This Is A Counterattack (3)

Yi Zeyang slowly put down his hand. In the end, he still couldn't bear to let her go. He looked at her trembling with anger and sighed,""Anhao, why did you do this…"

"You only remember to ask why now?"

"Yi Zeyang, why didn't you ask me why I hit you when you grabbed me just now?" Anhao looked at him with a mocking smile. When you wanted to hit me just now, why didn't you ask me why? Don't you think it's too late to ask now?"

Yi Zeyang said seriously," I've been watching you from outside the school until I felt that the situation here was not right, so I came over. But as soon as I came over, I saw you beating people up in such a brutal way. Anhao, you're still a student. Do you want to be sued for your life?""

Of course, Anhao knew how ruthless she was when she hit Han Ru.

If she could, she would have used a thousand times more ruthless methods to beat up the Gu family.