CH. 523-524: The Challenge

Riveria was drawn to honing a craft to its peak. That's why she held Aimi and her master in such high esteem. The maid had become a master with a dagger, and Asahi was simply a monster of many diverse talents. He was both inspiring and demotivating.

'I am far from reaching the pinnacle of magic.'

Despite her recent breakthroughs, she had yet to perfect the wind element.

"Riveria, wake up. I got a meeting," Loki called from outside. "Open the door before I count to ten… Nine… Eight…"

Riveria and everyone else who took part in the dungeon training had returned to Twilight Manor — Loki's home ground. The makeshift beds couldn't beat her own bed. And her comrades shared the sentiment.


Riveria opened the door in a hurry. "Why are you so rowdy in the morni—"

"Hi mom." Asahi licked his lips seeing Riveria in the strap bikini and skirt. "I'm happy you're still wearing my swimsuit."

Loki's familiar silhouette was not on the other side of the door, but instead, her arch nemesis stood there. His presence invoked myriads of conflicting feelings inside her.

The Demon King of Orario.

"W-Why are you here? Where is Loki?"

"Loki was never here." Asahi smirked and flashed his phone, which played the recording of Loki's voice. Convincing Loki was easy — just some cuddles and kisses. "Did you miss me?"

Riveria shook her head and crossed her arms, attempting to project an air of indifference. Her body language, however, told a different story, one of anger and frustration at his extended absence. "Why would I miss you?"

"Come on, Mom. You're hurting my feelings… You can say yes even if it's a lie."

"I don't enjoy lying…" Riveria shook her head. "My schedule was really busy this month. Fighting monsters, fighting Aimi, then fighting monsters again… I didn't have the leisure to miss your presence."

"I see. It's been tough on you."

She glanced at his compassionate face and averted her gaze again. "It was worth it. I learned many new things, including several new ways to use the Wind Element and a new element. Wait, what are you—"

Asahi crouched on one knee and swooped her up in a bridal carry. As he walked toward the bed, she blushed and threw her arms around, whining to let her down. He let down on the bed.

"I got the right thing to cure your fatigue." Asahi rolled her over, so she was lying on her stomach. "Don't protest. It'll be over quickly."

"What are you going to do…?" Riveria asked, her voice weak and timid, feeling his eyes sweeping across her back. "Is it…"

She said nothing, but implied everything through her struggling eyes. Her vulnerable presence made it harder for Asahi.

"I'm not gonna force myself on you," he said, his voice low and gentle as he moved his palms over her shoulder blades. His thumbs began to knead her skin in circles, his touch light and soothing. "I'll massage your fatigue away. Be happy that you're the first to receive it among the adventurers."

When he explained his intentions, Riveria's tense posture softened, and she sank into the bed. He began to massage her shoulders and arms with gentle, circular motions, avoiding her chest or waist. His touch was therapeutic, not erotic; he wanted her to relax, not become aroused. Every stroke was gentle and precise, working with the same level of preparation as when Riveria practiced her own spells.

"I feel sleepy…" Riveria's eyelids drooped, and a yawn escaped her mouth. Her expectations were high for his massage skills, already aware of his nimble fingers. His strong hands worked away at her tense muscles, awakening a sensation of peace that soon lulled her into a state of relaxation. He smashed her expectations again — something he casually did every time they were together.

Asahi straddled her back and caressed her ears. "Mom, do you want me to touch you inappropriately? Do you want that orgasmic feeling?"

His murmurs caressed her ears and made her heart beat faster. She couldn't deny that she wanted to experience that pleasure from the beach. It was the first time she felt such intense ecstasy in her long life. The feeling had left a mark on her.

"Shall I take that silence as an agreement?" he asked as his finger trailed down her naked back until he touched the jiggly flesh of her butt. "So this is how a royal butt feels? Pretty soft. Hmm…"

"Stop! This is too fast! We haven't even confessed our feelings yet."

The high elf princess stopped him before he took matters to the next level. She had a feeling this teasing would escalate to sex if she didn't put an end to it.

"What a cute reason, Mom."

Riveria looked over her shoulder. "How can you lewdly touch a woman you call mom?"

"Blood relations don't stop me from loving a good woman."


She couldn't help but admire his thick skin. She could never get the confidence to speak rashly like him. It was a skill she lacked, but he had long mastered.

"Mom, I want you. Become mine."

"Do you say that to every woman?" she asked, a bit of an edge in her voice. "Something tells me you do."

"There are so many ways I can confess without it coming off corny." He chuckled and patted her back. "Unless you want me to kneel in front of you and put a ring on your finger. I can do that if ya want."

Riveria imagined the scene and winced. "Please no."

She wouldn't be able to assert her authority as an executive if it were to happen before her adventurers. The embarrassment might just traumatize her for life.

"Won't you answer my heartfelt confession?"

"Heartfelt?" she couldn't help but smile at his shameless words. "Why do you even have heartfelt feelings for me in the first place? I am completely inexperienced. I am not that good of a talker… and my sense of fashion is horrible. What makes me a suitable partner in your eyes? What defines this good woman you speak of?"

Asahi gazed at her as if she was a fool. The gaze made her feel like he was the older one, even though she had lived almost a century. It was like a teacher looking at the dumbest kid in the classroom.

"…Before you call me beautiful, I am nothing against Astraea-sama and Grayfia-san."

As confident as she was in her appearance, she simply couldn't put herself above the more charming personalities around Asahi. She also didn't think Asahi chose his targets simply based on their appearance. He would go for all the goddesses if that were the case.

