CH. 494: Slapping an Idol's face

Asahi got his desired certificate and somewhat friendly relationship with the shota genius Child Emperor.

'I'd have recruited him if Child Emperor was a loli.'

Asahi released a disappointed sigh. Some things just weren't meant to be.

(M-My love… Child Emperor is ten.)

'Age is just a number.'

His jovial mood came crashing when a disheveled blue-haired man appeared at the door. Amai Mask came for him.

Asahi waved his hand in greeting, smiling friendly. "Amai Mask, you look kinda shitty. What's the matter?"

Veins popped on Amai Mask's neck. He gritted his teeth, his eyes intense like a hound whose tail got stepped on.

The glasses man accompanying Child Emperor saw himself out of the room, finding it scary to be in the same room as an angry Amai Mask. Child Emperor spun the chair, licking his candy cluelessly.

"Why do you look so angry?"

"Get lost, Kid."

Amai Mask couldn't care less if the boy before him was S-Class or not. He had one goal in his mind — stop Asahi from spreading his secret. He wasn't even sure if he saw Asahi's hallucination or not. The risk was massive, for the world must remain oblivious to his true violent nature.

He absolutely had to cover up this disgrace.

Child Emperor's eyes widened, then he hung his head. People always underestimated him despite his constant efforts to strive for a better future for the world. None of the Heroes or others recognized his efforts, talking down to him even though he was an S-Class Hero by his own abilities.

"Sweet Mask, you are pissed, I know," said the boy, not older than ten, with a dark smirk. "Because Marikawa-san is more handsome than you."

Asahi chuckled softly at Child Emperor's savage comeback. "Now, now, Child Emperor. We don't point out the obvious or people will get hurt." Asahi rubbed Child Emperor's head. "And you, Amai Mask. The one you are calling Kid saves people when you're singing and dancing for your audience. He saves the people who worship your ass and more importantly, he doesn't do all of this to stay in the spotlight."

Asahi didn't need the knowledge of manga to sense Amai Mask's twisted form under his handsome facade. There was good somewhere in there and a sense of twisted justice.

Ultimately though, he was a monster who refused to acknowledge reality.

'Hold on. We can use this controversy to bring down the Hero Association's reputation and trust.'

The Hero Association ran on the funds given by organizations who wanted to build a positive public image in his head. The question was, should he bring out the controversy before propping Astraea as a Goddess of Justice? Astraea's presence would have the most impact right after a disgraceful showing from the association. Right now, Astraea was more focused on helping her Familia reach their absolute best condition.

(We should save it until your wedding. Astraea will be free after that!)

While Child Emperor gazed at Asahi in admiration, Amai Mask froze with a hand covering his face. Old memories played like a broken record. He used to have an ugly face but a clear heart to maintain inner beauty. After the Hero Association's rise, he donned a mask and became a hero.

The next he knew, he was a handsome hero—his hatred for ugliness pushed his body into the state of monsterization and morphed his face into what he believed to be the peak of beauty.

A monster with the ability to transform between human and his monster self. A monster with extreme hatred for ugliness and evil. A monster serving as an upper level advisor in the organization built to fight monsters.


Amai Mask clenched his fists and threw a punch at Asahi's face. The attack came from nowhere but Child Emperor's hands moved on a reflex as if guided by his instincts. His backpack flew open, and a pair of cranky robotic arms lifted Asahi out of Amai Mask's punch.

Asahi pried open the robotics arms with telekinesis and landed. "Damn. Nice reflexes, Isamu."

The namedrop stunned Child Emperor. His name should have been confidential information to those outside the Hero Association.

Amai Mask kicked the ground and threw a knife hand strike. The sheer shockwave produced by his hand had obliterated countless monsters. Yet, the new S-Class Hero caught his hand between his fingers.

"Someone should teach you manners."

Asahi smirked and slapped Amai Mask. The Top A-Class Amai Mask was just under the Vaccine Man in terms of strength, and on par with the Vaccine Man if he transformed. Even this strength couldn't prepare him for the thundering slap.

The slap stung then a wave of calmness came over him. Something poured cold water on his boiling anger.

"Amai Mask, why are you attacking us?!" Child Emperor shouted. "What happened to you!"

Usually calm and composed, Child Emperor couldn't comprehend Amai Mask's betrayal.

Asahi stopped channeling his calming energy and dusted Amai Mask's shoulder. "It's fine. Nothing concerning."

Now wasn't the time to deal with Amai Mask. More so when he sensed two presences approaching him.

The words resonated with Amai Mask more than Asahi realized; he sounded similar to Blast, who rescued Amai Mask early in his career. He punched himself in the face. Tiny, unnoticeable cracks spread across his skin like an invisible spiderweb.

"What am I doing? No, I can't lose like this." Amai Mask took a deep breath and smashed his head against the wall. "All evil must be eradicated for beauty to shine. But they are heroes."

He took himself for the strongest except for the Top S-Class Hero Blast. Losing to anger would bring about a disgrace for all his fans.

He pointed at Asahi as he pushed the door with his back. "I'll be watching—"

Someone pushed the door, almost throwing Amai Mask off balance. He turned around and breathed a mouthful of cold air. A tanned woman with purple hair strode into the room, a futuristic sniper rifle floating behind her. A blonde woman walked beside her, a gentle and calming aura surrounding her, completely suppressing the wild aura of her tanned companion.

Shizuka's gray turtleneck and black skirt pronounced all of her ridiculous curves; her choice of colors matched Rika's maid uniform to a tee.

"Who are you?"

Child Emperor had the same question, beads of sweat covering his forehead. An invisible pressure came from the pair of beautiful women. Even the airhead buxom lady gave him shivers for some odd reason, much less the tanned woman with psychokinesis powers.

'How did they come here to the administrator area? What is the security doing?'

Shizuka tilted her head at the wariness shown by the young boy. "There you are, Aa-kun."

Rika rolled her eyes and smiled. "Shizuka-chan didn't need Klyscha's directions to find you. She can smell her precious otouto from miles away."

Shizuka gently punched Rika's shoulder. "It's because we share the same blood."

"Yada yada. You're more of a yandere than Aimi, I swear."

The childhood friends started bickering before Asahi's eyes. He chuckled and led the two out of the room without bothering to glance at the confused heroes.


Young Master Asahi is out for blood...

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