Help Her Bathe (2)

Just as Anhao exhaled, Zuo Hancheng's hand touched her shoulder. She shuddered and turned to glare at him. What are you doing?

"What are you so excited about? Do you think you're in a hot spring and you can come out without taking a bath?"Zuo Hancheng glanced at her indifferently.""Sit still."

Anhao could not see his hand movements because of the thing on her neck. She could only feel the water on his hand sliding over her shoulder. Although it was very comfortable, every time his palm touched her body, she would tremble and feel uncomfortable.

Five minutes later…

"Are you done showering?"

Ten minutes later…

"It should be enough…"

Fifteen minutes later…

After Zuo Hancheng had washed her body thoroughly, he placed his hand on her chest. Anhao shuddered and looked at him."Be more careful with your hands…"