"What does being experienced have anything to do with it?" Asahi sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed. "You're over-analyzing everything like this is some thesis. I don't need a reason to love a good woman. That's just how I am, and I don't intend to change."

Yasaka and Lilith's discussion had only proven his intentions right. Someone like him shouldn't be holding back his desires.

"No wonder you have been single for what, ninety-nine years?"

Riveria winced at the brutal attack, but the next moment, she frowned again. "I am considered young as per the Elven standards. Do you have any problem with my age?"

"Uh, no, Mom." he turned to her with a soft smile. "A good woman is whoever I find interesting and compatible with me. It's a… chemistry thing."

Riveria blushed a little, but regretted it when he showed a smug face. "Incredulous. What is chemistry? Why am I a good woman? Because I am someone interesting or because of this chemistry?"

"There you go with the interrogation again." he shook his head exaggeratedly. "You're a good woman because I said so."


"Loki has set a meeting for everyone. We gotta join. Decide fast if you want to fuck or not."

"I am definitely not rushing my first time for that reason!"

He patted her head. "I love it when Mom loses her composure."

"I hate it when I lose my composure!"

Unfortunately, she could never stay composed around him. He always riled her up in many ways. Her decades of experience became worthless around him.

"What type of challenge will you give?"

Asahi's face split into a wide grin. "Land a hit on Aimi."

Riveria's eyes widened in disbelief, and her jaw dropped. There was an uneasy silence before she spoke again. "You must be joking, right?"

"Nope. Aimi won't use any magic. No reinforcement spells to increase her stats. She will rely on her brute strength and daggers. You have a chance of beating."

He had to limit Aimi's strength to give Riveria's party some hope. It was a chance for them to take vengeance for Aimi's vicious ways to train them.

Riveria sat up and narrowed her eyes, slipping back to her role as the Loki Familia's Executive. "We might pull off the victory in that case. How much time do I have?"

"Do you need time?"

"Preparation time is a necessity. With all due respect, Aimi is a monster. She instantly killed monsters that brought us to the brink of death. We cannot take her on like this."

She gave Aimi the highest level of respect possible.

"Until night. My wedding is almost here."

The fight could only happen tonight or after his wedding. The latter timeframe would take away all the excitement. He wanted to see Aimi in action against Riveria's group. Fubuki may have awakened a new fetish inside him — he loved watching people struggle and overcome odds of his choice.

'Is that why those gods love to use this as their entertainment crutch?'

(Maybe.) Klyscha, who was far from a typical goddess, answered vaguely.

"That's not enough." Riveria tugged at his sleeve with a solemn gaze. "We need more."

Asahi placed his hands on her shoulder. "I trust in my high elf princess. You can do it."

His faith in her abilities boosted her confidence. She knew it was merely a way to manipulate her, but she couldn't protest against him.

"You're such… a jerk."


After pouting for some time, Riveria followed Asahi to the meeting room. Loki savored sips of alcohol as she gazed at them with a disturbingly wide grin.

"I love the change in my children," she said. "Yer plan to toss 'em all to the monsters was brilliant."

"I know, right?" Asahi sat beside Ais and ruffled her hair. "How is my little princess?"

"Asahi Onii-san…" Ais looked at him. As the magic of his headpats skill seeped in, her eyes slowly became teary. Ais had gone through harsher training than Aimi's schedule for her, but three weeks away from the surface almost broke her. She threw her arms around him to hide her tears.

He quietly stroked her back. On the outside, she was taller and more mature than last month. On the inside, however, she was the same Ais who missed her mother more than anyone in the world.

Riveria glanced at him, who shook his head. He had the situation under control — she understood his intent.

'Klyscha, is her mother alive?'

(…I don't know, my love. I left some things vague for the system to decide. My love would've preferred it this way…)

An involuntary grimace contorted his lips. Ais was giving her best to level up hoping to find her mother at the end of the dungeon. Her mother and father existed a thousand years ago. Then, One-Eyed Black Dragon attacked them and took away her mother, most likely inside the dungeon. The chances of Aria surviving a thousand years inside the dungeon were slim. Really slim.

His stern expression affected the entire room. Loki opened her eyes, faintly revealing red eyes. Asahi was less lively after Ais teared up by his headpats. Usually, he wouldn't let others' sorrows affect him.

Today was an exception.

The trickster didn't take long to notice his change.

"Y'all are too serious. We're not at anyone's funeral." Loki tried to cheer everyone up. "Asahi, your stalker Freya has been troublin' me. Can ya visit her sometime? She is probably after your dick or somethin'. Bend her over the table like you did to me and make it quick."

Freya was a regular visitor to her tower and Hephaestus' workshop ever since Asahi went to the other world. Loki decided to use Freya as the scapegoat to lift Asahi's mood.

"I'll take care of her." He nodded and looked at Ais, who had somehow fallen asleep under the effect of his headpats skill. He covered her ears with makeshift wind barriers and let her lie on his lap.

Riveria softly smiled. Although she took care of Ais for years, Ais placed more trust in Asahi. His strength and magic were less scary than his ability to easily lower anyone's defense. He could take over Orario with even less effort than someone like Freya, only if he wanted to take the evil route. Astraea's trust in Asahi assured Riveria of any evil scheme happening anytime soon.

"I wonder what type of challenge we will get," Tiona, sitting nearby, muttered while glancing at him. "I hope we get a chance to kick some monster's butt."

Riveria smiled wryly — Asahi's challenge would traumatize the battle-hungry sisters for months if not weeks.

Asahi took this opportunity to reveal the challenge to everyone.


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