You're Sentimental About This Girl (1)

At night, when Anhao was about to go to Shengling Group, she suddenly received a call from Gu Tianming.

She had been in high school for three years, but she had almost never received a call from Gu Tianming. When Gu Tianming's name appeared on her phone, Anhao stood rooted to the ground for a long time. She did not react for a long time.

Zuo Hancheng had just returned from outside at this time. When he got out of the car, he saw Anhao standing in the square in front of Shengling Group's building, staring blankly at her phone.

Because Qin Feng had received Mobai's calls these past few days, he understood even more that he had to maintain a pure teacher-student relationship with Gu Anhao. Therefore, he had not been particularly active recently. He had almost always come here on time to tutor her.

Therefore, Anhao was ten minutes early today. When she saw Gu Tianming's call, she stood there alone and did not move.