CH. 496: Marugori

Marugori was a buff young lad filled with ambitions to become the strongest being in the world. He was tall, burly, but still within the realm of common sense.

He transformed after drinking the ultimate steroid made by his older brother, Fukegao. From a tough young man to a mutated titan, towering nearly 300 meters and weighing over 300 tonnes. Two thick tubes stuck from the center chest and curved around his neck, and looped around his back. He looked like the man-eating titans hellbent on destroying the walls of a city.

He didn't just appear like a giant; he carried the power of one. The shockwaves caused by a swing of his hand annihilated a city. He could crush skyscrapers under his feet. He felt invincible!

"Brother, we did it!" he howled like a maniac. "We are the strongest brain and brawn brothers!"

His brother, a slim pale man in a lab coat, stood upon his shoulder, witnessing the devastated city with a crazy look in his eyes. "Ahahaha, let's annihilate more cities and conquer the world. We'll reign as the kings! Everyone will bow down to us. Fuck S-Class Heroes too. They will die from your spit alone."

Marugori, the titan, beat his chest and trekked towards his next destination. As he took the first step, a bored voice called out to him.

"Put on some pants, would you?"

Fukegao's eyes widened as he pointed at the bald man sitting on Marugori's other shoulder. "Wait, someone else is on your shoulder!!!"

Marugori impulsively raised his hand and slapped his shoulder as if he was dealing with a fly. He, unfortunately, slapped the wrong shoulder and turned his brother into a meat patty.


A pain-filled howl echoed.

Saitama waited until Marugori came out his grieving period. He wanted to ask the giant about the feeling of overwhelming power but the thought made him recall another figure. The young man with a striking red gauntlet. Saitama felt like Asahi would understand his struggles better. Since they were both handsome and popular.

{A/N:- He thinks he is popular because of his monster killing spree but no one noticed it was him doing all the work}

To end it all, Saitama leaped towards the giant's face and drew back his hand. A single punch was all he needed.

"Stop, Saitama."

A familiar voice interrupted him, and he looked back. "Oh, it's you. Why are you stopping me from killing this monster—"

Marugori slapped Saitama, flinging him into the ground. He stomped on Saitama four times. "You killed my brother. Die! Die! Die! Die!"

Asahi laughed at Saitama's hilarious exit and transformed into his Fire Elemental form. He raised his hand and created many flame lances in the sky. The condensed fire changed the sky to an ominous landscape.

Marugori glared at him. "You think mere fire can harm the strongest body in the universe?"

"We'll see."

Marugori snorted, ready to face the puny fire head-on. With a gesture from Asahi, the flame lances descended upon Marugori like divine punishment. Marugori tried to backhand the lances, but they suddenly sped up with a sonic boom. Red beams impaled Marugori, burning his flesh and blowing clean holes inside him. Even his bones failed to stop the flames condensed to the limit as if it was a solid object.


He shrieked in pain and flailed his arm. His burned flesh leaked zero blood. But the punishment continued as more and more flame lances shot through him. Within seconds, his entire body was annihilated.

[—You earned 3,970,800,000 XP for killing 'Level 394 Marugori'.]

[—You have leveled up!]

[—You have leveled up!]

[—You have leveled up!]

Asahi directly reached level 89. Vaccine Man's XP contributed a lot to this growth.

'Just eleven away from the century mark.'


Saitama watched the brutal scene while raising his brow and a look of interest on his face.

"He is strong. Will he bring me the thrill of a battle?"

"No, I won't. Go fight someone else," Asahi answered in a voice that lacked any enthusiasm. "Fuck you."

A fight with Saitama would end the world for good. He truly wanted to test his limits against Saitama but the bald hero would continuously grow to match and even surpass him. He was a more absurd version of Goku.

Fighting against such a being was basically asking for humiliation.

'Klyscha, I'm training all night after banging you.'

Saitama's presence motivated him to take his training more seriously.

"Asahi and training?" Ddraig sounded genuinely shocked. "Train with me."

'I'll only train you in your human form.'

She got rejected again. "Fine… I won't back out today."

Asahi looked forward to training with Ddraig, even if she was weaker than Ruby.

'Speaking of Ruby, should I bring her here?'

He became fond of her fiery spirit that reminded him of Saya. She was a better sparring partner than Ddraig. And she was smoking hot.

(I can invite her over to our dream.)

'And the best wingman's award goes to the most adorable and beautiful Goddess of Dreams, Klyscha!'

(Umu, I'd be happier if it was the best wife's award.)

'You won that award the day you summoned me into your life.'

(Let's gooooooo.)

Asahi chuckled, thinking if he should try something new to show his appreciation for his goddess wife.

(You don't need to… my love, I am shivering in happiness because of your thoughts alone.)

Asahi shook his head at her exaggeration and informed Sekingar about Marugori's death and teleported to Astraea to level up.

Just as he vanished, a figure stopped at his exact spot. Saitama couldn't fly but he could jump really far. That's what he did to catch up to Asahi. But Asahi disappeared mysteriously, leaving him scratching his head.

"How did he run so fast?"

He looked around the area but couldn't find a living soul anywhere. He gave up in the end and returned home.