CH. 559: Reveal

Now that Asahi pledged to stay out of Medusa's affairs, the adventurers needed to get stronger to combat the Demi Spirits. He already had plans to integrate Loki Familia and Astraea Familia into Fubuki's hero organization like Freya Familia. They would earn more Excelia for simpler tasks, and he'd get free helpers.

It was a win-win situation for both sides.

After the recent battles, however, not everyone would agree with him. Loki had said so herself, and she wasn't going to force anything on her adventurers.

(My love, control their minds to make them agree.)

"I agree with Klyscha, or better use that truth revealing beam to find their secrets and use them to gain their cooperation."

Klyscha and Ddraig pitched extreme ideas that somehow matched his recent villainous streak.

'Girls, I may be a degenerate but mind control is absolutely forbidden.'

(I was kidding. Ddraig wasn't.)

"It doesn't matter if I'm evil or not. My leash is in your hands."

'How cute.'

He didn't need to wait for the adventurers to gather; all of the adventurers who participated in one versus all against Aimi were present in Loki's Familia room, even the trio of Ryuu, Alise, and Kaguya, accompanied by Haruhime. He put on stealth and snuck into the room through the open window.

"We should learn from her," Finn said, pointing at the little fox girl. "She showed the courage of a true adventurer."

Finn felt a strong respect for Haruhime after she showcased her unwavering courage before his dreadful foe.

'It'd be perfect if she was a pallum.'

He could only sigh at his luck.

Tiona patted Haruhime's back. "You are wonderful. It's a shame you and I can't go dungeon hunting everyday. Right, Tione?"

Haruhime's cheeks creased into a warm grin, but her expression quickly faded when she saw the icy, unyielding gaze of Tione. She was standing square and tall, her eyes full of rage and ready to retaliate at anyone who dared to approach her. No one, not even Finn, wanted to get near her right now.

"Finn, you're teaching them wrong," Riveria said after no one pointed the flaw in Finn's logic. "It's better to be a coward than being uselessly brave. Not everyone here wants to become a hero, you know?"

Finn exhaled heavily and rubbed his temples, trying to come up with a counterargument to Riveria's logic, but he was too emotionally and physically drained from his fight with Aimi to put up much of a fight. He could feel his eyelids drooping, and all he wanted was to take a day or two off.

Asahi could see more confidence coming from Riveria, possibly stemming from her victory against all odds. He wanted to run to her and give her a big hug right now.

Riveria suddenly felt a chill and looked around. She rubbed her head when she couldn't find the man who invoked such feelings inside her.

"Am I imagining things…?" she whispered.

Asahi returned outside and knocked on the door. As he entered the room, Riveria glared at him with sharp eyes, realizing that her intuition wasn't hollow.

He waved at her. "Mom, you look radiant today. Wanna go on a date?"

Riveria dropped her head and groaned, her refusal made loud and clear. Asahi shrugged, his brows furrowed with worry as Ais walked up to him and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. She looked up, her gaze unwavering as if willing him to understand her silent plea.

"Aria is fine," he said, giving her head a gentle pat. "I won't let anything happen to her."

"Bring me to her."

"Like I said she is—"

"Bring me."

Ais's stubbornness was on full display. She wasn't willing to take anything except 'yes' as an answer.

"I'm sorry, Ais. I can't help you this time." Asahi sighed, his eyes holding a seriousness Ais had never seen before. He leaned forward, placing gentle but firm hands on her shoulders. "The Dungeon Master forced me to sign a non-interference deal — Aria's life was at stake and I had no choice."

Ais's eyes widened as she gasped. "Mama is in danger."

"Aria is safe as long as her barrier holds back the army of Demi Spirits. When her barrier breaks." Asahi looked from her to others in the room. "It'll be up to everyone to stop the dungeon monsters from reaching the surface."

"Demi Spirits? Those gross tentacle plants?" Tiona made a disgusted face as she recalled her horrible experience with the Demi Spirits. "Most of our weapons are useless against them."

"I'll fix that by working with Fei Fei. You guys just focus on getting your levels up."

Riveria showed a nervous expression. "How much time do we have?"

"I honestly can't guess." Asahi shook his head. Medusa might randomly create a massive threat with her divinity of fertility and Tartarus control over chaos. "Loki and I made some arrangements to give your Excelia rapid growth. I'll take you to a world where you can gain Excelia from performing good deeds. It's up to you if you want to join this mission."

Tiona's eyes widened in excitement, and her lips lifted in a smile. "Take me."

Asahi offered his hand, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Come to my bedroom."

Tiona's face flushed as the implication of his words set in. "I didn't mean it like that," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. She shrugged her shoulders with a mischievous glint in her eye. "But I'd be down if you want it that way."

Asahi laughed at her unexpected willingness, his chuckle rolling through the air. Suddenly, Tione yanked Tiona to her side, her grip tight on Tiona's arm. Her action clearly showed her stance, which was against Asahi.

"I don't like him," Tione whispered. "You shouldn't either."

"What? Why?" Tiona questioned. "You're making no sense."

"Just shut up and listen to me."

Tiona's eyes lit up. "Take me."

Asahi could see the cracks forming in their relationship. Tione hadn't been herself since her confrontation with Aimi, and it looked like she won't be having positive feelings for Asahi any time soon.

'Aimi pissed her off real bad.'

(Aimi just pushed the right buttons.)

Riveria pointed a finger at him, and a breeze flew by. "Is this your home world?"

"Nope." He waved her concerns with a vague answer. "You guys have two days to decide if you want to level up the traditional way or you want to experience something new. Something otherworldly."

He stirred a series of whispers among the adventurers.

"Oh, and don't forget to join Astraea's wedding reception."

Asahi turned to Ais. She looked shaken after imagining different threats Aria endured by her lonesome self. She looked at Asahi and held his hand.

"Onii-san, thank you for everything… I'll come with you." She hugged him from the side. "I love you."

Asahi was frozen. Ais didn't have any sexual intent behind the confession; it was a show of familial love. It still caught him off-guard.

Riveria poked his cheek, giggling at his reaction to Ais' sincere gratitude. "Where is your tongue now, mister smoothtalker?"

"Get away, hag." Ais shot a brutal arrow at Riveria. Her deathly glare was directed to everyone standing close to Asahi. "Leave Onii-san alone."

Maybe, just maybe Ais's affection wasn't completely familial.


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