CH. 535: Date

Asahi brought Sonic to Fubuki's building, where he found Yuriko chatting with Fubuki, Freya, and another younger female whom he remembered as Lily. His eyes lingered on Yuriko's suit for far longer than Freya. The professional attire made her more charming than her casual clothes — he didn't say it out loud.

Sonic only glanced at the beauties, then leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

Asahi's eyes went to her chest, and a frown appeared on his face. "Why are you wearing pads?"

Sonic almost choked when he heard Asahi. He rubbed his eyes, wondering if some stranger replaced Asahi during the sprint. The man before Sonic couldn't be the same man who destroyed him with a slap.

Lily sucked in a cold breath and covered her chest. "I am not!"

Fubuki turned to him with an unamused face. "Stop harassing Lily. She is just fourteen."

"What harassment?" Asahi fired back and pointed at Lily's chest. "I am a simple man. I like women with flat chests. Pads are an insult."

"I-I am not flat!"

Yuriko giggled. "Dear, I'd call her small, not flat. She has more on her chest than Loki."

Asahi narrowed his eyes at Lily's chest. Although she wore a suit, before his menacing eyes, she felt like she was standing bare. "She is 75 cm. Loki is 75.7. The difference is marginal."

Hearing her accurate measurements stunned her. "Kyaaa—"

Fubuki pulled Lily to her side, calmed her down, and made her leave the vicinity. Once Lily was safe from the bully, she heaved a sigh of relief. "First Freya, now Loki. Who names their child after goddesses in this day and age?"

"Pathetic names, aren't they?" Freya chimed in with a smile. "I wish I could find my parents and scold them. Master, who is that boy?"

A vein popped on Sonic's forehead. "I am Speed-o'-Sound Sonic. You gotta be a hag if you see me as a boy."

Freya gaped, then turned to Asahi. "Master, where did you pick up this blind fool?"

Asahi pulled Freya's ear. "He can obliterate you and everyone in this room, except Yuriko. Don't pick a fight with him."

All eyes were drawn to Sonic in that instant.

"This stick-like kid is more powerful than me?"

"Oi, don't anger him."

Eyelashes silenced mountain Ape before he started an internal conflict.

"I don't engage in violence, Dear," Yuriko interjected before any unreasonable demands for battles came her way. "Fubuki-chan, bear with what I have for some time. I'll introduce more channels for cash flow."

"We can get by for now, as our budget isn't high."

Fubuki was just glad to have a source of funding regardless of its size. The days of renting vehicles would be over. She felt like crying at the development.

Yuriko walked up to Asahi. "Your schedule is jam-packed until night. You can borrow my wings to sleep."

As always, the kind milf was concerned about him like a good mother-in-law. Her soft smile never failed to melt his heart.

"I will. Bring Saya too."

Saya's name brought a troubled look to her face. "That girl has been spending more time in dreams than with us. Klyscha is spoiling her good with her powers."

"It's all good, as long as she isn't throwing stuff at me in a bad mood."

He still spent time with her cuddling, but she stopped having sex as weeks passed by.

Yuriko patted his chest. "I've been through her phase. The constant battle between me and the hormones taking over my mood. She's handling it better than me."

Yuriko recalled her agonizing days spent within the lonely mansion. She would have broken down if the housemaid hadn't supported her at every corner. Saya was blessed to have a family ready to comfort her.

Asahi took Yuriko's hand and led her out of the room. He looked at Sonic over his shoulder.

"You can go home if you aren't fond of the crowd."

"You are letting me go?"

"Work will start in full swing next week." Asahi bared a disturbing grin. "I'll drag you out of hell if you don't show up."

Sonic shivered from the sheer confidence Asahi had in his words. "Got it… You better not grow stale. I'll catch up to you and smash your face."

With a declaration awfully similar to Ruby, Sonic jumped through the fixed window.

Fubuki glared at the window, tears ready to pour out. An invisible hand pinched her cheeks, pulling her with enough force to turn her skin red. She turned her animosity-filled eyes to Asahi, the only other Esper in the room.


Asahi only stopped when her cheeks became swollen. As a responsible man, he healed her before moving out with Yuriko.

He spent some time checking her new store, which was fully setup and functional. She was scary talented to get everything together in such a short time. Not to mention other stores in the work in the same region.

She was laying the groundwork to build her own brand.

They strolled through the shopping district, bought random things, even watched a short movie. Yuriko took him to a cafe and ordered some coffee.

Asahi simply gazed at her without blinking an eye. "Wow…"

"Don't stare at your old mother-in-law. You'll give me some weird thoughts."

"I am just surprised by how capable my mother-in-law is. You'll revolutionize the business industry on your own."

Yuriko felt a smile tugging at her lips. "I'm not that capable on my own. I'd need your assistance."

"To secure the stores from monsters and villains?"

Yuriko looked a little surprised. "You read my mind."

"I didn't." Asahi shook his head as he took a solid sip of his coffee. After handling the bulk of her clan's businesses, he possessed exceptional skills in the field. "Things won't be profitable if the store gets destroyed every day."

Asahi didn't just stop there. He pointed out some basic things that would help her improve without going too deep into the problem.

Even that left Yuriko stunned. He only gave words of encouragement when she started her store in the Maya's world. He wasn't doing it on purpose, as he wanted to let Yuriko experiment and have fun.

"Where is this knowledge coming from? Your Instinct skill?" Yuriko sighed and stared off into the streets outside the window. "Dear can't be defeated in bed with that skill."

Asahi smiled and reached under the table to pat her thighs. "Get some helpers from Fubuki's group. I'll solve the problem later."

"As reliable as ever," Yuriko replied with a smile of her own and touched his hand. "We should leave. The date was small but fun nevertheless."

Asahi let Yuriko go and busied himself in planning the wedding. Halfway through, his first ever yandere lover stormed into the room. She stole him from his lovers and brought him to a dark room.


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