. "Ruby-chan? It has a nice feel to it. Yosh, I'll call you Ruby-chan!"

"Ruby-chan?" Great Red repeated the strange name. "Alright… Ruby-chan it is."

Shizuka clapped, excited by the development. "Ruby-chan, come, sit here."

Ruby held her chin. "The bed will break."

"Take off the armor."

"I am not wearing any armor…"

"..." Shizuka blinked her eyes. "True dragon…"


"Shut up," Ophis muttered, finding the two distracting, which affected her score.

Shizuka took out a pair of headphones and put them over Ophis' ears then connected them to Ophis' game. The loli dragon god stopped hearing everything altogether. A silence reminiscent of the Dimensional Gap enveloped her.

Shizuka smiled. "Asahi chose the headphones with the strongest noise cancellation from the future."

Ophis ignored Shizuka since she couldn't hear anything and put her focus on her game. "Snake…"

After solving Ophis' problem, Shizuka consulted Klyscha for Ruby's problem. She wasn't letting her guest stand even if the said guest could indefinitely stand there for eternity without breaking a sweat.

(A couch should be good for her. We don't need to worry about it breaking.)

'Please buy it.'

She took out the couch that looked oddly comfortable. She sat on the couch and patted the seat beside her.


Ruby followed the nice lady's suggestion and gave the couch a try. And what do you know, she liked it.

Ruby glanced at Shizuka. "When is Asahi returning?"

"In several hours."

Ruby nodded before closing her eyes and diving into the realm of dreams of those in this castle. Unfortunately, no one in Asahi's family slept at this hour. So she switched to someone else.

The dream of a devil man finding the demon sword and freeing the Underworld from the tyranny of its ruler.

The dream of a devil woman enchanting everyone and becoming the Empress.

She dove in and out of dreams. The dreams of devils were as predictable as she expected. Amidst the subconscious desires of millions, she came across something unexpected.

She found herself in a sea of flowers. The gentle wind waved the colorful flowers one by one, carrying a pleasant scent. The sun shone down warmly on Ruby's scales and phantasmal birds measured across the sky, chirping as they did.

A dream so beautiful and vivid it was no different from reality. The number of details couldn't come from imagination alone. The fact that a devil crafted this elegant scenery was beyond her.

'So devils like these exist.'

Ruby was about to leave when she noticed a lightning in the distance. A massive storm brewed where she sensed the owner of this dream. Ruby decided to meet the odd devil.

She stretched her wings and flew over the sea of flowers, towards the owner of this realm.


Who could be having dreams in the Underworld I wonder.