CH. 542: Victory

Riveria's charge seemed like a last-ditch attempt, but the high elf acted with a plan in her mind. She chanted a magic spell under her breath, with rapid fire words. Thrusting her hand at Aimi, she unleashed her magic spell.

"Wynn Fimbulvetr."

Waves of fierce magical power stormed through the deserted plains before extreme cold blew, freezing everything in its path.

Aimi had no choice but to respect the magic. Ais and Alise also scattered to dodge the friendly magic spell.

A frozen landscape was carved on the dungeon floor.

"Alise, Ais, rest up. I'll keep her occupied with Haruhime."

"Don't retire," Ais begrudgingly said, provoking her caretaker. "Let's go…"

Alise reluctantly followed Ais, glancing at Riveria. She was skeptical of the notion of Riveria challenging Aimi. Mages weren't supposed to fight at the vanguard!

Riveria leaned down and whispered something in Haruhime's ears. Her fox ears twitched before she nodded, agreeing with every word that came from Riveria.

Riveria put her hands on Haruhime's shoulders. "Shall we?"

"Yes, Riveria-sama."

The fox girl and the high elf princess stood side by side as they faced the endgame boss. Aimi's black suit had no signs of dirt, despite fighting for so long. The rearguard mage Riveria looked haggard in comparison.

Haruhime sprang into action with her daggers and unleashed the special skill. A flurry of slashes came at Aimi. Rather than dodging, Aimi flipped her dagger to a normal grip and blocked the entirety of Haruhime's barrage with one hand.

Haruhime roared and swept her leg in a low kick, trying Aimi's trick against her. It worked as well as you'd expect; her attack was effortlessly evaded.

Aimi's lips curled just enough to qualify as a smile. "If I ever have a child, I want them to be fearless like you."

Haruhime hadn't faltered after seeing Aimi rip apart her comrades. There was no despair on her face, only resolve to fight Aimi. The tenacity impressed Aimi.

Haruhime shook her head. "I don't have the strength to qualify as Aimi Nee-chan's daughter."

Aimi chuckled. "Strength isn't just about brute power, idiot."

She suddenly tilted her head, and an ethereal staff swished past her. She hit the staff with an audible hollow sound and turned around.

"I agree with that," Riveria joined the conversation naturally as if she hadn't tried a sneak attack. "Aimi, does Asahi also tease you like he teases me?"

"He does. It's Asahi-sama's way of expressing affection."

"I see. I feel a little relieved now. Would you mind sharing some experiences with me?"

Riveria suddenly shoved her staff in Aimi's face as though trying to catch Aimi during a moment of recollection. Aimi deflected the staff again without a change in her expression and blocked another attack from Haruhime.

"I see what you are trying to do here," Aimi whispered. "Asahi-sama adores women who will go to any length for him. He loves women becoming yandere for him."


"You don't need to know. You lack the passion to become a yandere."

Riveria's face twitched at the mockery. Her passion was directed towards magic and scholar thesis rather than romance. Then she suddenly remembered the lustful passion Asahi ignited the day she wore her swimsuit. That passion was certainly more impressionable than any other.

Aimi glanced at her wristwatch. "It lasted so long already. Let's end it."

"Defeating you isn't just about my pride anymore. I can't let others down as their captain."

She was going to show her passion in the worst way Aimi could imagine.

Riveria brandished her magic staff like a melee weapon. Thus began the second round of Assassin vs Mage.

Riveria wasn't a fighter, but Falna had enhanced her physical strength with every level up. Being a Level 6, she could rival the strength of an average Level 4 warrior, at least on paper.

In a proper fight with a foe such as Aimi, she was overwhelmed. Aimi's daggers found opening after opening and slashed her face, neck, and arms. Blood flew everywhere as Riveria desperately spun her staff to defend her vitals. The fear of losing and the adrenaline coursing through her veins barely gave her the push needed to perceive Aimi's dagger.

That's where Haruhime came in. The fox girl intervened to stop Aimi from completely overwhelming Riveria. Strangely, Aimi didn't target Haruhime as if she took mercy on Asahi's adopted daughter, or she became fond of Haruhime..

Aimi turned around and gave Haruhime a troubled look. "Will you stop—"

Suddenly, two arms wrapped around her chest, closing her in a vice-like trap. She quickly stabbed Riveria's forearm, twisting the dagger. Blood gushed out uncontrollably, Riveria's face became much paler. The blood loss disoriented her vision.

Riveria gritted her teeth through the pain and unleashed her trump card. An intricate jade magic circle appeared underneath them, swirling with dense magical power.

Aimi's eyes widened as she realized the danger. "You crazy elf."

She tossed her daggers to the side and gripped Riveria's wrist. Bones cracked and shattered, turning into fragments as small as dust. Her inhuman strength crushed her wrist but ultimately failed in their pursuit.

Tears poured out of Riveria's eyes as pain tore her apart. The pain seized her entire body, cutting through her heart. But the high elf refused to loosen her grip around Aimi.

Aimi quickly came up with another solution to dodge the magic. By pushing both of them out of the way.

Just as she stepped forward, a different magic power swelled under them. Haruhime stabbed Riveria's feet with her magic dagger. Ice crystals bloomed and encased their legs.

Aimi's last option vanished just like that.

As the jade magic circle shone brightly, Riveria yelled, "Feel my passion... Rea Laevateinn!"

Flames poured out of the magic circle and engulfed both of them. The flame pillar joined the ceiling and ground for a moment before dissipating.

Asahi quickly teleported to the scene and winced at the aftermath. Riveria's robe was charred, sticking to her burnt skin. No part of her body was untouched by her flames.

She looked miserable, yet her arms continued restricting Aimi as if she would not give up.

Aimi looked unscathed, even if her suit turned into ashes.

"I lost," Aimi whispered. "Asahi-sama, treat her."

Asahi nodded and touched Riveria's cheeks. Life force poured through her. Her bones mended to their right position. The flesh returned to its original color before layers upon layers of cells congealed and covered her body with fair skin.

Aimi freed herself from Riveria's hands before bringing out a blanket to cover her body. Asahi covered Riveria with another cloth and kissed her forehead. She exceeded his expectations, horrifyingly so. The woman was willing to endure so much, even staking her life.

"I wonder where you got this confidence from."

"It's you, Asahi-sama," Aimi answered and eyed Riveria with a soft gaze. "She didn't chant. Was she hiding her fire element all this time?"

She knew about Riveria awakening the wind element, not her fire element.

"Yes." Haruhime answered as she stood beside him and looked at Riveria in awe. "I… did I do the right thing by following her order, Otou-sama?"

Asahi rubbed her fox ears. "What do you think?"

Haruhime heard the celebration shout in the distance. The adventurers from Astraea and Loki Familia hugged each other, hollering Riveria's name for bringing them victory. It was the joy of overcoming hardships.

Folding her arms on her chest, she smiled confidently. "I made the right choice."

The dungeon suddenly rumbled, pouring cold water on their happiness.